Sunday, September 28, 2014

Thug-Monster 'People' Too Inferior & Undignified To Accept Apology

Okay. What possessed that retarded white man to try to apologize to those thug-monster “people” (“people” is used loosely here, because they’re too inferior to qualify as people) for the rightful kill of their thug-monster spawn, Michael (punk-assed nonexistent monster premonition) Brown? Did he not see that those thug monsters raised a thug-monster son that had to be taken down by a good upstanding cop? Did he not see their inherent inferiority to all who are relieved that Michael Brown is dead and will never be able to victimize them? Did he not see that they had no sense of shame for spawning a monster that tried to beat down a cop and disarm him because he was erroneously led to believe (by the mainstream media, “reverends”, and sports figures) that his “Blackness” makes him above the law? Did he not see the subhumanism of their lack of common human decency?
We are all still awaiting our due apology from the BROWNS for spawning and raising that nasty little inferior thug-monster. We are still awaiting them to offer reparations to everyone whose property was stolen, destroyed or vandalized by looters and rioters due to their thug-monster son’s suicide by cop. The Browns are too inferior to those of us awaiting an apology from THEM to “see” it (they’re literally too dumbed down by their rap, reverend, and sports zeroes disguised as “heroes” to “get it”, for real, they got no sense of shame, “neither can they blush”, just as prophesied of the nonexistent).
Now, the Browns owe the watching world yet ANOTHER apology that we know we will not get (nasty nonexistent niggers that they are). FUCK them and let them be time looped an additional 500-quadrillion millennia (per victim per offense, EACH) as ALL victims of Black on white (and animal) violence (like Channon Christian, Hugh Newsom, Al Potter, Autumn Pasquale, Colleen Ritzer, and the MILLIONS of tortured animals and little white girls sold to dope-dealing nonexistent niggers by dope-ho mothers since the 1960s) for their blatant subhumanism…Please grow enough equality to a flea and go hide your blood-suckiness someplace where the media cannot prey upon it and force it in our face like shit we dumped in public…we are not the perpetrators who decided that “equality” means laying around on welfare causing social mayhem all the time and expecting no repercussions for it…The responsibility for the mess that the Black American population became lies solely in the hands of the BLACK race who dumbed their own people down into cartoonish retards for profit and ill-gotten gain (like the headhunters they descended from). No white man can be blamed for the lies of the “doctors” and “reverends” and “rappers” and “gangstas” and “sports heroes” and “actors” and “comedians” with BLACK faces…If they do not realize that they lied and applied a double standard that made them inferior to other races, then they should’ve made sure they were educated BEFORE they became hatred regurgitators, because they’re being held accountable for their influence, regardless, and ignorance is no excuse.
Dumb-assed white police thought he could offer an apology to those who OWE the apology and ain’t equal enough to whitey to just give UP already…Sad to see…until it did not happen due to eternal execution.

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