Friday, July 18, 2014

Jihadists & IS Accuse MUHAMMAD of Adultery & Stone Him In Time Loops of Judgement!

Just remember that whatever any infidel who denies that Jesus Christ/Joshua is the Son of God/Allah does to someone else in the name of Muhammad will be done to them and their mothers and to Muhammad in the time loops of judgement before they are all eternally executed to be made as if they never existed to commit their murders.
God/Allah said:
 ”vengeance is Mine”
"This is My Son in Whom I am well pleased" (about Jesus Christ/Joshua)
"who-ever claims to believe in Me and denies My Son, Jesus Christ/Joshua, is an infidel and a stench in My nose, worse than an imbecile (Atheist)"
"No prophets will come until the very end of days and any who claim to be prophets before then are false prophets" (this was said when John the Baptist was murdered by a king, which completely disqualifies Muhammad as an authentic prophet from God/Allah)
"the blood of My Son is sufficient to atone for the sins of any who’ll repent"
"stone not the women nor your own wives for adultery as the heathen and infidels do, but rather forgive them and do not even stop being sexually intimate with them"
"touch not a child as a husband"
all of which the cursed, nonexistent infidels who murdered that Syrian woman are in violation of.
Now, the spirit of that murdered woman is a martyr of God/Allah and her punishment will be transferred to Muhammad and the infidels who murdered her and she will be allowed to exist. Muhammad and the infidels who murdered her, as well as all other Muslim/Islamic infidels (aka Christ deniers) will not be allowed to exist in Heaven (Paradise) nor the New World. Their spirits will be eternally executed once they are finished serving in the time loops of judgement as their victims for their sins against God/Allah and then it will be as if they never existed at all, just as described in the hidden prophecy of Daniel, disclosed to our generation by Motuphi, the first and ONLY (real) prophet sent by God/Allah/Jehovah since the death of John the Baptist.
The spirit of that murdered woman is now loosed back into the cosmos to get revenge upon all Muslim/Islamic infidels who believe like her murderers do, who she will also get revenge upon, and their nasty infidel mothers, too. She’s equipped with a bottomless pit of curses to enact upon all Muslim/Islamic infidels and all who do not hate them for being infidels who follow a murderous infidel false prophet. She’s accompanied by angels and devils to work in collusion against all Muslim/Islamic infidels and all who empower them or enable them or do not hate them.
God/Allah has called upon all on Earth who want to survive what’s coming to hate the Muslim/Islamic infidels who murder His true followers who accept His Son, Jesus Christ/Joshua. Muhammad is cursed and all who follow him. Muhammad will never be in Heaven (Paradise) nor the New World! Muhammad is even now serving in the time loops as all who were victimized by his followers, including all women who were stoned, all children who were mutilated or molested, all Christians who were raped, tortured, murdered or otherwise negatively effected by any Muslim/Islamic infidels. Every time someone or something else is victimized by a Muslim/Islamic infidel, Muhammad must become that victim, too…
So, every time you see a story of violence from a Muslim/Islamic infidel, know that not only will they be time looped as their victims, but Muhammad must also serve as those victims, too.
So, they victimize themselves and Muhammad every time they defy God/Allah and victimize one of His creations He’s busy judging, Himself.
No Muslim/Islamic infidel is qualified to represent God/Allah/Jehovah. The minute they mention that infidel, Muhammad, or his book that not even Satan would lay claim to, know that the truth is not in them and that they are controlled by monstrous shitworm spirits that will cause them to murder you if you do not believe as the Muslim/Islamic infidels do.
The Muslim/Islamic infidels are among the third of the population that God/Allah will wipe out before Lucifer arrives pretending to be Jesus Christ/Joshua (the Son of God/Allah). The rest are probably gangstas and all other nonproductive drains on society who shun education and refuse to work with their own two hands as God/Allah commanded ALL humans to do (yes, even the terrorist infidels who spit in the face of God/Allah with their infidel doctrine are supposed to WORK with their own two hands, not handle weapons).
An adulteress is more welcome in Heaven than any Muslim/Islamic infidel who dares defy God/Allah and call Him a liar regarding the status of His Son, Jesus Christ/Joshua.
So, the Muslim/Islamic infidels are nonexistent monster premonitions (aka infected/contaminated/defective spirits) that will not be allowed to exist to defy God/Allah and interfere with His spirit scan with their murders that they commit in His Name to accomplish their Earth-bound goals and agendas that have nothing at all to do with HIS will or what HE wants done.
Just think: If those Muslim/Islamic infidels would have obeyed God/Allah and gotten educations and jobs and been productive members of society, they’d be too busy being REAL men of God to go around interfering with His spirit scan by murdering His creations who are more welcome in Heaven than they are. But they do not exist, now that they traded their own will to murder and pillage for the will of God/Allah.
God/Allah will wipe-out all Muslim/Islamic infidels very soon so that Lucifer can be released back into our dimension to come to Earth and pretend to be Jesus Christ/Joshua (the Son of God/Allah) for a growing season before the real Jesus Christ/Joshua (the Son of God/Allah) arrives to battle him for the true bride of Christ. Then, Muhammad and all infidels who followed his teachings can be punished for their mutiny against God/Allah and then be eternally executed so that they never exist, at all. Then, we all spend their wealth (of the wicked) that was laid up (for us/the just) when they came to Earth to pretend to be our equals in the Kingdom while defying the very God/Allah whose Kingdom it is.
There is no Jihad nor any other infidel who dares deny that Jesus Christ/Joshua is the Son of God/Allah, do not worry. They scanned themselves out.
Read this story of how Muslim/Islamic infidels murdered another creation of God/Allah they had no right to negatively effect:
Jihadists in the northern Syrian province of Raqa have accused a woman of adultery and stoned her to death, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said on Friday. …
Straight-up BUGS, right?!

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