Thursday, May 28, 2015

Consequences For Illegally Making Marijuana Illegal

Okay. It’s a fact that you simply can not trust anyone who does not smoke marijuana and especially those who are against others smoking it. But that does not mean that you can trust someone just because they smoke it, so keep that in mind.
The average idiot does not know that no American governmental agency, including Federal, ever had the legal right to make marijuana illegal…Just check the Constitution. It clearly states that natural substances can not be made illegal. They even had to create a special “provision” to enact the illegal prohibition on alcohol, decades ago, simply because no government had the legal right to make it illegal (even though it’s not a natural substance).
Marijuana was made illegal to push the pharmaceuticals (sorceries of man) upon the population. They use the population as science experiments, putting diseases and cancer cells in the food (Gates, GMO and Monsanto come to mind) to make people ill to keep their multi-trillion dollar industry of “treatment” going strong. There’s money in treatment, but not in cures, understand that (their quack minions disguised as doctors know this and participate, even pumping poison vaccines into babies to get them in need of treatment while they’re still young).
The subhumans controlled by sub spirits (part of this simulation mechanism) want marijuana kept from the people because they know that marijuana CURES and PREVENTS the diseases they’re pumping into the people. These are the ugly FACTS about why marijuana is illegal.
Even now, there are propagandists disguised as “reporters” and “professionals” and “law enforcement” on “news” stations (like in northern Michigan) spreading LIES about marijuana and how it “erodes” communities and causes “increases in crime”…They know that those things are being caused by the REAL drugs (like Cocaine, Heroine and Meth) that they’re allowing to be dealt on the streets while they’re criminalizing the only proven cure for cancer, depression, schizophrenia, bi-polar onsets and rants, high blood pressure, MS, PTSD, asthma, COPD, ADHD, Autism, various conditions that cause tremors and seizures, and scores of other health conditions and pains, even symptoms caused by quack science like prescription drugs and chemotherapy (which actually make cancer worse until the marijuana kicks in and cures it and the effects of the chemo, a known FACT). This is part of an agenda to get kids addicted to hard drugs by making marijuana unavailable to them, which is the only way marijuana becomes a “gateway” drug: when you make marijuana unavailable the kids try other stuff, ergo, the gateway gets open by taking the marijuana away from them.
The “law enforcement” in those areas (like Gaylord, Michigan, for example) knows this and is participating in that agenda is why their small communities become overridden with the crime committed by those addicted to hard drugs. They beat on their chests like drunken bullies when they make marijuana busts and turn their backs (like cowards) on real criminals who deal hard drugs and enslave children. Then, when those kids are dope fiends, they bust them for the crimes they commit to get their hard drugs…The cops create this cycle. The girls get addicted to the dope the cops failed to take off of the streets (while they busied themselves persecuting harmless potheads for nuisance offenses) and then the cops bust them for prostitution, later…The cops helped create the criminals and prostitutes they later bust…Understand what you’re seeing play out before your very eyes. Marijuana users are safe, “easy” collars (collars of the cowardly). The dope pimps are hardened gangstas that the police are too afraid to confront.
They’ve allowed it to get so bad in northern Michigan that it’s become a notorious “picking field” for fresh young white dope hoes: The cops let the dealers operate and create the slaves, then the gangstas drive out there and swoop them little juvenile girls up and take them to the inner cities to be prostitutes in exchange for dope. One such case (of thousands recently) actually accidentally made it to mainstream “news”, where a 45 year old Black man was simply allowed to drive away with a 15 year old white runaway and no resistance was offered by (lack of) “law enforcement”…They didn’t even issue an amber alert. But just today, they’re on the news beating on their chests like big ole lawmen for persecuting some more potheads, while the dope pimps giggle and peddle their wares all around those bumbling cartoonish “cops” and their designated territory. That’s extortion of the taxpayers’ money: Get paid to fight crime but instead criminalize the law-abiding and the ill while criminals run amok setting up shop all over the town. Those cops always reap what they sowed, too (it always finds a way to hit home, God sees to it because marijuana is legal by HIS law and those other drugs are illegal by ALL laws, including HIS). So the little white girls are being left unguarded in those areas and the pimps know it. Then the cops go on record, on TV, that they’re too afraid of real criminals so they’re tending to personal agendas of freaks in power who want dope spread all over the state and marijuana made unavailable…At this stage of the game, good cops should make statements that they’re not part of this agenda by passing out marijuana samples to all kids that’re being targeted with hard drugs BEFORE those kids can try the hard stuff, to give the few who’d stop at nothing more than marijuana the option of not becoming dope fiends.
Now the consequences for (illegally) making marijuana illegal and daring to enforce that level of terrorism on citizens is compound curse batches (attached to them and their families and bloodlines and health and safety and economy and agencies and even the equipment they used for the illegal busts, here, in the simulation) and taxation of their spirits (at $900,000 per PENNY extorted or otherwise costed, compounded per second that passes) to be worked off in the time loops (when they die here) as slaves…PLUS, they’ll be time looped as all victims of terrorism, drug dealers, cartels, dope fiends, etc, before they’re eternally executed to never exist in this simulation (nor beyond it) to participate in the agenda to defy GOD on what medication HE condones and what recreational drug HE condones and supplies (He does not condone alcohol nor chemical dope, just the marijuana that the subhuman cops want so badly to make unavailable so the kids will become dope slaves).
So, they know this and still pimp the dope for their new master, Obama, to pad his Muslim/Islamic infidel brothers’ terrorism…“Create criminals out of potheads and future junkies, and fund terrorism”, that’s the agenda of any law enforcement agent caught fucking with someone over marijuana (especially NOW, when there’s hard dope on every corner and in every shopping center you go to).
The cops might as well cut out the middleman and just deal the dope to the kids, themselves, save some time and exercise some efficiency and get some brown-nose points with their Master, Obama. They’re as good as dealing it already: For example, Gaylord cops got 16 search warrants for marijuana dispensaries today, not for any of the 47 KNOWN hard drug houses in and around Gaylord…Now THAT’s a cursed dope pimping (lack of) “law enforcement” agency and prosecuting attorney and judge who issued those search warrants without asking why they weren’t going after the hard dope dealers with those warrants and resources and man-hours (taxpayer extortion, personalized agendas instead of law enforcement).
Cowardly cops would rather obey Obama and steer clear of the armed dope dealers to go after the safe marijuana people…Those are just the facts. Cops in Michigan are not allowed to go after real dope dealers anymore. Their (dope pimp disguised as an) Attorney General is still working that “ignore the drugs and criminalize those potheads” agenda, an agenda that now has become the only agenda that he and his lack of law enforcement agencies are allowed to pursue…as open dope houses all throughout Gaylord and the lost little white children from the region are proving to be true.
Meghan Morelli took the propagandist route and failed to research the false statements made by lack of law enforcement during her propaganda segment, so she participated in propagandizing marijuana, TWICE, in one month, now…It’s as if she wants kids addicted to hard drugs, too, just like Schuette and his lack of law enforcement agencies…
Actions speak volumes more than words…Remember the propaganda about the “billion dollars Schuette raised” to prosecute the rapists in Detroit that Kym Worthy let walk? Yeah? Where’s the busts and cases and caught rapists being sent to prison, then? Where’s the prosecutions? Here’s an idea, put some marijuana in the rapists’ pockets and suddenly those dope pimping cops will find them and incarcerate them…Someone should raise some money to do THAT, since it’s the only kinda bust Michigan cops are capable of making…Still waiting for the Crawford County Barney Fifes to find that rapist that raped that girl a few blocks away from the police station. Oh yeah, the rapist may not have no pot on his person, so them bumbling idiots can’t bust him. But they can beat on their chests and impound vehicles and issue ridiculous charges over a few too many grams of marijuana in someone’s vehicle with no problem. They need to ask themselves if that’s the kind of brutish bumbling idiots passing for law enforcement that they want protecting THEIR families, see if they even stop to give their behavior any thought after that question (they’d probably be too retarded to “get” it and continue to be pothead persecutors disguised as cops).
Yep, nobody who hates pot graduates from this mechanism…If you hate marijuana, you’re too stupid to exist, here nor beyond here. It’s just that simple.

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