Thursday, September 11, 2014

More Michael Brown Propaganda

Nonexistent fools never stop committing themselves to time loops as every victim of Black on white and animal violence over that monstrous thug, Michael Brown.
The latest propaganda attempt to stir up more racial inferiority disguised as (aHEM!) “equality” is this supposed video of 2 actors pretending they saw the whole thing take place.
Two construction workers who say they saw the Michael Brown shooting speak out.
Preview by Yahoo
But you’ll notice that they conveniently did not turn on their video camera until AFTER Michael Brown committed suicide by cop…That poor cop, just doing his job and crosses paths with a nasty subhuman who had no parenting to teach his nigger ass to stay out of the street and do not piss off the police, no matter what color you are…for all you nigger whores acting like you need to have “the talk” with your headhunter spawn about racism…
The same thing would happen to a whiteboy if he attempted to take a cop’s weapon after bashing his head in. So do not act like race played a factor in Brown’s suicide, you ignorant nasty dope-man dick-chugging “cracker” spewing subhuman gold-digging welfare defrauding drains on what was once a solid nation (before that gangster enabler movement they still callously refer to as the “civil rights movement”, a blatant lie that leads them all to this level of subhumanism).
So, there’s 2 more nonexistent subhumans committed to the time loops and then eternal execution to protect the world from their lies and race-baiting. Amazing how lies can get your bloodline eternally executed to make you never exist to spew your racist lies. Their mamas deserve it, though, for raising up subhumans who’ll never rise up to the responsibilities of the equality they want erroneously applied to them while they remain inferior to all other races.
We knew that some subhumans were gonna come out of the woodwork with more lies they cannot corroborate with video…They deleted the part of the video that showed what REALLY happened and doctored the audio of what they saved to make it look like Brown had his hands up in surrender stance when they were actually up in attack mode as he was running at the cop he just got done assaulting (which will get a whiteboy shot down just as fast, so where’s the racism, huh, niggers?).
If you assault an officer of the law, you will be killed, no matter what color you are and you fuckin’ DESERVE it…But niggers are too weak-minded to accept that explanation. How many white people would expect to bash a cop’s head in and try to take his weapon and not expect him to be wired with adrenalin when he finally starts shooting back? None…that’s what we thought…So where oh where is this elusive racial equality we keep hearing about but never actually witness? If the cop was Black and the thug was white, this never even would’ve hit the news, like so many other whiteboys being killed by Black cops stories that never make the news in America (and there’s more such instances than you’d think).
Stop being inferior to the white man, niggers! Accept that Brown would’ve gotten the same treatment if he was white and move the fuck ON already (you simple little weak-minded subhumans).
The law is the law. Those hired to uphold it must take out the trash, no matter the race…That’s what happened, and nothing more…Brown was NOT “racially profiled” nor was he killed because he was Black. He was killed because it was the cop’s DUTY to alleviate the threat that Michael Brown presented to the community at large, the same community that he was charged to serve and to protect from thugs like Brown…
Any niggers who would’ve been victimized by Brown would sure see that cop in a different light when he came running to THEIR rescue, now, wouldn’t they? Or would they say: “Oh, no, it’s okay, Officer, just let this thug nigger mug and rape me because he’s Black and too weak-minded and improperly raised to know any better”? Now you KNOW that’s not the case: They’d expect Brown to be stopped, by any means necessary, which is what the cop did, which was his fuckin’ JOB…
You want Blacks to stop being killed by cops? Here’s a simple solution: EDUCATE them that they are NOT above the law just because they are Black and that they will be subjected to law enforcement, no matter what color they are, if they break the fuckin’ laws of the land…Then, you can say that your raising skills came closer to being equal to all those white bitches who teach their kids that much, at least; right?
"Equality" has parameters of responsibility to abide by and adhere to…Otherwise, it’s just a word someone calls you, like the word "cracker" that you apply to all who are NOT slave drivers just because of their skin color…
Is any of this simple enough to understand for the American weak Black minds? Or must we go “ga-ga, goo-goo” and use pictures and flash cards for those nasty ghetto-fabulous retards to get it? It sure looks like simple logic is beyond their capabilities.
We will write about Michael Brown’s subhumanism and niggerism for YEARS beyond the protesting and bullshit they keep pulling. If you ever want him to stop being referred to as a stereotypical example of weak-minded subhuman niggerism, you must stop YEARS before the truth about the situation will stop (niggas).

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