Monday, February 16, 2015

American Gov Funded Terrorism Is Obvious & Easy To Spot


Okay. Everyone already knows that all terrorist groups like ISIS, Boko Haram and Al Qaeda are formed, armed and funded by American terrorists posing as their government and stealing their tax dollars to fund their atrocities they play out with their “chess pieces” (the monsters they arm and fund).
American funded terrorism is always easy to spot because it’s so obvious it’s the Americans doing it by the “targets”, like freedom of speech events, for example. When a REAL Muslim/Islamic infidel terrorist group goes to strike, you’ll know it because they’ll strike right at the heart of the American terrorists funding terrorism by attacking the things that they love best, like sports events and rap concerts.
If there were any REAL terrorist threats that the government does not control, it would not be safe to attend football and basketball games or Kanye, Jay-z, Beyonce, Miley Cyrus, Nicki Minaj, Chris Brown, Eminem, Li’l Wayne, 50 Cent, Missy Elliot, Lady Gaga, Katy Perry, Kesha, Madonna, Iggy Azalea, and Rihanna concerts because they all program the mentality that the terrorists hate (the American greed, gluttony, materialism, sexualism, self-absorption, self-worship, godlessness, uselessness, and blatant willful disregard for all other, more important entities)….
Just a few facts about terrorism you all should know…
As long as terrorism is being controlled from Washington D.C., you’ll be safe at sports events and concerts that program people to be something that nobody with any intelligence or godliness can stand to see, hear, or interact with. REAL terrorists would go after the Christians LAST, with all of the evil targets showing up at awards shows, games and concerts…c’MONNNNN! WAKE UP! The “terrorsim” you’ve been seeing lately (the attacks on Christians, little kids, villagers, working class, etc) is all staged and funded by terrorists posing as American government! The REAL evil (culprits) that any real terrorist would want to attack is at the places that have been safe all of this time…Churches and normal people would be LAST on the terrorists’ list (if they even went after them, at all, which they probably would NOT).
The “terrorists” you see on the news are simply hired militants who were too lazy to work with their own 2 hands and they are inferior to all other humans who do not want to shed blood or rape babies or associate God/Allah and Muhammad (the false “prophet”) to atrocities. They are NOT “warriors” for Allah. They are COWARDS! They are too afraid to obey God/Allah regarding what they should be doing with their time on Earth like working with their own 2 hands and positively effecting the world and all peoples around them, as Allah commanded them to do before Muhammad (the molested male prostitute who pretended to be a “prophet”) spit upon Allah and called Him a “liar” and His Son a “liar” (and His sacrificial blood “valueless”) and then put it in a book (the Q’uran or Koran) so evil that not even Satan would take credit for it because Satan would never call Allah a “liar” (like Muhammad did) and deny His Son, Jesus Christ/Joshua.
When you see ISIS collapsing cities and raping and killing Christians, that’s all on order from Washington D.C. and nowhere else. Understand what you’re looking at and what Obama and his white devil masters (whose cocks he chugs) have been up to. They will be time looped as all victims of Muslim/Islamic infidels as far back as Muhammad the very first infidel, as spoken by Allah, and then they will be eternally executed to never exist to be “terrorists”. They signed on for the same wages of sin (which is eternal spiritual death on a level that makes them never exist on this planet, at all, ever).
So, the terrorists in D.C. and their funded nation-crumbling militants disguised as Muslim/Islamic infidel “terrorists” will be time looped and then cease to exist and be as if they never existed, just as Jesus Christ/Joshua (the SON of God/Allah) warned, and it is easily decipherable using the hidden prophecy of Daniel that was NOT entrusted to Muhammad because he was NOT a real prophet sent from Allah. Actually Muhammad arrived on Earth during an era when Jesus Christ/Joshua (the SON of God/Allah) warned that there would be NO prophets sent by God/Allah (that’s why Muhammad needed to disqualify Christ, so he could impersonate a prophet). The hidden prophecy of Daniel was entrusted to only Motuphi, the first and ONLY prophet sent by God/Allah since the murder of John the Baptist…Liberating FACTS that will be disclosed when God, Christ and Lucifer destroy this planet to end the spirit scan and then the spirits of the offending Muslim/Islamic infidels are (2 dimensions “out”) in the time loops of judgement while the real version of this planet is being enjoyed by those who accepted the truth about Jesus Christ/Joshua being the SON of God/Allah…They (the Muslim/Islamic infidels, terrorists, and those who enabled them) will be begging for mercy that will not be afforded them, just like their victims on this simulation while they were merely premonitions of their potential existences being scanned for existence viability (which they failed, miserably).
Your eyes are open to this or you do not exist…you choose.

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