Friday, April 24, 2015

Chris Rock: Black-faced Caucasianist In Plain Sight

Bill Cosby was not a Caucasianist, which is why he tried to encourage American Blacks to start actually being equal in reality instead of just in word. Chris Rock, on the other hand, is a black-faced Caucasianist. How do you spot a black-faced Caucasianist? It’s easy: If they’re influential, Black, and they stir up racial shit like Chris Rock keeps doing, then they are Caucasianists. If they encourage the mentality that Blacks should not get educations and jobs and be equal to their white taxpaying peers, like Martin Luther King Jr did (who was putting “hits” out on hardworking Blacks with his words and influence), then they are Black-faced Caucasianists. If they want Blacks to be in positions that they did not prepare for with education and hard work, then they are black-faced Caucasianists.
Most black-faced Caucasianists are descendants of the headhunters who became slaves in America. The Black African villagers of the era (who were the government of the continent back then) contracted some white devils to eradicate the human-shaped plague that the headhunters had become. But the white devils were too soft-hearted and greedy to do what they were paid to do and they sold the headhunters to people as slaves. Some, like the Americans, were warned that the headhunters were a plague and should never be freed from their chains. Later, Lincoln tried to use the slaves as a terrorist attack upon the states who would not sell-out to the terrorists who infiltrated the government back then and are still in power to this day. Monroe sent some of them back to Liberia to a place called “Monrovia” (named after him, no doubt). Immediately after getting off of the boats, those once enslaved headhunters went right back to being human-shaped plagues; raping and pillaging and murdering and enslaving the good hard-working Blacks of the area. Monroe injected the human-shaped plague back into Africa that later required an Ebola pandemic to wipe-out, which wiped-out too many of the decent hardworking Blacks in Africa.
Malcolm x and Martin Luther King Jr were Black-faced Caucasianists who riled-up the welfare and gangsta demographics (the useless Black dregs of society) and geeked them up to want more for less: Their “messages” summed-up to mean “Be less valuable to society while demanding more. Be inferior to the white man while demanding to be called ‘equal’. Go after all good Black families, like the Cosbys, for daring to rise up to be equals to the white man”…Suddenly, you could tell when you entered a Black ghetto in America (it wasn’t like that, before, because they took care of their schools and 'hoods and you’d never call it the “ghetto” back then).
Chris Rock does not know that factual history about Blacks and slavery or the “civil rights movement” Psy-Op that was nothing more than a gangsta-enabler movement that belittled the educated hardworking Blacks in all eyes from that time onward.
Chris Rock does not understand the problem with putting people in positions based on skin color instead of merit; as if he learned nothing from the Detroit mayors ghettofying and methodically raping the city of all of its wealth and resources, or the New Orleans mayor pilfering the levy maintenance fund resulting in the Katrina flood, or Kym Worthy allowing rapes to be perpetuated while refusing to charge Black rapists and Black guards and government officials who rape white juvenile wards of the state (something that Tamara Greene was about to expose when she was gunned down by a government spook in a drive-by), or (best example yet) Obama…We won’t even touch on what Blacks have done to music in America because Rock is probably a fan of the shit (judging by how stupid and racist he is) and would not even be able to “see” it (like a Jay-z or Kanye fan, just oblivious).
Imagine if Chris Rock knew of the reason planes mysteriously fell from the sky for more than a decade due to giving Blacks jobs they were not qualified for based on their skin color:
For those who do not know, Motuphi’s grandfather lived in Detroit and owned a grinding shop just north of the city. His shop handled all aeronautical grinding because he was a stickler for quality control and it’s important when flying that your plane be made of quality parts. Well, along came “Affirmative Action” and suddenly he has to hire “x amount of Blacks” on his workforce to comply. The two Blacks he hired knew that they got the jobs based on their skin color and not based on their education or skills and so they had a very poor work ethic (they didn’t give a fuck). They did not go to school for those jobs, like the white grinders had to do. They had no clue what they were doing. They drank 40s on lunches and breaks and went back in to grind away at precision parts that would later hold peoples’ lives in the air. They eventually scrapped-out more than $2-million worth of aluminum parts IN ONE DAY and Motuphi’s grandfather could not cover the losses and went out of business within a month or two. The competitor who took over those aeronautical contracts did not have the same sense of pride about the craft that Motuphi’s Italian immigrant grandfather had, and those Affirmative Action capitalizing on niggers went and got jobs at that “hack” shop (right in the same area) and, within a few years, planes started mysteriously falling from the sky due to “mechanical failure”…Sometimes, it still happens, if it’s an old plane made from those parts from those deadbeat niggers who got jobs they refused to do properly simply because they knew they couldn’t get fired because they got the jobs based on some whack perception that people can be equal to others simply by calling them “equal” without first requiring that they live up to the responsibilities of said “equality” (which, in this case, would’ve required 3 years of schooling, MINIMUM, like the whiteboys on those other machines had to get, to be trusted with peoples’ lives like that)…
Planes falling from the sky…People dying in flight…All due to giving someone undue regard and benefits based on their skin color…This is Chris Rock’s idea of a perfect world…He’s so pathetically stupid and ignorant and inferior to all others who can “see” it…
Now you know that nobody who protests about dead thugs who refused to comply with the law will ever be mentally equal enough to us to “get it”, so Chris Rock is (mentally) right there with all those welfare cases we keep seeing on the news protesting about dead thugs (but failed to protest about that Black vet being gunned down in his own home in the middle of the night because he was not a thug).
Chris Rock is a Black-faced Caucasianist. He and anyone else who’s Black and has influence who spouts off about Black shit while American Blacks are too weak-minded to “see” themselves or how they look to the intelligent demographics. Remember: They recently thought they had a right to be pissed at Sterling while ignoring Magic and Shaq racism and bigotry, exposing how many of them are dumbed down to this double standard based on race…Chris Rock helps perpetuate this level of retardation being passed-off as “equal” to intelligence…
Detroit…New Orleans/Katrina…Rape…Falling Planes…“equality”? Well, the planes stayed in the sky when people were required to get educations for the positions instead of just having Black skin, which is evidence to the contrary. Shaq can publicly make fun of other races and handicapped fans and that’s supposed to be given a pass because the bar is set so low for Shaq to apply that dirty little word (equal) to him that he does not deserve. But Sterling is required to abide by a higher standard, in PRIVATE, than Shaq, as if to say that white people are capable of god-like mental feats compared to blacks…If anyone Black besides Cosby could see this, they’d be our equal, mentally; not inferior to us (like Chris Rock).
Sad, the time loops in store for Rock and his mama. He’ll wish he hadn’t been so stupid and mouthy within mere moments of expiring here…he’ll see (non-tamperable non-erase-able spirit memory that records all, even thoughts).

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