Friday, April 24, 2015

50 Cent Gay In Time Loops

Yep. In addition to being time looped as slaves (to pay back the mechanism for his ill-gotten gain as a thug and no-talent squatter in the mainstream) and all victims of any crimes committed by those influenced by him and his ahem “music”, 50 (stupid name havin’) Cent will also be time looped as gays who were oppressed or otherwise negatively effected by others (including those murdered and tortured)…50 Cent abides by that whack double standard that allows him to be okay with being a homophobe as a free man and fucking the white asses of fuckboys when locked down; a double standard passed down to him via inferior raising (from an inferior mama and absentee sperm donor/monkey/dog/ghetto-fabulous POS) and the American MSM…oh, and the American government that fails to charge him for admitting online that he put out a violent hit on gay people (who are superior to him and his nasty Black-faced Caucasianist “homies”, who will also be time looped with their nasty ghetto-fabulous dope-man dick-chugging welfare case mamas as all of their victims and all victims of Black violence, yes even the animals)…
50 (dumb-ass) Cent should be charged for hate crimes. But he’s American and Black and therefore the bar is set really really LOW for him (a white dude would already be in prison and referred to as a terrorist for less). The Americans are afraid to charge niggers with their crimes because it’s politically incorrect to expect them to actually BE “equal” (as if to say “Just CALL us equal but do not expect us to abide by the parameters of equality by rising up to the responsibilities of equality”). But he’ll be in the time loops raping his own mama, soon enough…Motuphi promised to make him be Lemaricus Davidson raping his mama (while her spirit is) in Channon Christian for 500 quadrillion millenia once we get out of this simulation mechanism, and then Motuphi is gonna shove 50 Cent into Hugh Newsom and rape him a few quadrillion millenia before shoving him into Channon Christian and avenging her by raping him (as her) while in Lemaricus Davidson’s body…Motuphi already has 50′s nasty mama in the time loops, repaying the mechanism for her son’s ill-gotten gain and whack subhuman nigger influence.
Plus, since 50 Cent cock-blocked Motuphi and dumbed down music fans so badly that Motuphi doesn’t even want them as fans, Motuphi has promised to personally oversee 50’s repayment of the mechanism as slaves (Motuphi explained 50’s future when he dies: “He’ll be time looped as slaves and victims of gangstas, even the dogs who had to fight to their deaths. But I’m personally gonna put him in some female slaves and be a raping cracker for a few hundred quadrillion millenia, get my money back from his bitch ass and get God’s and Satan’s revenge on his nasty ass for participating in spoiling the human crop by making them so stupid it would’ve been like pedophilia to have sex with them, which caused the necessity to destroy the planet for lack of a harvest…Then, I’m gonna do it to his mama for the offense of spawning that little headhunter descendant to think he was too special to get an education and a job and be my equal and stay out of music until he has some talent and intelligence to share, just like the rest of the gangstas…I’m the only gangsta, so far, who graduates this simulation. I’m even gonna loop and eternally execute my dead distant cousin, Al Capone, the REAL one, not that poser rapper, for making Italians look like inferior deadbeats who’re too weak-minded and lazy to get educations and jobs, to avenge my grandfather who was a hard worker and superior to all gangstas who could never be his equal even if you combined all of them into one man…I’ll be raping Capone as those slaves, too; make him wish he’d obeyed GOD and got his ass an education and a job and worked with his own 2 hands like the rest of us who graduate from here…50 and Capone and the rest of ‘em do not have a clue or they’d be trying to offer me tribute to attain some mercy when we get out of here for their offenses of refusing to be my equal in my mechanism, on MY turf, which is all of Earth. Now stop asking me about the nonexistent. Once they’re time looped and eternally executed, they’ll be as if they never existed and their music never got recorded and the mechanism got restored to what it was before they contaminated it with their subhumanism and lesserism…I’m also gonna time loop any women who rewarded them with sex as all victims of rape for the offense of rewarding those bad dogs for bad behavior…It’s in their non-tamperable non-erase-able spirit memory, even their thoughts. My job is to purify the cosmos of those thoughts and what happened as a result of them, by any means necessary; which explains the crashing point coming soon, a mass mercy killing, due to the influence of whack nonexistents like 50 and the nonexistent "rappers” who empowered him…When I’m done here, rap never happened, it’s just that simple, they will not ever have existed, not even one gangsta rapper: nobody who did not have the talent to play their own music will be shitting upon the hard work of others with their whack retarded ghetto-fabulous talking over good music done by those that no rapper could ever be equal to…That was something that only occurred here in this simulation, as you’ll see when you get to the REAL Earth if you graduate this simulation, which they will not be…They’re in violation of the contract they agreed to when they came here as humans. The fact that their flesh-peddling ghetto-fabulous dope-man dick-chugging gold-digging mothers sabotaged their spirits and Earth existences by spawning them to their ghetto poor existences just to get a welfare check is no excuse for their own behavior. They could’ve gotten smart enough to hate their mamas and the famous black-faced caucasiansists they followed, but instead, they believed their lies…not God’s fault, it’s their own…now, it’s slave time for ALL of them and their monster spawning mamas").
Yeah, twitter shows how much of a twit you are…


The rapper was slammed after he tweeted: “Perez Hilton calld me douchebag so I had my homie shoot up a gay wedding. wasnt his but still made me feel better.” He was also called particularly insensitive when he tweeted: “If you a man and your over 25 and you don’t eat pu**y just kill your self damn it. The world will be a better place. Lol”
What a loser! Women who give him sex deserve their time loops and nonexistence. Motuphi was a god compared to all of those rappers, combined; but he’d never touch a common woman and to wanna fuck a black rapper or sports figure is all too common, now. So, good riddance, pussy nobody wants now…Join the subhuman inferiors you fucked in the time loops as their victims and the victims of their influence. There are no “hoes” graduating and to fuck a subhuman who thinks of you as a “ho” simply because his mama was a “ho” diminishes you to “ho” status…When you fuck something lesser than you then you become lesser, too. Don’t desire a REAL man after defiling yourself with an inferior weak-minded nonexistent like 50 Cent or any other rapper because you’re not gonna get it after that display of lack of respect for yourself…
If a man does not work with his own two hands for what he has, he is inferior and not equal to all men who do work with their own two hands…wealth has nothing to do with it…wealth does not do away with that simple parameter for graduation from the mechanism. So, those rich guys you wanna fuck are all inferior to the guys you turn your noses up at and you’ll be time looped with those non-graduates when you die here (stupid hoes), which is what you deserve for being undesirable to all superior men who’ll be graduating from here.

just another loop for 50 to endure, along with all other Blacks who have double standard mentality and all those who participated in keeping these Black on White atrocities hidden in America for so long, like the little 9-11 year old white girls sold by their dope-fiend white devil mamas to full grown Black (ahem) “men” in the ghetto in exchange for dope who then brutally gang raped those children (’for racial reparations, nigga”) and then made them suck dogs’ dicks for dope and then tortured them to death for “sport” before discarding of them like they were garbage…yeah, that kinda stuff awaits them and 50 and his mama and his kids and the women who fucked him and same goes for all other famous Blacks who did not side with Cosby against the blatant subhuman niggerism being passed off as Black “culture”…their “influence” will be undone, and so will the atrocities committed under it, by any means necessary…nigga

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