Wednesday, September 24, 2014

And To Obama and Jarrett, God/Allah Said 'Ditto'

Remember when that POS POTUS-wannabe stood behind the podium and smarmily said that if he intended to do something to the Americans that they’d “never see it coming”? Well to that, God (Allah) said “ditto”…It applies to Obama and all corrupt nonexistent monster premonitions like him, including Valerie Jarrett (God heard the shit you said about His end time Elect, Bitch, and it’s now permanently logged against you, Whore!).
Yeah, then God/Allah allows the hidden prophecy of Daniel to go forth and be applied and properly translate such warnings as:
"Do unto others"
which DECODED translates to:
"Do unto others as you want done to you when you die and enter the time loops AS them"….
Ahhhh! So refreshing, reality is! Obama and his nasty bitch/whore gotta go BE everyone and everything they negatively effected, and THEN be eternally executed after paying for their crimes against God and HIS creations on HIS “turf” (nigga!) so that they NEVER exist to commit those crimes…Looks like they get to pay for what they will NOT be allowed to do (nigga!).
They didn’t even see it coming: How THEY decided that they will not be existing, even now, to do this evil shit. How could they see it coming when the information was held in abeyance until the end time prophet (the 1st and ONLY real prophet to be sent to Earth by God/Allah since the murder of John the Baptist) released the information?…The information came from Motuphi, not any false prophets who came before him. Motuphi is ambassador to the conjoined end time agendas of God/Allah/Jehovah and Jesus Christ/Joshua and Lucifer/Satan, which involve Satan ruling the Earth AS the Son of God/Allah (Jesus Christ) for a growing season to complete the task of ”sifting out the chaff” (like the murderous, the greedy, the lazy, the tyrannical, the pedophilic, the homophobic, all infidels who deny that Jesus Christ is the Son of God/Allah, and all who refuse to get educations and jobs and be productive members of society).
Picture Obama and his family and Jarrett and her family as every victim of every illegal immigrant, like the THOUSANDS of raped American children by ILLEGALS over the past 6 months (some of whom are God’s end time Elect that those in power are being charged with protecting and serving and are being held accountable for everything their gross temporal agendas allows to happen to them). Picture the rich fucks who OWN Obama and Jarrett in those time loops as those victims (gonna’ happen, real soon)…Spirit memory is non-tamperable and non-delete-able (non-erase-able) until the perpetrators (causers of said memories) are no longer existent via time loopage and eternal execution (that means even “influencers”, like rappers and sports figures and “reverends” are considered perpetrators, by proxy, via the hands of those they influence to evil; and are therefore just as guilty as those who act-out on their influence).
Yep…To Obama, God reacted like the cartoon character saying “Are you THREATening me!?” all incredulous, like He simply cannot believe a nonexistent monster premonition (who does not even exist yet) would dare to seal his own fate (of NOT existing) by making threats against those God gave the land to on HIS “turf” (nigga!). He responded with a curt little “Ditto!” and hit Obama’s spirit and bloodline (and all who roll with him and their collective bloodlines) with a special “executive order” of His own (on HIS “turf”, Nigga!). Plus, they now must endure time loops as their victims and even their “ripple effects” victims, repeatedly…”Take THAT, you nasty bitches!” said God/Allah…
Yes, Valerie Jarrett, you nasty nonexistent nigger whore, this especially means YOU! Remember that mean-spirited shit you said about not having another election to worry about and how you implied “punishment” mentality against those who opposed you and your tyrannical regime? Well, it’s logged in to your non-tamperable (non-erase-able) spirit memory and your “intent” is also securely logged in, too; how you did not have plans to make sure that none of God’s end time Elect (who accept the fact that Jesus Christ/Joshua is the SON of God/Allah) would be exempt from your government corruption, which is what it is to abuse your power to “punish” your enemies and opposers for daring to oppose you when you’re flat-out WRONG (that’s something you expect out of NIGGERS when they get into power, not of anything proclaiming “equality” to the whites who’d never openly stoop so low, you dumb jungle bunny spawn of headhunters CUNT!).
YOU, Jarrett are part of what’s wrong with this world: You dare to make prophets of those daughter-fuckin’ red-necked KKK fuckers with your stereotypical, “just what we’d expect from ghetto-fabulous-assed niggers”, behavior and mentality. Could you be anymore cartoonish in your niggerism? Really?!? You and Obama and Holder owe the American Blacks something you can never even comprehend and could never pay back with a thousand lifetimes committed to specifically that task; yet you act as if you’re too stereotypically weak-minded and inferior-bred to “get it” (understand it or comprehend it), as if to add credence to the argument of the daughter-fuckers that you do not possess the quality of mind required for positions of power…wtf? You just gonna GIVE ‘em that shit? Damn! Where’s Sharpton and Jackson, now? Because you niggers are raping the Black race right along with the mainstream “role models” you allow to stay in power to pimp your ill-fated agendas, all of which require Blacks to be stupid, hypnotized, ghetto-fabulous, self-centered, retarded, weak-minded, racist (while interracial sexually) like cartoons, self-entitled, arrogant, lazy, thug-minded niggers who’ll vote by color and react to everything they see exactly the same way. You’re doing what the nigger mayors did to the decent Blacks who voted THEM in by color (you reward them with back-stabbing for their stupidity and racism that’s been programmed into them so you could use it like a tool to secure their ill-gotten votes), just like every mayor Detroit had with dark pigmentation. All decent Blacks should wanna’ lynch you in the streets for what you’re doing to them (and the world, as a result), preying on their mass ignorance and current collective dumbed-down mental states (it’s a CRISIS what the mainstream media, rappers, music “artists”, sports figures, and “reverends” have made of the collective Black psyche; and the fact that so few of them can actually “see” it or dare to defy this blatant and open “programming” is evidence of it being far worse than anyone could imagine, like the spread of the Ebola plague, which was also perpetuated and kept under wraps by nonexistent corrupt monster premonitions in temporary nonexistent “power” <-> proof that some retards just cannot get enough loops to serve as when they die, like these fools and their scientists-turned-terrorists-for-hire).
Yeah, “ditto”…Didn’t see it comin’…
God/Allah can control the time. He can preemptively strike, too…We think He warned us about that somewhere in the contract we all agreed to when we entered this spirit scan (which is a premonition of our existences) via the womb.
See how some can get too cocky about their own existences and can scan themselves the fuck OUT of existing, altogether? You have your examples, currently in power, not to exist to be there, now, nor ever; very, very soon.
Ha-Ha! Said the Devil, whose “turf” you’re on (nigga!). You still ain’t earned an honest dollar to pay your tribute for being on this shit, yet! You best get to steppin’! You behind the game! Gotta get you an education and a JOB where you WORK with your OWN two HANDS (nigga!)!! Themz tha RULES to bein’ EQUAL to others who just DO that shit without havin’ to be TOLD (nigga!). Do NOT believe the hype told to you by anyone who has not done those things, FIRST! (nigga!)…They do not exist…and they want you to join them (for meanness, it ain’t like they gettin’ somethin’ for it).

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