Friday, March 28, 2014

The Stage Is Set For Even More Deception

Picture this: Michelle Obama gets credit for thinning down America due to her media hype efforts, but it’s actually due to the white devils behind the GMO foods atrocities being told to stop fucking with the food so that all of the people they made obese (to kill off with strokes and heart attacks) will go back to their normal weight…Think it can’t happen? You thought the day would never come when some shitworms with no bodies could motivate an empowerment of all of the lesser humans to tamper with your food, water, and atmosphere, too; but it’s been happening right before your very eyes (and behind them, too).
You thought the day would never come when they could pass off mental weakness, greed, gluttony, and self-absorption as “success”, but there’s a Forbes Fortune 500/Passive Terrorist List to prove you wrong there, too. The higher up that list, the more time loops of judgement they owe…Anything above the glutton cap of $420-million is in violation of spiritual law and will net them and their entire bloodlines time loopage as all poor people who ever suffered while they were wealthy, and THEN eternal execution so they never exist to be gluttons who hoarded money to destroy an economy they infiltrated and changed-up to benefit only them when they stole America’s gold and followed up decades later with a terrorist attack on the economy of the world via illegal tax breaks for the wealthiest percentile that crippled the world around them, making them “infected” “plagues” (they still don’t understand that they still owe the Americans retro pay for every ill-gotten penny from those tax breaks, plus 28% interest, just like they’d charge, plus they owe on “spreads” for the banks not being required to pay equal interest rates to what they collect). They created the glutton cap when they changed American dollars to “bearer bonds” that must make “x” amount of pennies per tax quarter or they’ll devalue (instead of having the money being backed by gold, as it was before they got into power).
In addition to their trillions of other time loops they’ll all be required to endure before eternal execution, they all get to be JKF now, too, since they publicly killed him for daring to defy them with his plans for Americans to print their own money and back it with gold again. They weren’t counting on NON-taperable, NON-erase-able spirit memory that caught them, red-handed, in their deeds, thoughts, and agendas…Yes, once they’ve become dangerous to other creations of God, they’re “offenders” who’re monitored; meaning that even their thoughts get recorded and conveyed to the throne room in real time as protective measure to the end time Elect (because those in power are trying to do things improperly instead of according to prophecy, so how can they know what they can get away with, what will work and what won’t, without 1st seeking the counsel of the Earthbound ambassador to God’s and Lucifer’s end time agendas? How can they know that something they’re doing is not counterproductive to Lucifer’s plan and therefore will get them God-smacked the fuck out? How can anyone trust such a bunch of incompetent Neanderthals too fuckin’ simple to just seek out and empower Motuphi, already? like before they blow up the planet or the moon or the sun or something, not afterwards).
So, the shitworm-controlled treasonous traitors in D.C. need to be replaced before the nation can recover because now their agendas are considered by God and Lucifer (whose planet this is) as a threat to the overall benefit of the world, which is more important to them than some nonexistent genocidal elites who got themselves eternally executed for being fucked-up, retarded, shitworm-controlled zombie-slave-clones with power and money (temporal, like 2 hour, power, temporal wealth, not like what they laid-up in escrow when they came to Earth as “humans” they still haven’t lived-up to being so it all got forfeited along with their eternal spirits).
On the bright side, the spirit scan worked wonderfully and all of those people involved in those agendas will have it in their non-tamperable, non-erase-able spirit memories when they die. So they’ll be time looped as all of their victims (even the “ripple effects” victims) and then eternally executed, after their bodies die here on Earth, which is the spirit scan that identified them as “infected contaminants”. When they’re eternally executed, the time-space continuum will make it as though they never existed, at all; which is what the time-space continuum is for (like to undo mistakes like scientists who’ll make harmful discoveries and share them with shitworm-controlled zombie-slave-clones in exchange for funding, for example, and those who’d fund such monstrous agendas, regardless of their reasoning, because madness and retardation are no excuse, there are consequences for interfering with God’s and Lucifer’s spirit scan or causing one of their subjects to endure any undue negativity).
So, nuclear power was never made available to humans, although all who participated in and profited from operating a nuclear power plant will be time looped as all of their victims (all animals and humans negatively effected by any nuclear power plant, even if it wasn’t one that they operated, personally) before they’re eternally executed. This keeps the radiation contamination from ever becoming an issue on the finished product Earth will be that the MEEK do inherit, devoid of all “infected contaminants”.
On this note: You don’t have to know the names of perpetrators to purchase a time loop of judgement with them in it. Simply specify what to look for in spirit memory and the perpetrator will be tagged for you when he or she dies. So, anyone in Congress or D.C. who negatively effected your life here on the spirit scan with a “vote”, a ”law”, or a ”decision” can be duly punished in the time loops of judgement…It’s gonna happen to ‘em anyway, so you may as well get in on the fun and enjoy the benefits of something cross-dimensional that those fat, nasty, treasonous traitors disguised as Americans were too worldly and temporal to consider the reality of (and so they fell for the fantasy that they could get away with what they did with their temporal, little, Earthbound power). Them not believing in it doesn’t save ‘em from it any more than denying gravity is real will save them from falling.
If you have an offense you want to purchase a time loop of judgement for, you can buy it even if you don’t know names. Just know what the offenses are and spirit memory will sift them out and make them available for your time looping pleasure when you and the perpetrator are both dead.
To participate in punishing the massive spirit scan failures, buy a time loop of judgement at and reserve the right to change your loop to a different one should the passage of time make you desire a different loop and set of parameters, like perp and victim loop customization. For example: You may buy an O.J. time loop of judgement with O.J. as a Vick dog, or even as his murder victims, and then decide, later, that you’d rather get a loop of someone who did something that bothered you even worse than O.J.’s subhumanism did, like something that hasn’t happened yet. You can reserve the right to change it out for a different loop if you mention it when you purchase the loop at the site.
The stage is already set for more deception to enter all non-tamperable, non-erase-able spirit memories. So be ready for it in case it happens.

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