Friday, February 6, 2015

CA Closes Record Amount Of Schools, Loses Fed Dollars!

The future headlines about California will read something like the title of this post (CA Closes Record Amount Of Schools, Loses Fed Dollars) due to their lawmakers being minions of insurance and pharmaceutical companies that want to poison children with tainted measles “vaccines”.
Remember that the pharmaceutical and insurance companies are the benefiting culprits behind such terrorist attacks as ObamaCare and that they are in collusion with the banks who were the benefiting culprits behind the Bush era terrorist attacks like 9/11 and (even more devastating on a larger scale, with MILLIONS of victims, and ongoing for YEARS were) the illegal tax breaks for the wealthiest percentile. It only stands to reason that, if they’d blatantly and openly cause more than 48-MILLION American families to become homeless and permanently poverty stricken (causing millions of animals to be euthanized in animal shelters), then they’d have no qualms about poisoning those children that they had no problem attacking before. They own the media (all of it, yes even the “news”) and can utilize them to sway public opinion of the sheeple who’ll put their own children through their fires with minimal external motivation (even the inserts warn that the vaccines contain POISON, dumb-fucks).
Motuphi got fucked over by the government and used that authority over them (for daring to hurt or hinder one of God’s end time Elect) to enact superseding laws and executive orders over them that automatically cause them to defy themselves with diminished capacity about what they should do in any given situation…This even effects their super computers and other “oracles”, to cause misinformation to flow from them…Plus, the spirit of exposure that Motuphi empowered over those who are now indebted to him for drawing “first blood”…They fail to offer proper respect by giving the tribute Motuphi requires of them: (which is) his driver’s license restored, the $22-million that Michigan owes him ($1-million for every year that passed since he did what was required to restore his license and the DLAD refuse to restore it) and a fat-bootied Federal agent to be his dick slave to finally be a government official who actually is earning her paycheck because she’s doing ass-to-mouth on him 5 times per day…By failing to offer that tribute and due respect to Motuphi (ambassador to God, Christ and Lucifer and their conjoined end time agendas), they afflict, attack and expose themselves and it stays on automatic pilot (constantly ongoing) as long as they’re in default.
People are tired of being human science experiments. They know that they have grounds to sue the American “government” for the “vaccines” injections of the 1960s that infected them all with Chicken Pox (made in a lab and introduced into the population via “vaccinations”). Now, many of those people suffer from “Shingles” outbreaks in their later years. In the time loops of judgement (coming soon as the Earth is destroyed) all of those monster premonitions who wanted children poisoned with “vaccines” will be time looped as every victim of this secret science experimentation on unwitting people. Then, once they have served in the time loops as all of their victims, they’ll be eternally executed to never exist (via the time-space continuum) and they won’t exist to impose a poisonous “vaccination” regimen on people. In the meantime, people are taking their kids out of California schools ahead of time, “just in case” the terrorists disguised as California “lawmakers” make it “law” that parents must poison their kids with laced “vaccinations” to attend schools. Some California parents are already investigation relocation options, as they see that California is starting to become the “testing” field where everything evil is done to the people there, first, before being introduced to the rest of the nation. California is becoming a weak treasonous traitor state: Every time the treasonous traitors and terrorists posing as “government” want to do something evil to the Americans, they go to California with the idea, first, because they know that California wants to be the first to impose it upon their own population (“We’ll be Hitlers, first, then you follow us”)…no shame havin’…”and neither can they blush”…because they’re too inferior and weak-minded to even “see” it.
A warning to California treasonous traitors and terrorists posing as “lawmakers” (but who are really just bought whores by the banks, pharmaceutical and insurance companies) would be to be careful what you wish for (or you’ll drive your tax base away like the foolish, city-raping nigger mayors did to Detroit)…That, and: God’s got His veto pen ready and He’s itching to use it (so keep up your assaults on the little children, you monstrous pedophiles). When you aim to poison God’s children, He aims to whoop your white devil asses (and He has the means to do it).
You now can no longer trust anybody in the media or the American government…They’ve all gone treasonous traitor…They want to criminalize people for refusing to poison their kids just to create more money for the treasonous traitors and terrorists who own the pharmaceutical (“sorceries of man”) and insurance companies…They’ve turned on you, the average American taxpaying parent…If they’re on TV or the radio, they cannot be trusted (that’s why you can’t find Motuphi there…he won’t run with them because they’re betraying their fans). It’s either willful betrayal or willful ignorance. Either way is just as deadly and dangerous to you…It’s now time for all of those (untrustworthy) “stars” to just fall from the sky…fuckin’ pedophiles turned child killers (it wasn’t enough to sexualize them and fuck them and steal their innocence; not when they can follow-up by killing them).
Another thing you probably do not know: If a kid caught the measles after being vaccinated (immunized), then that would mean that either the vaccine is ineffective (it does not work) or that it’s NOT the “measles” at all that the kid is sick with, but rather a bio-weapon designed by the government to create the pandemic Psy-Ops to force public opinion to accept legalization of poisoning children under the guise of “immunizations”…This tactic is more than 100 years old. It’s how they illegally made marijuana illegal so they could force market oil, tobacco, alcohol, and pharmaceuticals (“sorceries of man”)…Yep, doing it again…But people are not falling for it so easily with that spiritual opposition from Motuphi out there “awakening” the public and “exposing” their lies at every turn.
So, California dares strike children yet again?…As if the ongoing pedophilia and animal cruelty they program the masses to is not enough…okay…Good riddance, huh? God’s got somethin’ up HIS sleeves, too…
What was the warning about the “little ones”, again? Warnings don’t work with fools…Neither do a thousand stripes, obviously.


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