Friday, January 27, 2017

An Early Valentine To Taylor Swift From A Stalker?

Some idiot implied that Motuphi would be enamored with a self-absorbed famous nonexistent phantom like Taylor Swift? That’s NOT who Lonely (that younger guy) is to, yo! The complete name of the girl it’s to is included in the information data of the file available on the site. This song is too good to be written to a spoiled retard like Taylor Swift, for real…Like she would not be able to get into it because she’s too shallow and vapid and, well, stupid. Motuphi writes for intelligent people, which is why his rap always flops: Rap is for stupid idiots and Motuphi refuses to dumb down and Tupac has been dead too goddamned long for anyone to remember what a REAL rapper is supposed to sound like.
Yeah…Taylor Swift…pulleeease! You better remove that post full of lies. Motuphi covered one of Taylor Swift’s songs for a kid who requested it, not to get Swift’s attention, dumbasses.


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