Tuesday, July 29, 2014

What Obama Never Anticipated

Obama and his white devil treasonous traitor masters in D.C. never anticipated the response to the border terrorist attack they enacted on the Americans that everyone’s keeping hush-hush about…
That being: All of the REAL Americans who crossed over the border down into Mexico to protect the borders from the other side by killing everything that looks like it might be headed for the American border…
The new perspective is: “If they’re headed for the American border then they are enemies to America that the nation must be protected from, by any means necessary.”
Now those are REAL American heroes…Not like those mainstream media, music, and sports puppets, who’re overpaid to distract the Americans from their Muslim/Islamic infidel president’s terrorist attacks (like Obama’s-inferior-mama-Care and the border collapse) and intentions to turn them over to Muslim/Islamic infidels to be tortured to death like is being done in other nations by the same puppeteers who control Obama.
Not everyone in America is a complacent soulless zombie-slave-clone…as the American heroes protecting the border from the Mexican side are proving, may they be blessed and protected by God/Allah, who hates Muslim/Islamic infidels and all who empower or enable them.
An infidel is anyone who claims to believe in God/Allah/Jehovah while denying that Jesus Christ/Joshua is His Son (this definition was given by God/Allah, Himself)…That describes the Muslims/Islamics and no other demographic, remember that FACT.

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