Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Michael Brown Protesters In Time Loops Of Judgement

All those nasty subhuman protesters who keep desecrating the memory of that nasty thug nigger, Michael Brown, will be joining him in the time loops of judgement as all victims of Black on white (and animal) violence when they die: like Channon Christian, Hugh Newsom, Al Potter, Autumn Pasquale, Colleen Ritzer, and the MILLIONS of gang-raped and tortured to death white children who were sold to nasty sub-species nigger gangsta dope-dealers by white-devil dope-hoes over the last 50 years that’ve passed since that gangster-enabler movement they still refer to as the “civil rights movement” (even though it only empowered nasty thug subhuman niggers and killed off millions of hard-working taxpaying Blacks who were already EQUAL to their white working peers because they had educations and jobs, unlike everyone who participated in that rogue ill-titled “civil rights movement” that violated the civil rights of all of those already equal-to-whites Blacks more than anything any white man ever did to them).
Michael Brown is already serving in the time loops as those aforementioned victims of Black subhumanism, and then he’ll be committed to time loops as all slaves who ever existed to teach him the proper work ethic not instilled into him by his ghetto-fabulous “parents” (more like parasites than anything else, capitalizing on their thug monster’s death). With every second of “protesting” of his rightful kill by that good upstanding cop, Michael Brown and his protesters will have an additional 500 quadrillion millennia added to their time loops sentences as victims of Black on white (and animal) violence and slaves before they, too, will be eternally executed to protect the New World from their collective subhumanism.
Only nonexistent subhumans think Michael Brown should not have been killed. The rest of the world is quite relieved that he’s gone…One down, how many MILLION to go, huh? Yeah, their kind is what fucked the whole world up and made it unsafe for all things God DOES care about on HIS “turf” (nigga), like the white end time Elect that those nigger subhumans keep negatively effecting and the animals that they had no right to negatively effect.
We know that God was aiming for Ferguson with this latest flash flood. It’s just too bad His aim was so off…It would’ve been so awesome for all of those subhuman (inferior to all white PEOPLE) niggers who were still protesting justice to just get swept away by the flood waters. Now THAT would’ve been justice.
With every second that those nigger protesters are allowed to breath our air and use our resources, justice is denied.
Attention, Protesters:
If you REALLY want justice, then KILL yourselves and that’ll be justice for all of the rest of the world who cannot stand to witness any longer your subhumanism disguised as “equality” to the white people that you nor your (aHEM!) “president” (clown-shoes) will NEVER be equal to.
Justice was served already: A thug nigger was laid down, where all thug niggers should be and eventually WILL be, according to the word of the LORD who said that “you shall not eat if you refuse to work” (you nasty welfare recipients). If you had JOBS, you’d have less time to protest something that should not be protested against. American white taxpayers should be allowed to kill all of those protesters who’re living on their backs like a population of parasites. If they were REALLY equal to whites, they’d be happy about there being one less thug nigger to make them all look like the sub-species their race has become.
One of the time loops we keep forgetting to mention is the loops for the vandals who were inferior to those who built the buildings that they desecrated with their graffiti and vandalism. But, fact is: Anyone who’d spray paint a building that they, themselves, cannot or did not build is inferior to all who can or did build that building and all who refused to join them in defacing it. So, when they’re all done with their time loops as victims and slaves, they’ll be time looped as all who built those buildings during their construction (the lack of proper work ethic is what makes them think it’s okay to spray paint and destroy shit that they cannot fix or create, themselves).
Fact is, Blacks who are equal to whites (because they got educations and jobs) would never even consider vandalizing or spray painting property that they do not own…That’s a nonexistent subhuman nigger activity.
Niggers refuse to work, so they are bored. If God would be obeyed regarding them, then they’d be starved to death rather than fed and paid to multiply monstrous subhumans and the problems in the world created by their demographic would be solved.
It’s time to obey God and starve the non-productive out of our world…This means even those nasty sub-species niggers who keep desecrating Brown’s memory with their subhuman stance on how a monstrous nigger should be handled…
They’ll change their tunes when they’re in the time loops and get shoved into all of those victims they victimized…Just one loop as Channon Christian usually starts the nigger spirits to begging for mercy that they refused to show the working productive white GODS-among-men compared to them…But that mercy will not be shown them. They do not exist and the world is so happy about that.
Muslim/Islamic infidels and American niggers are equal to each other. But neither demographic is equal to the whiteboys who work at the fast food restaurants with their own 2 hands for a living…The more money a nigger like Jay-z acquires, the more inferior to those whiteboys he becomes, because Jay-z and niggers like him did not work for their ill-gotten gain.
Why should you work for a wage instead of gang-bang and sling dope? The answer: Because it’s what GOD said you must do on HIS “turf” (the entire planet) if you expect to exist AFTER the spirit scan is completed (nigga). Michael Brown violated that order and now must be all slaves that ever existed, and that’s after being all victims of niggers (yes, even the animals). Brown was already nonexistent and he just didn’t realize it. He violated God’s laws and man’s laws, simultaneously, and it’s become extremely dangerous to do that now in these prophetic end times: “I will not always strive with man to get them to straighten-up and be productive: the time will come when I will arrange their demises for their defiance’ saith the LORD GOD ALLAH.”
So, if you heard anything contrary to the preceding paragraph, mark the speaker as a liar and a traitor to your race (like all Black rappers and sports figures are). Bill Cosby tried to tell the niggers BEFORE it came to this, but they were too inferior to the white man to process the information and therefore attacked Cosby for his wisdom and liberation attempt. Now those niggers are enslaved to time loops as slaves and violence victims, and then eternal execution; meaning that they do not exist, even now, to protest the justice that laid a nigger down before he could victimize another entity who was superior to him.
When something is victimized by a nigger, understand that the victim was superior to the offending nigger, in every instance, no exceptions to that rule.
The truth hurts, don’t it, niggers? Too bad. It hurts to watch you be so fucked-up all the time. When will an American nigger make a positive move that can be reported on? Probably never: It’s just not in them.

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