Thursday, May 21, 2015

Problem Of American Influence

The Americans just don’t get it. They got no sense of shame. They’ve got a mega talented Detroit music legend begging for money for medical marijuana to combat his physical ailments while no-talent squatters in the mainstream like Jay-Z and Beyonce spend what’s supposed to be his to tear away at the fabric of the society surrounding their “people”. What, the Black lives who work and got their places of income burned to the ground by lowlife riotous thugs don’t matter? The life of the Black vet who was killed in his own bed in the middle of the night by a white cop doing a “welfare check” doesn’t matter? See how the double standard (e.i: “Sterling racist/Shaq and Magic not racist”) has dribbled over to negatively effect even their own race now? What these fools are saying is “Black thug lives matter but not good upstanding Blacks’ lives”…Just like the messages of Malcolm X and Martin Luther King Jr, years ago; and just look at how the good (educated, hardworking) Blacks were slaughtered (in their own ‘hoods by their own color) for 50 YEARS, multiplying that gangsta dope-pimping PLAGUE disguised as humans, with no sense of shame about it, as a result of those messages put in their mouths by the white devils who bought them (“I have a dream” is right, damn, NOW look, and they can’t even “see” it and they’ll never blush and repent and become equal in reality).
Now, bought and paid-for (slaves disguised as) “protesters” start riots in the 'hoods and geek-up a bunch of stupid-as-stones mainstream media created zombie-slave-clones turned “sleeper cells” to exemplify that THEY (the white devils) control the minds of the simple (mainstream fan) Blacks and make them riot over the things that THEY (the white devils) want them to riot over…Proof being: the Black vet murdered in his bed by the gestapo-poes never got a word spoken from any of the (ahem) “leaders” of those riots over thugs who refused to comply with the law and deservedly died for their noncompliance: (equality dictates) white people gotta comply, what makes niggers so special that they don’t gotta obey the rules no more? Oh yeah, the whack influence and the resulting double standard (like: let’s all ride around in planes that untrained “professionals” put together who got their jobs from having a certain skin color and not from schooling and training like the whiteboys gotta do to get them same jobs and then later scream “Oh, no! My plane is crashing! Too late to denounce niggerism and double standards NOW! Oh NOOOOOOO!”)…
Almost forgot who ya’ll got famous and in office over there…THAT explains it all, right? Look at how stupid they are: Presidents vacationing, golfing and mass mugging an already starving population for white devils when they should be praying and leading a revolution against those dope pimping baby-raping insurance company and bank owning white devils; famous Blacks too afraid of being “Cosbyed” to speak up and warn their peoples who, instead, league with the white devils (who’re controlled by sub-spirits who defy God, Christ and Lucifer and their conjoined end time agendas) and help them with the dumb down to be utilized to implement Martial Law, soon (you’ll see, protesting all the wrong shit for all the wrong reasons, ignoring the Obama head-hunter descendant sub-nigger move, NDAA, like it ain’t even happening, while Chris Rock spews some more dumb racist shit and “Black” rappers and music “artists” suck white Caucasianist cock and pay rioters to terrorize the few decent Black people left in the 'hood who’d never burn down their own shit or steal from businesses)…sick shit, yo. They’d be too inferior to “see” it, themselves, or to be embarrassed about it.
Chris Rock participates with every media byte he gets now (always some racist shit spewing from that regurgitator in that predictable Black-faced Caucasianist fashion: “Nice to see someone WHITE will replace you” or some dumb nigger assed shit you’d expect to hear from a bought-assed house nigger).
Bill Cosby defied them and they pulled out old ancient dope hoes to crucify him for (allegedly) doing nothing more than what everyone else in Hollywood did with those same bitches, who are now in violation of the contract they agreed to when they took that dope (years ago) in exchange for sex “on the DL”. Cosby hit it on the head when he said “I’ve never seen anything like this”…Well, neither have we: a bunch of rugged old wore-out dope skanks crawling out from under their latest dope-men because Obama and Soros and his Black-faced Caucasianists are threatened by Cosby’s “family values” stance and example to the Blacks that the rappers and sports figures have worked so hard to dumb down, dehumanize, devolve and separate from human family values (so they’ll be effective “prey”, mind you, understand what’s happening here: “righteous kills” “dirty thugs who deserve it”…it’s coming, yo)…
Cosby retains his dignity in a world of gold-digging fame-hungry dope skanks who put the bulls-eyes on their own heads because, now, everyone else who did with them what Cosby MAY have done (traded dope to them for sex on the DL) will be worried about when the dope hoes will start fingering THEM (for the times that they traded dope to them for sex)…So now them dope hoes gotta go: They’ll be dying off, soon, you’ll see. The Caucasianists didn’t think it through too well in their haste to nail Cosby to the cross (and may’ve implicated themselves via the Spirit of Exposure retaliating over the Cosby witch hunt and crucifixion by those who could never be his equal and that includes those with the money behind it who motivated those wore-out chemical toilets to accuse Cosby of stuff they all know he never did to them).
R Kelly, ya’ll…Cee Lo Greene, ya’ll…Kobe, ya’ll…Vick, ya’ll…Can’t see it? It’s a reversal of (mass) perception so they can point and talk about racial inferiority (“just look at their heroes”)…Cosby was the only famous example to defy that list and white devilism took him down while American Blacks acted like a bunch of controllable “monkey minds” and rioted in the streets over dead thugs…Stop it, Chris Rock. If all you can do is be a nigger when the red light is on, go the fuck away before an asteroid takes your nigger ass out, you Caw-Caw-Caucasianist! Got that white cock lodged so deeply in your mind, all you can do is serve them now (wake-up, dog dick chugger, and smell the jizz leaking from your mama’s skank ass, nigga!).
Ain’t no rapper ever spoke up for Black people except for Motuphi. See it for what it is: If it’s what a thug or racist nigger like Chris Rock wanna hear, then it’s mind-raping racist dribble that can damage the psyche of an impressionable young mind and ruin that person for life…ei: Chris Rock won’t ever recover, you’ll see. His work will remain shadowed by his racism now; just another famous legacy of racism to join the famous Black thugs and rapists and pedophiles and charlatans disguised as “reverends” and “leaders”.
Chris Rock’s comedy bit about trying to live in the 'hood around sub-human thugs must’ve been wrote by someone else…It’s an experience you never forget and suddenly become racist enough to join that demographic just because of skin color…Once you’ve lived in the ghetto, working hard while some nigger or white devil steals your hard-earned shit, you don’t go soft for those low-lifes just because they’ve got the same color skin as you. You develop a higher wisdom that those low-lifes are making a bad name for good hard-working Blacks and you denounce the shit and rebuke it, like Cosby did…Then, get ready for Hollywood to pounce and eat you alive for being equal minded enough to “see” it and speak-up on it…Too far up there for Rock, though (he’s a typical Black dumb-ass, publicly responding to some racism by some white devil and turning it into his own legacy like a dumb nigger would do).
America is a ghetto now…Everything’s becoming the BAD kinda Black and not the good kind…Black vets murdered in their beds by white devil cops won’t be protested over…Thug niggers who are a plague to the world around them get streets full of subhumans crying about injustice, “injustice” that never happens to anyone smart enough to comply with the demands of law enforcement officers (which goes over their heads because they’re weak-minded). It’s so sick and retarded that you couldn’t feel an ounce of sympathy for those “protesters” and rioters if they were all gunned down where they stood (it’d be like “good riddance, Stuuuuuupid! Thank GOD someone finally did somethin’ about ya’ll, DAMN!”). Never an intelligent move. Never a good story associated to that race anymore…nothing…Just more negative and coddling and double standards and bullshit and crying over nothing while ignoring everything that matters (like): Obama just signed you off as “slaves” and “owned property” and you’re distracted with crying about dead thugs and nobody will warn you now that the only decent Black in America with influence, Cosby, has been silenced, crucified, and placed on the defensive, and Hollywood, your “heroes”, participated in it and helped make this happen to you (while you ignored Motuphi’s warnings about it and listened to those race traitors with microphones and record deals instead). You kinda deserve it, don’t you?

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