Sunday, December 21, 2014

What God's Amendment Over 2 Dead Cops Will Be

Crickets are chirping where we all should be hearing rebuke spew like puke from the lips of murder orchestrators like Sharpton and Jackson…Yeah, they were precariously quiet after the atrocities against Channon Christian, Hugh Newsom, Al Potter, Autumn Pasquale, and Colleen Ritzer, too…Because the victims were white…And this is “equality” HOW, again?
Al Potter’s death should especially interest all of the fools who dare to think that Michael Brown was “unarmed”. Al Potter was killed by an “unarmed” nigger, for “sport”, because he was white, in a HOSPITAL! Jajuan (stupid name-havin’) Whitlow murdered Al Potter by slamming his face into the concrete floor until Al’s face was completely smashed in. Al Potter was a kindly old white man…an easy kill by a subhuman coward under much the same influence that recently got 2 NY cops murdered by another coward under whack influence.
The bottom line that separates the recent murders of the NY cops from the just kills of the resisting perpetrators is this simple fact that all intelligent people should be counter-protesting: Had they simply complied, they would not have died!
Had they just complied, they would not have died!
Had they just complied, they would not have died!
Had they just complied, they would not have died!
All protestors who were savagely calling for police officer blood with their infantile demands for a “softer” (effeminate) arm of the law when dealing with Black violent perpetrators should now be required by law to have that saying tattooed across their foreheads in respect to the memory of the good cops who just lost their lives due to the influence of their witch hunts disguised as “protests”…They knew what they were doing, don’t act like they did not know that they were inciting to riot and murder cops…It’s what they were out for, all along: dead cops…Decency would call for a reward for good cop work…
The only protest-able deadly police encounter was the death of that little Black kid with the pellet gun who got told by BLACK people to  act like he was going to shoot the cops when they got there and then they went and called the cops and got in position to film that little kid get killed (remember that Black people set that up to make a video, they sacrificed that Black kid for a video). Black people gave that kid his pellet gun after removing the orange end that identifies it as a toy. Black people made the call. Black people sat in waiting with their camera (or iPhone) to film it when it happened…Remember where the bloody hands are in THAT situation.
They’ve been pulling this shit on American Black retards ever since the 1960s, when they got the welfare demographic to line-up for a “census” with their million welfare case march on Washington….Add to that: Rosa Parks, a criminal who got so many young Blacks sold into the system with her example that you should break any laws you do not agree with if you’re Black (they called this shitty example of subhumanism a fuckin’ “hero”!..dropping that bar mighty low)…then Rodney King, who would’ve had Black people beatin’ his ass down right along with the police had he been white, because of all of the Black kids in the ‘hood he endangered with his drugged-out drunken police chase (how convenient that his beat-down was filmed and that this proper perspective of how to look at it was deflected from with racial issues).
Now, you can bet that the spirits of those 2 martyred cops have been reanimated and loosed back into the inter-dimensional cosmos to get revenge upon all who influenced that retarded little nigger to kill them…That’d include protestors, “reverends”, “leaders”, the mainstream media, rappers, sports figures, and everyone else who participated in the programming of the zombie-slave-clone “sleeper cell” who murdered them (and their collective bloodlines). Plus, the time loops of judgement that they all must endure (after they die) AS those cops being murdered (in addition to the other time loops that they’re committed to) before they’re eternally executed to never exist (via the time-space continuum) to perpetuate their crimes of “murder by influence”. So, those cops will never be murdered and the protestors will never wrongfully call for their blood in the streets. It’s actually already decreed and already so, in the future, after this spirit scan is completed (when there are no more mere premonitions of potential existences still alive to fuck shit up).
So, do the nonexistent, who’re due to be time looped as those cops when they die, understand that the killings of the cops were murder and terrorism and totally different from the deaths that they were killed in retaliation for? It’s unlikely. They probably do not understand this one major protest-able point regarding those that they protested over:
Had they complied, they would not have died!
Someone needs to put THAT on a T-shirt and sell it. A voice of reason in the American madness.
A militarized criminal element requires a militarized police force and a strong-arm approach to potential threats…It’s a sad fact that you cannot blame on the police…They’d all rather have cushier jobs where the citizens are law-abiding and not carrying AKs and Tech-9s, yet the Black Americans refuse to be that demographic of citizens that the police can lightly deal with…They require brute force because they’re fuckin’ monstrous and brutish.
50 years ago, they wanted the same things: coddling and double standards in favor of the worst demographic of Black people…They got what they asked for and then the decent hardworking, taxpaying Blacks (who were already equal to the whites) became victimized by the criminal Blacks who picketed and rioted for the coddling that they were indulging in (laying around on welfare, robbing, raping, pillaging and murdering the working class Blacks who were unfortunate enough to be stuck in the same ‘hoods as them)…Those days are about to replay, as the criminals that the police start turning a blind eye to begin to regularly get away with preying upon the very same fools who were in the streets protesting for that lack of law enforcement that got them endangered…
It’s the 1960s, all over again, only worse: the welfare demographic speaking on behalf of those who’re too busy being productive and valuable (working their jobs) to protest and tell them to shut the fuck UP already and go home and get some educations and jobs and stop being as stupid as Sharpton about everything, seeing everything from his racist little tiny nigger perspective (that’s the tiniest nigger who ever lived, he’s so little and racist and tiny and little and racist and nothing else, not even one redeemable quality or character trait, not one!).
Had they just complied, they would not have died!
It’s just that simple and nothing else is debatable…Not race, not cops, not level of force…Obama had Sharpton tell you all to “Look over there!”” and you all did it…Dumbasses…While he had you distracted, he was busy, busy, busy! You’re not smart enough to protest over THAT shit, though…So, line-up, little sheeple, and follow your dictator’s orders and misguidance to one of your friendly neighborhood multi-coffins or FEMA camps near you! You never noticed that he had them shut-down all of the protests that he did not want you all engaged in within weeks, yet he allowed this batch of cop witch hunts disguised as “protests” to carry-on for months? If you check, you might find that he even used your taxpayer dollars to pay Sharpton and a huge batch of those welfare cases, criminals and zombie-slave-clones disguised as “protesters” to cause social unrest (remember the Martial Law he can enact if you all become perceived as a “threat” to law enforcement, which is what he’s pushing for).
Voice of reason dictates:
Had they just complied, they would not have died!
Had they just complied, they would not have died!
Had they just complied, they would not have died!
Had they just complied, they would not have died!
Had they just complied, they would not have died!
Had they just complied, they would not have died!
Had they just complied, they would not have died!
Had they just complied, they would not have died!
Now what kind of retarded logic can argue with that?

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