Sunday, February 1, 2015

"DeflateGate" Psy-Ops Retardation

If you’re weak-minded enough to be entertained by football then, yes, you’d believe the phrase “unfair advantage”, even though it’s an impossibility due to the fact that both teams are handling the same balls in play…The (ahem) “advantage” is experienced by all who handle the ball…duh…fuckin’ dumb-asses…
It’s not even science, it’s just common sense and simple logic!
Can you believe that adult “professionals” who are supposed to deliver the “news” actually lowered themselves to that level of childish sensationalism and propaganda? They’d be too retarded to be embarrassed about it…”and neither can they blush”…like they never blushed about the Sterling-Magic-Shaq double standard that still stands as a towering tribute to Black racial weakness in America to this day.
This level of weak-mindedness never makes it past this spirit scan…So, via future eternal execution of their spirits (combined with the time-space continuum), they do not exist. But, first, they’ll be time looped as their victims and ripple effects victims (the “circles of Hell” are actually time loops).

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