Sunday, May 24, 2015

Anyone Still That Stupid?

Is anyone stupid enough to not see that ISIS is an American army? America is NOT fighting against ISIS. That would be counterproductive to fight against what they founded, formed and funded.
When you hear that ISIS attacked something, what you’re REALLY hearing is that America and Saudi Arabia attacked something via ISIS as they hide like cowards behind ISIS and scapegoated ISIS, their own creation (a monster that exposes their inner souls).
That’s why you can’t join ISIS…fool…America has to HIRE you to join ISIS…
Anyone else still listening to those propagandists and sensationalists disguised as “reporters” and “journalists” that Obama controls on American news shows? Translate what they say: Replace the word “ISIS” with the word “America” or “Saudi America” and you know what’s being said…
Go protest some more thug deaths, you lazy, ignorant, brain-dead, hypnotized, American zombie-slave-clones. Leave the REAL battles to those of us who really exist and graduate from this mechanism. Go play with your toys…it’s what you do.

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