Monday, April 27, 2015

Proposal 1 = MI Terrorists Posing As Gov't Are Demanding Constitution For More Mad Money

Okay, terrorists posing as government in Michigan, you already get BILLIONS of dollars for the roads and you pilfer that money. What makes you think anyone should give you white devils another dime? What happened to Governor Terrorist Snyder’s billion dollar “surplus” of stolen college education and pension money, huh? Why wasn’t THAT spent on the roads? Why doesn’t the money Michigan taxpayers already pay for the roads go for the roads, huh?
Okay, Michigan residents, listen up: The treasonous terrorists posing as Michigan government are stealing the votes of anyone who does not vote…They’ll see that you never vote and register you to vote and vote AS you in absentia…They’ll vote for Proposal 1 AS you and nullify the strong constitution the state now enjoys! All of you deadbeat Michigan residents who do not vote need to check the voter registration website to see if someone registered you to vote. If you were registered, then Michigan treasonous terrorists posing as Michigan government will STEAL your vote and your voter identity! If you find that you’re registered to vote and you did not do it, yourself, then you need to vote against what the terrorists were stealing your vote to vote for…Then, 2 votes in your name come up and it gets exposed that some terrorist posing as Michigan government was voting as you.
Don’t let the terrorists posing as Michigan government win! VOTE against Proposal 1 and make those treasonous traitors and terrorists posing as Michigan government use the money you already pay them to fix the roads for the roads (instead of their luxury items and dope) for a change!

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