Tuesday, July 29, 2014

False Flag Against Marijuana In Michigan

The propagandists disguised as journalists have joined law enforcement in spreading false information about the dominating drugs in Joshua Abraham’s system during his deadly crash. Law enforcement has decided to throw-out and ignore the charges for the other drugs in Abraham’s system, like heroine and meth, in order to take advantage of this incident to wage a campaign against medical marijuana. You’ll notice that most of the online pages carrying this story have been conveniently “edited” to no longer include any drugs other than marijuana since law enforcement made this decision. But, before the other charges were thrown out, the other substances were included in the story.
His mug shot says it all: He was dozing on heroine…He probably had a minimal amount of marijuana in his bloodstream, but not enough to account for the junked-out junky mug shot. The initial story, when the accident first happened, was that Abraham was fucked-up on heroine when the crash occurred…Now, the story is it was only marijuana (and nothing else)…a bold-faced LIE!

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