Monday, July 21, 2014

American Blacks Begrudged Themselves Out Of Existing

If you’re offended by the past atrocities of your ancestors, best to follow the example of the Jews regarding the Holocaust and just walk away from it. If you handle it like the American Blacks do and harbor resentment for it and never let it go until it creates the mess the American Black population has become (they don’t even know what racism is, as the Sterling witch hunt proved), then God has to cause that suffering not to happen and the following generations who committed atrocities for “racial reparations” are never allowed to exist.
So, since Sharpton refuses to rebuke himself and his followers and jumps upon yet another opportunity to race bait and get media attention from the suffering of another Black, we see that it’s never going to change and there’ll never be a Black American in power with influence who will redeem them of the “figure head” “equality” status they all take advantage of in that nation (they’re referred to as “equals” to whites that they are NOT truly equal to when you look at their work ethics and morals, like children who need a title they know they’ll never live-up to). Sharpton refused to speak-up against the atrocities that happened to Channon Christian, Hugh Newsom, Al Potter, Autumn Pasquale (gang raped to death), Colleen Ritzer, nor the MILLIONS of white children sold into sexual slavery (by dope-fiend mothers) to Black dope-men who gang raped and tortured those poor kids to death for sport and “racial reparations” (just more loops for Sharpton and all like him). Yet Sharpton dares to try to fan the flames of racial inferiority yet again, like he did over another criminal, years ago…The man who died, Eric Garner, was in the wrong and nobody would be saying anything about it (due to HIM being in the wrong) if Garner were white…
This is another attempt by Sharpton to create a race riot like he did over Rodney King, a nonexistent criminal and crack-head who endangered hundreds of Blacks, including children, in his community with a police chase. Had King been white, the neighborhood of Blacks would’ve jumped in and helped the police beat his ass for endangering their children. But he was Black and so goes into play the fatal “double standard” that inferior Blacks have been taking advantage of since the 1960s, when their true inferiority and committal to nonexistence began…Remember when Clay became a pedophilic Muslim/Islamic infidel who denies the deity of the Son of God/Allah and changed his name to the most cursed name ever to be spoken  by human lips (Muhammad)? Remember how nobody said anything about it? Remember how a white guy (Cat Stevens) made the same decision, not long afterwards, and was all but crucified for it? Yeah, that’s part of that double standard. Then there’s what has any red-blooded white American fuming: Referring to welfare-minded ghetto-monsters who shun education and refuse to work with their own two hands as their “equals”…
The irony is in how the working, taxpaying whites carry the mothers of the criminals who’ll later victimize them and their families…It’s kinda sick to witness from the outside (the true inferiority of the American Black to the American white: try to live around their poor demographics and the poor Blacks will eat you alive and then kill you while the whites may vandalize your car and steal your gas).
There’s no gratitude nor appreciation to the whites for the awesome opportunities that American Blacks shun their noses at. They’re devoid of the understanding of TRUE history: That the slaves were mostly comprised of a demographic that was judged and sentenced to death for being head-hunters who refused to work their own land and kept insisting upon victimizing the villagers and tribes of those who would work. The white devils got greedy and sold those they were hired to execute as slaves to unwitting people like the Americans. A sideways warning went with them: “to never let them out of their chains or they’ll become a plague upon your land like they were to Africa”…
This was proven when President Monroe tried sending those who wanted to return home back to Africa and they immediately resumed their head-hunter lifestyles of raping, pillaging, and enslaving the peaceful hardworking villagers the Americans thereby endangered.
These facts are well documented and from what the knowledge of the red-necked daughter fuckers was spawned…The KKK was originally supposed to protect America from what it became at their hands (should they ever be liberated to resume not working for their own livings) and they got distracted with hatred and became ineffective against it.
Now, the demographic that is inferior to the whiteboys flipping burgers (simply because they WILL work for their livings) has been being referred to as “equal” to those whiteboys even though they’re not even inclined to try to become their equals. Even the rich Blacks in America who rose up via underhanded means (like the gansgta rappers and all they empowered) are inferior to all whites (and Blacks) who will work for their living and work hard to get to the same level of status. Sports figures are in the same boat: inferior to all who’ll work REAL jobs for a real-life wage.
Imagine how enraging it must be to be a white working taxpayer in America who has to regard something inferior to them as their “equals” all the time. They pay taxes to support the teenage welfare queen who teaches her check padders to hate the “crackers” and bite the hands that feed them, and then wind-up victimized by something too inferior to share the same world with them…The inferior always victimize the superior until the superior decides to strike back and wipe them the fuck out…
Sharpton is inferior to all whiteboys who’ll work for a living and keep their mouths shut about racist issues that DO NOT effect them…So was “X”, King Jr, Parks, Jackson, and all others who led a welfare state to march on Washington for “equal” rights when the Blacks who could not march were ALREADY EQUAL to their working white peers because they were EDUCATED (they did not gang-bang, deal dope, pimp hoes and spray paint the schools they attended) and they worked and paid taxes (still, Obama’s mass-mugging ass would call them “bad people” for not being able to afford health insurance while openly consorting with the likes of Jay-z’s nonexistent dope dealing gangsta thug dreg ghetto-monster ass, all the while banking and pillaging that taxpaying ”bad person’s” check with F.I.C.A. every week).
The argument for “equality” is nonexistent now. Who’s gonna man it? “Magic” Johnson? That retarded fool participated in showing the world how stupid American Blacks can be with his Sterling witch hunt, all because Sterling didn’t want his ugly-assed hood-rat mistress to catch HIV from a bitch in a man-suit who couldn’t abide by morals clauses and caught HIV due to it.
There’s not even one Black in power or wealth now to speak up for the Blacks in America. Obama is no longer qualified, after his terrorist attack on his own people bearing his family crest. Obama is inferior to the whiteboys flipping my burgers who’d never dare publicly try to mass mug an entire nation for some white devils who own insurance companies for ANY amount of money or power. He has no integrity and cannot resist any temptation presented to him. He’s as inferior as the Black Detroit mayors were to the white Detroit mayors. He’s as inferior as the Black DJs (who’d trade sex for airplay to female “artists”) were to the white DJs who’d never desecrate the craft with their own ghetto dog-ism. He’s as inferior as the Orleans mayor (who pilfered the levy maintenance fund) was to the white Orleans mayors who maintained it. He’s as inferior as Kym Worthy (who allows white female prisoners and children wards of the state to be raped without legal recourse) was to all the white DAs who’d prosecute inmate raping prison/jail guards and officials. He’s as inferior as all of the opportunists who took advantage of the stupidity of the American Blacks to desecrate their race with a fake “Civil Rights Movement” who then went down in history as “leaders” for it (when it only empowered the dregs and gangstas and disenfranchised the hard-working taxpaying Blacks who were their superiors and already equal to the whites). When Obama speaks, no matter what he says, it’s perceived as “If you like your insurance, you can KEEP your insurance”…yeah, tell that to the dying Americans his mass-mugging ass is now murdering with loss of insurance coverage (do not fret, those who dare think to capitalize on it are cursed, time looped as all of those victims, and then eternally executed to not exist to do this shit even now…you’ll see and you’ll think we’re making it up when we refer to their existences, because they never existed).
So, since the American Blacks never rose up to actually BE “equal” to their white counterparts and then want to harbor resentment for something they, themselves, never suffered, God has decided that slavery will not happen and no descendants of slaves will ever be born in America…This is AFTER the time loops of slavery are used to teach proper work ethics to all who refused to work with their own two hands that acquired stuff during this spirit scan (like gangstas, bankers, politicians, Obama, Hitlery Clinton, Bush, the passive terrorists on the Forbes list worth more than $420-million who took advantage of those illegal Bush-era tax breaks/terrorist attack on the economy, those who capitalized on slave labor, robbers, muggers, thieves, etc).
So, without any slaves being brought to America, it’ll be a white nation and once again safe for fully developed white girls (who’re still children) to roam the streets without being “turned-out”, animals to live without being neglected and tortured, women to exist without expectation of rape from a nigger, hard-working taxpayers can walk down the streets safely, etc.
Since slavery was such a huge offense to the weak-minded Blacks that Sterling’s WORDS caused an uproar that the RAPES, TORTURES, and MURDERS of whites for “SPORT” could not incite from the hypnotized masses, slavery will never happen and then sports and gangsta rap will never dumb down a whole generation to that infantile level because there’ll be no Blacks in America to perpetuate it…Then those murders and tortures and rapes of whites never happened and their memories are no longer desecrated by the likes of Sharpton, Jackson, Johnson, and the rest of the nonexistent opportunistic race-baiting subhumans who refused to address the atrocities happening to whites (and animals) in America for “sport” at the hands of subhuman Blacks (to entertain dregs who wouldn’t be bored if they’d get a fuckin’ JOB).
So, to everyone who harbors resentment for slavery that they never endured themselves, you no longer will be allowed to exist to harbor that misplaced resentment…If you were poor in America, the person to blame was your nasty ghetto mama for spawning you to her fucked-up existence (she sabotaged your spirit by failing to abort you)…Unless you’re the spawn of a white man raping a Black woman, in which case you do have a solid argument against whitey.
Otherwise, the lack of gratitude towards the whites from the Blacks is not going unnoticed by God, Christ, and Lucifer, whose planet and “turf” this is.
Unless there’s an immediate and direct turnaround in how American Blacks feel about their white saviors, they begrudged themselves out of existing…No one who spews “cracker” out of their snarly lips referring to white people will graduate from this spirit scan… nobody…Better check yourself before you wreck yourself…YOLO for yourSELF! Don’t let some nonexistent regurgitater put thoughts into your head and words into your mouth that you’ll hafta give account for in the time loops of judgement…If you’re young, it’s best to keep your thoughts and opinions to yourself like the previous (superior to yours) generations did. Fools gotta share their thoughts and viewpoints…The wise can keep silent and remain mysterious.
You gotta feel sorry for fools like Sharpton. He really cannot help himself. He keeps adding to his own time loops with his inability to abstain from race-baiting. He sold his eternity for some temporal nothingness (nobody looks at him and sees anything other than an opportunistic little race-baiting bitch, yet he cannot understand that and just go away and cuddle up with his crack pipe already).
Sharpton did not have to be nonexistent…It was his own choice and his own doing.

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