Sunday, May 24, 2015

Let me Guess...More American Subhumans Protesting Thug Deaths

Let us guess: American news, a just verdict, niggers in the streets doing what the white man programmed them to do via their bought-and-paid-for Black-faced Caucasianists (rappers, music “artists”, sports figures, reverends, news casters, civil rights “leaders”, just about everyone famous and Black except for Cosby). Yep, it doesn’t get any more entertaining than this: watching a whole demographic drop down and show how low they really are (still none of them protested over that Black vet killed in his own bed by whitey or over Obama’s niggerism disguised as a presidency or over the TPP or the NDAA).
American niggers should be silenced since they’re too simple to protest over a REAL issue…Oh, but then who could we know we’re all superior to while they’re oblivious to how they’ll never be our equals as long as their minds are controlled by Black-faced Caucasianists bought by the white man? We feel better about ourselves when we see how some niggers have nothing better to do than be nasty vile disgusting niggers (like all of those niggers controlled by whitey via Martin Luther King Jr, the sell-out race-traitor, back in the 1960s). Poor niggers, have no lives and live everyday awaiting the next prompt from their Black-faced Caucasianist influences…We feel sorry for those little Black puppets, too stupid to think for themselves and get them some educations and JOBS and stop being stereotypical niggers nobody can stand to share the planet with.
It’s peaceful to know that none of those protesters (nor those who funded and motivated them) will graduate from this simulation…We won’t have to share the REAL Earth with those niggers and their white devil masters (controllers). They’ll be time looped as all victims of Black thuggery and violence (their spirits will be placed in the victims of those that they protested over, thus becoming their victims, too), and then they’ll be eternally executed to never exist, not even now (in this simulation), to perpetuate their crimes (it’s a crime to wish a thug “God speed” by God’s law, much less protest over their reaping what they sowed when they finally get exterminated as the pestilence that they are). Good riddance, nasty niggers disguised as “protesters”…You traded away your own existences to be nasty lazy niggers, nobody else did that to you (can’t blame whitey for THAT, nigga!).
‘Must be nice to live on welfare and dope dealing and have nothing better to do than get hired by a white devil backed organization to protest and incite riots and social unrest to make all Blacks look like nasty self-entitled dumbed down niggers…It’s the 1960s all over again, just different front players, that’s all: The Cosby demographic of Blacks, who’ll work and contribute to society, are being attacked yet again as their places of business are burned down so that they, too, must go on government assistance like the nasty niggers who burnt down their shit (just like the 1960s, all over again, same shit)…The niggers can’t see it, how they’re fulfilling the desires of white devils…Why do you think white people never protest what niggers do to them? It’s because they know these facts and refuse to be slaves to the Caucasianists like niggers are always so willing to do.

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