Thursday, May 14, 2015

Motuphi: Rod Of Iron Deflector

Everyone always said there was something “special” about Motuphi. They really had no clue just how special he really is:
Motuphi has been “talking” to the powers that be ever since they started illegally listening to his phone calls. He has been talking to them while on the phone with his estranged wife, who just sets the phone down and disregards his one-sided conversations as “rants”.
Well, recently, some important content was “leaked” from one of those conversations that concerns us all…
The prophecy of the “rod of iron” and how it effects the planet is directly connected to Motuphi and his connection to the Sun. God warned not to remove the “coolant” (meaning the oil) from the ground because it would negatively effect the magnetic fields that control the balance via “overheating” (Earth “destroyed by fire” back-up prophecy comes to mind here). Well, the white devils and rich Saudi sand niggers disobeyed those commands and stole the coolant (oil) and sold it. They cannot stop the Earth from turning. They cannot simply turn off the mechanism to let it cool off. Yet they stole the coolant.
God knew this would happen and equipped certain individuals (part angel part human, like Motuphi) with special brainwave “frequency” patterns to deter the resulting CMEs and solar filament separations caused by the change in magnetic pull as the Earth overheats from within (the overheated iron is becoming magnetized to the Sun). But the subhumans in power went out of their way to kill-off all of those special frequency transmitters and now we’re left with only ONE on the planet, Motuphi.
How does it work? Well, when Motuphi is made angry or is deprived of proper medication and sex, his brainwave frequencies change and they no longer depolarize the magnetic pull. At these times of polarization, the Sun reacts and then the Earth responds with inclement weather patterns and earthquakes. Motuphi recently let that secret (he’s been keeping to himself for years) slip out in one of his “rants” to the treasonous traitors and terrorists posing as government.
Motuphi has also been laying out a list of demands that they refuse to give him:
Like the gold in China: He wants it back to distribute to the Chinese slaves who earned it and the Americans it was pilfered from. Motuphi also wants all in power in China to be enslaved for the rest of their lives or publicly executed for their greed, gluttony, and tyranny.
Motuphi wants the “Royal” family desolated and reeducated in “fun camps” and all of their wealth distributed to the poor of their nation.
Motuphi wants the UN to be disbanded and charged for their crimes against humanity. He wants punishments issued upon them, like executing all who were in the UN back in 1979-80, when they used the Shah of Iran and the mental weakness of Muslim/Islamic infidels as a Psy-Op to distract from the UN’s crimes against children in Bosnia (who were being kidnapped, used as sex slaves by “dignitaries” and “elite”, raped, tortured, and then murdered).
Motuphi wants all who were ever given diplomatic immunity to be taken to secret facilities where the crimes they committed against others (that they were “immune” from punishment for) will be committed against them (it’ll be a “rape” facility, mainly). Motuphi wants any surviving victims of those “diplomats” to be their executioners of their punishments.
The money from the stolen coolant (oil): He wants that back, too. (Goodbye Saudi Arabia, good riddance).
The stolen money from the end time Elect and all other hardworking taxpayers now in possession of bankers: He wants that money back to redistribute it to those it was stolen from. And he wants those bankers and Federal Reservists placed in work camps.
The money stolen from the 99% during the Bush era (terrorist attack known as) tax breaks for the wealthiest percentile: He wants it given back, plus 28% compounded interest.
Motuphi also wants all (passive terrorists known as) billionaires worth more than the $420-million glutton cap to be scaled down to the glutton cap of $420-million and all who resist should be executed or reeducated in “fun camps” and work camps.
Motuphi wants the taxes owed by the sports franchises paid back at 28 percent compounded interest.
Just these above things would fix the broken economy, globally, and relinquish the need for killing millions of Americans when the money system collapses (due soon).
Motuphi wants Marijuana legalized and ordered to be prescribed FIRST, before administering any other medications, since most illnesses and diseases are successfully cured and treated with Marijuana.
Motuphi wants the money the insurance companies made from ObamaCare returned to the people, and the insurance companies closed down, and their owners reeducated in “fun camps”.
Motuphi wants all treasonous traitors and terrorists posing as government who did not fight against the Bush era tax breaks and ObamaCare to be reeducated in “fun camps” and then placed in work camps (this is a light sentence when you consider that they actually deserve to be tortured to death).
Motuphi wants all rappers, mainstream music artists and sports figures who participated in the dumb down to be fined their entire incomes and to be put in work camps to repay society.
Motuphi wants the holocaust in North Korea to be stopped and the tyrannical dictatorship in power there crumbled, placing the offending tyrants and their regime in the same camps they housed their victims in (enduring the same treatments).
Motuphi wants all “fake Jews” (like those with power who participate with the Bush Cabal) exposed and placed in work camps.
Motuphi wants the Bush Cabal disbanded, as well as the Skull and Bones and all Freemasons beheaded or at least placed in work camps for life.
GMO foods and poison vaccines gotta go and so do their producers (fun camps, again). Punishments and fines are due them, and Monsanto is included in this demand.
Motuphi wants Wi-Fi turned off until they interchange the weapons grade frequencies that are infecting the flesh for less harmful domestic signals.
Motuphi wants texting disabled on all phones on Earth due to how it made so many people socially inept (challenged).
Motuphi wants Facebook and all other websites that cater to the subhuman (troll and hater) mentality closed down.
Motuphi wants all hate crime perpetrators to be sentenced to endure the same offenses that they committed against others.
Motuphi wants all companies who outsourced for lower wages to be closed down and new companies opened to manufacture their products (in their stead) in the nation they ran from to save money. He also wants their owners charged with treason and incarcerated. Motuphi wants all of that ill-gotten gain returned, as well.
Motuphi wants all Muslim/Islamic infidels who deny that Jesus Christ/Joshua is the Son (clone) of God (Allah) to be deported back to their own nations or be reeducated in “fun camps”. And he wants clitoris restoration operations performed on all Muslim women who had their genitals mutilated (for their effeminate pedophilic “husbands”) and for all “men” who condone this practice of stealing the sexuality away from women to have their genitals mutilated to steal away any sexual pleasure they may feel.
Motuphi wants all terrorists beheaded and their heads displayed on pikes as a warning to never negatively effect the existences of others.
Motuphi wants all chemical dope (cocaine, heroine, meth, etc) to stop being produced on Earth and all junkies to be reeducated and flushed clean in detention centers.
Motuphi wants all drug dealers to be placed in work camps to repay the mechanism so that he has fewer souls to time loop as slaves (after they die here). “They’re already gonna be time looped as their victims, which is enough work” Motuphi was once quoted as saying.
Motuphi wants all who attend dog fights and those who provide them to be publicly executed for their animal cruelty…Bare minimum compromise is life in a work camp, paying back the mechanism the monetary part of it (which will not do away with the requirement that they be time looped as those dogs, with their mamas and daddies in the other dogs, while they fight to their deaths).
Motuphi wants all rapists and pedophiles incarcerated and castrated and their genitals mutilated to make them sexually nonfunctional.
Motuphi wants all murderers executed, not housed.
Motuphi wants all thieves incarcerated in work camps.
Motuphi wants all slave traders enslaved, and all flesh peddlers who’d spawn children to ghetto existences in exchange for welfare reeducated in fun camps and then transferred to work camps to repay the taxpayers.
Motuphi wants all the stupid women who liked American mainstream music, TV, and sports to be reeducated so they won’t be so stupid and infantile, transforming them into women that Lucifer and the fallen angels will want to fuck without feeling like pedophiles who took advantage of the mentally feeble…Satan and the angels are not pedophiles, so they can’t fuck those stupid women without feeling “dirty” and therefore have no reason to return to Earth for the pseudo showdown between them and Christ.
Motuphi wants the mainstream (music, TV, sports, and all dribble overs of that ill content to the internet) censored and/or completely shutdown until humans recapture the family values stolen from them by the sub spirits (unwittingly part of this mechanism) who controlled all who are in power or have influence (well, except for Cosby, who they demonized for rolling with them and then departing from them when he saw how they mentally damaged so many American Black people and made them weak-minded and self-entitled).
Motuphi wants free energy given to all, via Tesla’s invention to tap into the ionospheric energy (an invention people were deprived of for greedy gluttonous white devils in power who are controlled by sub spirits who are sexually impotent so they’re greedy, pedophilic, and violent).
Motuphi wants all nuclear facilities and other power plants closed down…this’d be AFTER the free energy thing is done, obviously.
Motuphi wants government issued guns for all law-abiding taxpayers, globally, to protect them from the non-working subhumans who might victimize them.
Motuphi wants all government munitions destroyed, except for the police.
So far, every demand is only stuff that Lucifer and the fallen angels will do when they get here, anyway (by any means necessary). But Motuphi wants it the way they want it BEFORE they arrive to rule the world with him (he’ll rule with Lucifer, not any American or Chinese chosen ahem “leader”).
The only personal demand Motuphi made was:
Motuphi wants an armed female Federal agent (“with a big plump booty and full luscious lips who’ll keep my dick buried in her 10 hours a day”) to be given to him as a sex slave/personal assistant/body guard, and for her to take to him his government level driver’s license and the $22-million that the Michigan Secretary of State owes him for illegally denying him his driver’s license restoration when he fulfilled the requirements for it, 22 years ago.
These demands are non-negotiable. From Motuphi’s perspective, the female agent will be the first governmental official to actually do her job since JKF tried to do his and was murdered for it (she’ll be living physical “tribute” for their illegal operations on HIS planet/turf, gangsta style). The driver’s license and money are rightfully his, regardless, already owed to him and due to be collected by the cosmos, by any means necessary.
Some who care enough to research have noticed that there is a connection between Motuphi’s happiness (or lack of it thereof) and the Sun and the weather. Others are oblivious to it, or are in sheer denial.
It works like this: If Motuphi were distracted with the ass and life he’d be living with his driver’s license, money, and Federally appointed sex slave, he wouldn’t be focused on all of the unnecessary suffering being caused by the nonexistent who are currently in power (giving them a chance to STOP committing their atrocities instead of trying to hide them all the time like the Chinese and North Koreans do). He would be happy (instead of sad and angry) and, consequently, his brainwaves would again transmit the required frequencies needed to offer a minimum level of depolarization of the magnetism to the Sun due to the overheating of the “rod of iron” (inside of the Earth). Then, we might not magnetize so many asteroids to our planet, like the one being pulled to us right now, due to strike in September. Then, we (for sure) know that we’d be hit by far less CMEs and solar flares. We might even see intervention against a solar filament breaking loose and doing a “whiplash” kill-shot on the planet.
As it stands now, those in power and the retards in American mainstream music and television (and sports) have been going out of their way to antagonize Motuphi because they did not know these simple facts about him. The freaks are causing inclement weather and earthquakes, poking at a ghetto dog through a broken fence. The gate is swinging open and they’re still jabbing at him, like they’re safe or something. He stopped “barking” because he’s headed for that open gate and he wants to sink his teeth into the antagonists.
So, as Motuphi is deprived, oppressed and desolated, the reciprocation is on autopilot (and we have inclement weather and earthquakes as a result). The absence of reciprocation is the desired goal. But, as it stands now, the antagonists would be more inclined to fully implement Motuphi’s power to destroy the planet by murdering him…We’ve covered what will occur if that happens and how Motuphi’s spirit will go back to full-size (Michigan reps the radioactive-proof “mitten” Motuphi wore on his left hand when he set Earth into this simulation for God/Allah) and what he will do in response (everything from supernatural “death” to a super nova will be in store for us, then). Good footnote action here would be: Motuphi was one of God’s lab assistants and a co-designer of this simulation mechanism designed to scan spirits while in temporal bodies for real Earth existence viability. Lucifer was another lab tech. The fallen angels were lab techs. Jesus Christ/Joshua was God’s only clone, HIM in the flesh.
So, it all boils down to: If those in power would simply stop being suicidal, Motuphi would be happy, his head would transmit the proper frequencies, and we might last a few more years. As it stands, right now, we’ll be doing good to last out the year.

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