Tuesday, July 22, 2014

They Shot Themselves Out Of The Sky In The Time Loops!

The perps who shot that flight 17 out of the sky and those behind it will be time looped as their victims before they’re eternally executed to be made as if they never existed so that they never shoot that plane down.
Plus, a spirit of exposure has been loosed to go forth and expose who was behind it and why…We know that spirit is effective, too…”All things done in secret will come to the light.”
Plus, the spirits of the victims have been loosed back into the cosmos to get revenge upon all who had a hand in it or thought to capitalize from it and to thwart their agendas that’re behind it…
This is how the elitists lose…They blame heroes like Putin and try to frame him because he defies their Monsanto and Muslim/Islamic infidel agendas and protects his borders from the monsters who control Obama and the UN.
Bankers tumbling from the sky in time loops of judgement…who’ll then be executed and will not be allowed to exist to perpetuate their crimes they had to pay for…
Looks like God is more diabolical than they.

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