Monday, January 16, 2017

Soros Not God & Protesters Already Preemptively Stricken

Don’t fret about the terrorist supporting protesters who’ll be out there trying to keep you enslaved to a crackhead nigger’s terrorist attack known as ObamaCare (it’s really Obama’s inferior mama Care, because she must’ve been a rancid pedophile enabling bitch to raise such a fucked-up monster that required time travel to punish and undo)…All of those protesters are preemptively cursed and some will never make it back home.
Any Black NIGGER caught protesting at the inauguration might just get lynched by us REAL Black PEOPLE for their KKK support after not being there to support Ben Carson. We, for real, are gonna go see if we can take out one of their leaders if they dare show up to be inferior little niggers after race traitorism in the form of lack of support for Ben Carson due to bought nigger slave phantoms like Spike Lee and Jada Pinkett Smith obeying their white MASTERS and crying “racism” and foul over a fucking AWARDS show…If Jada and Spike REALLY cared about Blacks, they’d warn Blacks to avoid all of their content, all rap, all sports, and that any Black who’s famous except for Cosby is a bought nigger slave mouthpiece for whitey just as solidly owned as Martin Luther King Jr’s slave to whitey ass was who ordered the hits of all decent hardworking Blacks who dared be equal to white people back then.
For his betrayal of good Black people, Martin Luther King Jr will be time looped as ALL victims of racist niggers, including the animals that they neglect and abuse. PLUS MLK’s bitch ass is gonna pick cotton and be all forms of slaves and sex slaves and dope slaves to repay this mechanism for his phantom nigger behavior and the resources he must repay when he was exposed to be a nonexistent phantom who won’t be allowed to exist to be a nigger who was inferior to ALL white people, just as ANYone who’s Black and racist is inferior to ALL white people (who are their GODS once they become racist against them per GOD’s orders executed through Motuphi, God of this World). Then nigger boy MLK Jr gets spiritually executed to never get born to be the inferior nigger that he was. The same fate awaits his father and mother for the offense of spawning him.
Ironically, MLK Jr’s fate is also the fate of Obama, the Clintons, the Bushes, and ALL of their white devil masters like (and including) SOROS. Soros thought he was God while doing the opposite of what God would do. Now Soros gets to be every animal and person his money neglected or caused to be victimized before he, too, will be enslaved to repay this mechanism. If Soros were REALLY God, his resources would’ve FIXED the world instead of breaking it. Soros would’ve funded killing all inferior nigger rappers and sports figures to protect the world from their putrid influence. Sharpton, Jackson and Van Jones would’ve come up missing. Animals would be getting help. Madonna would be in prison for FCC violations, right along with Salt n Pepa, the child sexualizers. Muslim Islamic infidels would be killed off so that Lucifer could come back here to rule the world as Christ sooner (God’s agenda, yo). Soros does the OPPOSITE of what any advanced entity would do with his resources and power. God would relieve the unnecessary suffering and “transfer” it to those who cause it or fail to relieve it. Never insult God by comparing the two.
So, the Blacks are all done with this nigger protesting shit, and any who dare do it are our targets and targets from the future timeline, which is fighting Soros (who never makes it there) and all of his agendas. If we can get to any of ‘em, Sharpton, Jackson or Van Jones would make prime examples of what can happen for being a KKK supporting nigger…Sharp shooters would be great. Ropes would make a perfect statement, if they can see that we who do the hanging of Sharpton, Jackson and Van Jones are BLACK (REAL Black, not fake Black like them and MLK and all rappers and sports figures and thugs, who are inferior niggers to us and the white people they’ll never be equal to in reality). We’re willing to go to prison or be executed to make the statement with one of those nigger leaders’ DEATHS that we want BETTER representation for our race! No more will we be represented by the likes of crackheads like Obama and Sharpton and Jackson and Van Jones and the sports figures and rappers. It only takes ONE true Black man to rescue MILLIONS of Blacks from the future whack influence of those famous race traitors. They seem to forget that. They stand up, like they’re safe or somethin’, and we hope to shoot them down, blow their motherfucking white devil dick-chugging HEADS off.
We know that the future timeline and Motuphi will strike the food and water of all Blacks who dare protest against the dismantling of the treasonous crackhead terrorist attack known as ObamaCare (cares for CRACK, niggas, THAT crackhead makes our race look WEAK because HE can be bought as a slave!).
Motuphi recently changed those parameters to include ALL people who protest against dismantling ObamaCare and all who fund it or hope to benefit from it. Now, their brainwaves will be monitored to attach cartoonish curses that will be signs and wonders to you who witness it play out. To prove it, Motuphi will share his water and food with them, but it won’t make it past their lips without transforming into poison due to their OWN brainwaves…That weapon was brought back from a future timeline to protect other timelines and the real world from the phantoms up in here, fuckin’ shit up instead of fixing it. Motuphi glories in collecting from those who protest and those who fund it…He giggles about Soros’ debt to him and how he’s gonna collect it in the time loops, making Soros eat his mama’s asshole and suck his own daddy’s dick, repeatedly, in addition to Soros’ many other time loops of debt. Soros never gets born to be Soros…
Those who graduate from here to the next timeline will be given an opportunity to buy the fiction novel that Motuphi (Ciofani) writes about Soros, just like the books about all of the other nonexistent phantoms in government, business and the mainstream. Because Soros and his evil deeds will be undone by then, you won’t have any memory of him; which will make the novel a “fiction” novel to you…What Soros did and does here gets undone…Soros outsmarted himself and caused his own punishment and phantomization (dumb white devil).
Now, if you want to go the way of Soros, then, by all means, get out there and attach them parameters to you…Remember that Soros is not safe in his own home anymore…Russia’s offer was for dead or alive…We’d prefer DEAD, after we torture his white devil ass for a week or two…Finding Soros’ relatives will be fun, too…We’re taking that violence full circle and putting IN THEIR HOMES…Soros will have a rude awakening, soon, and he’ll wish that he could take back time and undo the shit that pissed-off God, Lucifer and Motuphi. Money doesn’t make you bullet-proof or torture proof and it surely does not make you immortal…Those rich fucktarded phantoms forgot those basics and Motuphi sent us forth to capitalize on it.
Death for protests! Step right up and get your DEATH, here!


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