Friday, September 26, 2014

Medical Marijuana Curses Got Escalated Yesterday

Remember the curses that were promised to all who dared defy the facts regarding the benefits of medical marijuana for treatments of various symptoms and illnesses (like chronic pain, psychotic episodes, and high blood pressure, for examples)? Yeah, they went out upon all medical and counselor staff who do not accept the fact that medical marijuana is a legitimate remedy, as well as upon all judges, cops, driver’s license restoration agencies, attorneys, and any other people in power who refuse to accept the FACTS about marijuana, especially upon the doctors who helped the government perpetuate this fraud upon society that has medical marijuana being illegal while pharmaceuticals and alcohol (both are “sorceries of man”) are legal and acceptable. This would even include people trusted to make “judgements” upon people, like the counselors at Catholic Human Services (and all other such agencies entrusted to make “judgements” on people), who’re too brainwashed about medical marijuana to be allowed to be in such positions where the lives of others are in their hands.
At 1PM on 09-25-2014, Motuphi compromised his religious beliefs yet again to submit to yet another “evaluation” to get his driver’s license restored, after being deprived of it for 32 years by corrupt Michigan government (like the “judge” who referred his license to the DLAD/DAAD, or the corrupt incompetent fuckers at the DAAD/DLAD who still have not restored his license, or Terri Lyn Land, who refused to do her job as Secretary of State and purge the system of old cases when the laws changed, leaving Motuphi’s 32 year old cases still in there to be judged under the NEW laws, which is a violation of his rights). Motuphi was interviewed at a place in northern Michigan (St Mary’s Church?) by an interviewer who has been successfully zombified and hypnotized by the propaganda and hyperbole about marijuana. She even stated that she has doctors as relatives who’re also that retarded about medical marijuana and refuse to acknowledge its benefits…
We sure wouldn’t wanna be those people now…Their retardation in positions of power is exactly the kind of thing that the devils and angels who work in collusion together to avenge Motuphi (constantly) will use as “authority” over them, their families, their lives, their agencies, their collective health, safety, and economies…Whatever is negatively effected in Motuphi’s life via their retardation that hindered his license restoration will now be effected in their lives, one-hundred fold (that’s an algebraic equation). It’s as safe for them and theirs and their agendas as it was for Motuphi’s driver’s license restoration in their hands…If he does not get his driver’s license back due to their close-mindedness about medical marijuana, then the devils and angels will have their way with the perpetrators, which includes all doctors who refuse to do their job (and prescribe medical marijuana instead of the sorceries of man/pharmaceuticals they’ve been ordered by the government to pimp to the population), all corrupt government personnel who refuse to accept marijuana as legal (this includes cops, judges, DLAD/DAAD staff, Feds and state government on all levels whose stances and decisions made getting his license restored impossible for Motuphi, and all private sectors/parties benefitting from the illegal criminalization of a remedy given to the people by God/Allah (and all of their perspective families and bloodlines).
So, if Motuphi cannot be a productive member of society, then none of the people (or their families) should be allowed to do so, either. The punishment Motuphi has endured does not fit the crime: 32 YEARS without a driver’s license!! All because of 3 OUILs when he was a fuckin’ KID! Yet the illegal immigrants are being given driver’s licenses, left and right, without question! Understand that, had the government not been corrupt enough to make marijuana illegal while simultaneously force-marketing alcohol and pharmaceuticals to kids, then Motuphi would never have gotten the OUIL offenses on his record in the first place: He stated, repeatedly, how marijuana made him too inhibited to drive on it; while alcohol negatively effected his judgement enough to cause his decisions to drive while on it. So the cases are directly resultant of the government corruption that made marijuana illegal so that the owners of the corrupt government could use their leverage to force market their products, like alcohol, pharmaceuticals, and oil…Now those people who produce those products are cursed and so are their bloodlines and spirits…They’ll not be allowed to exist because of how their greed negatively effected Motuphi and his agendas (no drunk driving offenses will ever happen, now).
It’s become un-American not to support Motuphi now that we see how their government is purposefully defying him and the conjoined end time agendas (he represents) of God/Allah, Jesus Christ/Joshua, and Lucifer/Satan, which is attracting curses and hardship to that nation at an astronomical rate. Too bad their retarded fuckin’ patriots can’t see the bigger picture right under their noses.
The counselor told Motuphi he should keep his head up, that at least they’re in America where they’re enjoying certain freedoms and not enduring the hardships of other nations…But maybe they need to endure some of that shit that she was spewing out of her mouth for her to understand how Motuphi must be feeling through his own personal government persecution and violation of his rights his whole adult life…He probably feels like he’s being raped and pillaged by terrorists. So why shouldn’t the people who make him feel that way have to endure a little bit of what they’re dishing out? If they can be allowed to terrorize and torment Motuphi, then something should be allowed to reciprocate that back upon them. If Motuphi can be deprived (due to government corruption) of his rights to be a productive independent member of society, then they ALL should be deprived of those rights and placed under Martial Law to gain an understanding of how it feels to be him under their corrupt rule. It should be returned unto them and their families now, one-hundred fold (algebraicly).
That’s the only thing that seems to work in America is negativity and violence: Motuphi has been engaged in this futile fight for 32 years, with no luck because he refuses to resort to violence or extremism to be heard in a nation of monsters who will only listen to you once they’ve been subjected to violence by you…Too bad he doesn’t get the hint: You want action? Well if you want positive action from the government in America, it takes a negative action for them to react to, usually something horrendous and violent; like maybe a batch of curses that’ll bring the same level of offenses to their safest hideaways as they brought to Motuphi with their offensive gestapo behavior as if to say: “You denounce your God and religious beliefs and bow down and kiss our feet and take our sorceries of man, even if they KILL you, and do NOT defy us or we will deprive you of your driver’s license until you flip-out and become a negative news story so we can then point at you as the culprit and say ‘See? Didn’t we warn ya’ he was dangerous the whole time?’ after WE drive you to that course of action, soldier, because the American people are SHEEPLE, boy, and they will not join you in your fight, Son, until you’ve taken it so far that it cannot be won…at least not for YOU!”
That’s what’s happening on Earth right now: A bunch of people are getting lumped in to a punishment movement upon the corrupt who rose against GOD and HIS remedies for their own temporal ill-gotten gain, profit, and undeserved power: Now it’s gonna become dangerous on Earth for all who had the power to provide input to change the laws who refused to do so. Doctors, lawyers, prosecuting attorneys, judges, government staffers, counselors, DAAD/DLAD staffers, Secretary of State personnel, Federal and elected “officials”, and all others who fall under this description (and their bloodlines) will be supernaturally reciprocated against for their corruption. If violence is what it’s gonna take for justice to prevail in the case of Motuphi, then so be it. The same parameters that now envelop the mainstream perpetrators (making it unsafe for them in public and in private) will now be applied to the aforementioned demographic, as well….FUCK ‘em!! Good riddance!
Let that be a lesson to the rest of you: Do NOT overstep your bounds and abuse your authority while here on Earth…This is a spirit scan and, until you’ve been scanned IN, you are merely a premonition of existence…Them’s the facts that the “programmers” do not want you awakened to.

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