Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Chris Rock Is A Racist Nonexistent Little Monster Premonition

Chris Rock’s nigger ass is gonna cry “racism” because Blacks cannot be cast to play white characters in shows…Now THAT’s a racist little nigger, right there, when you want to change the colors of characters just so you can play them. Okay, then that means that anyone in Hollywood who casts for a BLACK part that refuses to hire someone white for those Black parts is racist, right? Oh, yeah. We forgot about the nigger double standard, that you’re allowed to be racist or do any other thing you want in America so long as you’re BLACK, but don’t let a white person dare do what they do or they’re fuckin’ “racist”…
The racist always cries “racism” because they’re the ones who’re racist and are looking for racial shit to cry about. Here’s just another example. Just like those who first cried “racism” about Sterling were exposed as the most racist of all and were not sanctioned for it, exposing the extreme degrees of the double standard, the coddling, and the reverse discrimination that has made it impossible for a Black person to be properly punished for their violent atrocities in that (nigger piss hole) nation because they’re perceived to be too inferior to be held accountable for their actions (obviously: R Kelly, OJ, Kobe, Vick, just to name a few of MILLIONS of examples in America).
Now Chris Rock is Black, American, and racist; so he IS a fucking nigger in every sense of the word. He has no gratitude to the white gods (compared to him) for allowing his headhunter ancestors to work off their debts to society so that he could exist here now. Chris Rock is uneducated about his ancestry (he probably thinks “Roots” is reflective of them), so he does not know that slavery in America began by some BLACK African villagers contracting some white devils to kill the headhunters who’d become a plague on their land because they refused to work and wanted to just pillage the villages of others and take them as slaves, raping the women and killing the babies and children and elders of the tribes (his ancestors STARTED the slavery shit, so they reaped what they sowed, as God promised, even though they were sentenced to death by their peers, the other villagers, who were superior to them).
So, the white devils went to Africa to rescue the decent Blacks from the niggers (who were lazy disgusting headhunters who refused to work their own land and refused to hunt for their own food). But the white devils somehow ended up taking a small group of them as slaves because they became soft-hearted pussies who wanted to give the niggers another chance. So they took them to other countries and sold them off with fierce warnings that, if you let them out of their chains, they’ll become a plague in the land (and refuse to work and they’ll rob, rape, pillage, torture and kill everything in sight, just like they were in Africa and currently ARE in America).
President Monroe sent all headhunter spawn back to Africa that wanted to go. They were taken to Liberia and placed in a city founded by Monroe and named after him (Monrovia). As soon as the headhunters got off of the boat, they went right back to their headhunter ways: raping, pillaging, murdering and enslaving the peaceful villagers who thought they’d gotten rid of the plague demographic…So, yeah, the white devils fucked them decent Black Africans over when they took them headhunters back there and loosed them upon them.
Now, when you see an American Black who’s angry because some Black slaves had to “work” (posting it on his slave made iGadget because he’s a fuckin’ “cracker”, himself), that’s a headhunter descendant and they show that they have no problem with defying God’s orders that all humans must work with their own 2 hands and be productive members of society (or die and be time looped as slaves until God gets His money out of them, because His orders were not to eat if you refuse to work and they’re all eatin’ and not workin’ over there, just look at how many got the time to riot and protest because they don’t have JOBS). It’s like they expect to get a free ride no matter what continent they’re on…headhunter spawn…Bites the hands that feed them: headhunter descendants. Hates the white man who’s responsible for their existences? Yep, headhunter descendants. Calls the white man “cracker” and hates him yet still wants to fuck white pussy? Yep, you guessed it: headhunter descendants…A plague to other Blacks, originally, is how they ended up in America, in the first place. Yet they deny their true history and want to pass the buck of the blame on to others for how the rest of the world must react when they encounter headhunters who wanna take their shit and rape their wives and daughters.
Chris Rock is full of misinformation and no facts about Blacks. The KKK knew what they were and tried to keep people warned about the facts of their origins (they even killed other Blacks for their shit because they’re nothing more than simple lazy fuckin’ headhunters)…Now, who do these African freaks that became slaves in America remind you of? The current Blacks in America (only there’s MILLIONS of them now, all just as dangerous and vile, so vile that they’ll kill you with their bare hands for sport, like Jajuan Whitlow did to Al Potter).
Chris Rock wants to deflect from the fact that all of the mainstream is all but controlled and owned by Blacks now. Very few whites are left in power there or the music would eventually come back that the headhunter spawn killed off with that gangsta nigger rap shit that God and Lucifer will make nonexistent just as soon as we’re done with this spirit scan.
If Chris Rock continues down his racist spiral and continues to embrace an Earth skin color (which is supposed to be temporary) as his eternal identity, then he’ll be time looped as all victims of Black on white and animal violence and then be eternally executed to never exist to be a racist little nigger bitch instead of an upstanding Black MAN who refuses to be baited into race issues.
Grow UP, Chris Rock. You’ve become a stereotypical racist little headhunter spawn, like those welfare cases in Ferguson. You used to be better than that and we all thought that you actually knew your race’s real history is why we thought you were so level-headed. Because, once you know the facts, you can’t help but be grateful for the slavery that the headhunters begrudge so badly (begrudging their own existences because they’re just THAT fuckin’ stupid and weak-minded).
And, once you realize that we’re all just currently mere premonitions of our potential existences (if we graduate the spirit scan), you really cannot carry a grudge when you know that the slave owners will be time looped as their victims and then they’ll be eternally executed to never exist to own slaves (but where does that leave YOU, Chris Rock, if they never exist to own slaves, have you given that any thought? fool).
Yeah. It’d sure be nice to see an American Black famous person NOT saying stupid racial shit, for once. We know that they’ll NEVER rise up to be the white man’s “equal” and actually THANK the white man for the slavery that got them to where they are now (which would heal their races’ ill-perceived “wounds” as they see there was never any reason to hold a grudge and there was only reason to be grateful for the opportunity, considering that their ancestors were supposed to be executed and not allowed to live on any continent, anywhere). If the “crackers” weren’t such soft-hearted pussies back then, we wouldn’t be having these problems, now…There’d be no headhunter spawn to fuck the world up with their whack-assed uneducated influence.
Now, Chris wants HIS influence to be whack and racist and weak-minded (he must like sports and that American mainstream shit they’re calling “music” over there)…
The lack of Motuphi in their airwaves is sure evident, as they’re all becoming as stupid and vacuous as Jay-z and Beyonce and Rihanna and Li’l Wayne and Eminem and 50 Cent and Kanye West and Drake and Miley Cyrus and Nicky Minaj and Diddy and Dr Dre and Snoop dumbass dog and Ghostface Killa (who transformed troops of angels into ghostface killa KILLAs, nigga! to protect God’s white end time Elect, nigga!) and Lady Gaga and Katy Perry and Iggy Azalea and Madonna and all of the rest of the untalented infected contaminates who won’t be allowed to exist now due to their influence and squatting in the mainstream with absolutely no discernible talent nor reason for being in music.
Like, we can tell what Obama listens to and likes by how impressionable HE is (he’d rather be liked by nonexistents than to league with and protect God’s end time Elect who ALL exist beyond this Earth Age)…
Their dumbed-down media (in all forms) has become dangerous to human psyches and you can see the evidence in how they act. Which is why, when they die, they’ll be time looped as all of the ripple effects victims of their influence (like Channon Christian and Hugh Newsom and Al Potter and Autumn Pasquale and Colleen Ritzer and the MILLIONS of gang raped and tortured to death white kids sold to nigger dope-men by white devil dope-hoes and the MILLIONs of animal victims of Blacks, too, let’s not forget THEM, God won’t be) and then they’ll be eternally executed to never exist to commit their offenses that got them punished and deleted from the cosmos. Via the time-space continuum, it’ll be as if they never existed (Christ warned of this and so does the hidden prophecy of Daniel that Motuphi taught to us to properly decipher the scriptures and end time events about to happen). So, God’s gonna punish them and execute them for  offenses that they will never actually really be allowed to commit (they did it here, as mere premonitions of their existences, so they will not be allowed to REALLY exist to commit those offenses in the REAL World aka the New Earth). “The wages of sin is (eternal spiritual) DEATH” - Fact.
Chris needs to ask himself if that’s the fate he wants for himself and HIS mama and bloodline…If not, step the fuck back from all racial issues and let the nonexistent get themselves scanned the fuck OUT. They need no help from you, Chris. They’ll scan themselves the fuck out all on their own, without your influence.
An angry Black man is an uneducated Black man…Fact that cannnot be refuted.
Peep this story of Chris Rock’s race-baiting lies like a little Sharpton wannabe. Looks like Chris is seeing too many mind-molesting mainstream movies and is falling for the subliminal racial hatred they’re feeding into his spirit to get him to act out and get himself time looped and eternally executed right along with them.
Chris, go to an animal shelter or volunteer at a homeless shelter or something positive and real and not stereotypically niggerish…Sitting around being a useless lump watching movies and finding racial shit to say about them does not make you a desirable candidate for the New (real) Earth…If you cause racial tension and violence with your influence, then you and your mama gotta endure it (as those victims) once you die here and then you’ll both be eternally executed to never exist to commit the offense of influencing a nonexistent to victimize the existent. That’s just fact, like your ancestral heritage and why it makes you so quick to jump on the bandwagon with the rest of them (be a leader, not another follower)…
Chris is just afraid he’ll get witch hunted (like Cosby) if he does not display that he’s a racist little subhuman race-baiting nigger bitch like the rest of ‘em in the mainstream.
Remember the “cracker” curses, too…better say “pass the ‘saltines’ please” to keep that up off of you and your mama (American niggers got some mean-assed energy coming at ‘em now for their racist shit and for not showing any remorse for the aforementioned victims of their violence).
And if you’re worried about Hollywood and media issues then you obviously don’t know yet that none of those “people” nor that movie shit will actually exist in the New (real) Earth since it all got used to program “sleeper cells” who afflicted God’s end time Elect and His animals and children…Plus it distracts from the unnecessary suffering and the plight of the millions of animals Americans are euthanizing (animals have non-tamperable non-erase-able spirit memories just like YOU do, Chris, so God’s seeing this shit play out and He does not like it, neither does Lucifer, and you KNOW that Christ is trippin’ about it). 
Yeah, we can count on one hand how many famous people will actually be allowed to exist (cock-blocking Motuphi got them scanned the fuck out as contaminants too infected to be allowed to exist)…Don’t scan yourself out, fool, like they did to themselves (retard).
"When a fool is silent, he appears to be wise." Shut-UP, Chris. Or be cursed, looped, and nonexistent (but you don’t get it both ways).

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