Saturday, April 25, 2015

Will Lynch Join Leonhart In The Time Loops When She Dies?

Will newly appointed Attorney General Loretta Lynch join Michele Leonhart in the time loops of judgement when she dies? Will Lynch allow an abuse of power to cause her to be committed to time loops as victims of her decisions and then eternal execution, like Leonhart did?
We all know the consequences for defying God’s will on marijuana while pushing the sorceries of man (pharmaceuticals) and that, due to those parameters, Leonhart does not exist and will not graduate from this simulation to the real version of Earth. When Leonhart dies here, much like her DEA agents and all others who allowed dope into America while illegally making marijuana illegal (for white devils, mind you), she will be time looped as all victims of drug cartels and terrorism and gang violence and dealers and junkies (including animals). We bought some time loops of her as that mayor in Mexico who was tortured to death for defying the cartels and as a few of the children who were gang raped and tortured to death, too. It’s worth every penny of that temporal fairy token money becoming more valueless by the day (due to curses on them, like the one for illegally making marijuana illegal, which is a compound combination curse batch that sabotages all governmental agendas until it’s made right and accrues a “debt”, at a rate of $900,000 per penny and molecule of all negatively effected compounded by the second that passes, to be paid back in time loops of judgement as slaves when they die).
If Lynch were smart, she’d understand that the treasonous traitors and terrorists posing as the government since the Lincoln era never had the constitutional right to make marijuana illegal and she’d start abiding by the oath she swore to the people and begin enforcing laws within her own corrupt system, which would make marijuana legal again, before wielding any more treasonous traitor terrorist power over the Americans (like the white devils have illegally been doing for more than a century). The first law she’d need to fix is the law regarding marijuana…Holder was either too much of a pussy, or an uncle tom, or just a Black-faced Caucasianist treasonous traitor terrorist, like everyone else in (the Queen’s) D.C., to address the illegalities of a law that makes marijuana illegal simply so some white devils and fake Jews can peddle their dope and not have any competition against their illegal “products”.
Wouldn’t it be a refreshing change? To see someone in the Queen’s D.C. actually NOT be a treasonous traitor terrorist Caucasianist sell-out and DO their JOB already and fix the broken marijuana laws? We know that they downright own Obama like a slave and ran up a debt they’ll pay in the time loops as slaves at a rate of $900,000 per penny…Yep, them expensive golf outings while the Americans starved will be payed for with the sweat of Obama’s and his white devil massa’s brows when they die here…They do not graduate from this simulation…They owe too much to the mechanism and cause too much victimization they must be time looped to endure when they die. Obama has hundreds of years of victimization to endure for being a Muslim Islamic infidel (all victims of Muhammad’s whack influence), in addition to the slave loops and the other loops for all the suffering that happened due to him being in power (yep, even the animals that suffered, he gonna BE them before he gets eternally executed to never exist here to contaminate the mechanism with his gross infections). Whatever they laid in escrow when they entered this simulation will be disbursed to those who graduate from this simulation, as per “The wealth of the wicked is laid up for the just”…nigga (put that there so Obama can dig on it if he’s smart enough to read anything besides a golf score card)…Picture Obama and his white devil massas in those golf balls he hits around the golf course, because that’s one of the things Motuphi put an executive order in for when Obama dared to become a mass mugging bitch who enacted penalties for not buying a brick-in-a-box disguised as “insurance” for his white devil massas while Americans like Motuphi were hungry and did not have medication because they illegally made it illegal and therefore it was not covered by insurance…
Marijuana, the only proven cure for cancer and effective preventative medicine against cancer and bi-polar onsets and depression and high blood pressure and muscular sclerosis, is illegally illegal in America, all for some white devils who can not even show any shame or remorse for the suffering they cause with their greed, gluttony and power drunkenness (“and neither can they blush”)…People are dying of cancer because these white devils will not make marijuana legal so people can fight against the effects of the poison vaccines and GMO foods. The nation needs a person in power who’s BLACK enough to not want to stand for this white devilism any longer…Holder and Obama got bought by the white man and abuse power for his bidding. Otherwise, marijuana would already be legal and chemotherapy would be illegal on children until marijuana has proven to be ineffective as a first treatment option (see what they’re doing here? white devils). They gonna BE all them children they’re denying the cure to, they’ll see, and Motuphi and Lucifer will NOT have any mercy upon them…Careful what you wish for, white devils, you just might get it (hear that, Gates, and all you skull and bones freaks who disgrace Satan with your whackness?). Leonhart gets in on all of the aforementioned action (remember the parable of the workers who got paid for the whole day even though they only worked an hour? it was a warning against joining the ranks of them who will not graduate)…Plus the Holocaust thing (they joined the Hitler regime and will be time looped as all victims of the Holocaust, too).
Yeah, here’s the story about it:
Newly-confirmed U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch is known to be opposed to marijuana legalization, while another pot opponent is set to exit the DEA.


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