Thursday, January 12, 2017

MI Gov Opens Door For God-Smacks Upon Lawmakers & Their Families/Agendas IN THEIR HOMES!

Okay. We plainly see that there are consequences for being a terrorist posing as government, that it can even get other NATIONS (like China) God-smacked the fuck OUT for daring to even wish such terrorists “god-speed”. We saw intervention from other timelines against their rigged (for Hillary) election due to the terrorist attack known as “ObamaCare” which bears the name of a crackhead terrorist who’s not even American and therefore is NOT qualified to be “president”. That ObamaCare terrorist attack stole money that God and Lucifer gave to people in accordance with the “sowing and reaping” spiritual LAW, which got all who are complicit in ObamaCare cursed and their spirits taxed to be time looped and then executed to never exist (they’ll never get born once this temporary timeline is undone). We see satellites falling from skies and losses in the trillions, yet the terrorists do not learn. It’s like a thousand stripes on the backs of fools…futile.
Well, Michigan’s “lawmakers” and their treasonous traitor disguised as a governor has decided that they want all of their lawmakers and their families and agendas to be cursed and God-smacked for being treasonous terrorists who would dare enact an law that defies the Constitution and peoples’ right to smoke Marijuana in a leased home…Yep, you read it right: Snyder and company invited terrorism into their homes! When you dare to invade the privacy of the end time Elect and their right to the Constitutionally protected Marijuana that GOD said that humans can have (and He said to dispose of alcohol and all chemical drugs, too), God smacks the dog-fuck right out of your little treasonous ass and your families and your agendas and the very concept of you being safe in your own home (just ask Obama and his white devil ObamaCare masters/crack suppliers and China).
Now, the junkies have an invitation to house invade them from the spirit realm and future timelines (God and Lucifer both hate terrorists and treasonous dope-fiend traitors like Obama, Pelosi, Clinton, Bush and Snyder). We’ll see news stories of their families being victimized violently or some other freakish untimely demises. Just like the cosmos responds to Marijuana busts with dead police afterwards, the cosmos will respond to Snyder’s latest treasonous terrorist attack with violence and disease and victimization…They’ll die as victims of drunk drivers and junkies behind the wheel. Their brainwaves will transform the food and water and alcohol and chemicals that they and their families ingest into POISON…The invitation was INTO THEIR HOMES with the illegal law, just another of many that junkies in office are so notorious for passing.
When you say you can pass a law against someone smoking Marijuana in a home that they pay rent for, you say to God that you want to die and be time looped and spiritually executed to never exist to be a treasonous little terrorist who got your government, agendas and family cursed. Snyder never learns, he’s a stupid nonexistent little terrorist phantom. He costed Michigan 1.2 BILLION dollars in response (from God, Lucifer and the cosmos) to his theft of education money from college students and theft of retirement money from the elderly with an illegal double tax on their retirement pensions which were already taxed, years ago. The citizens tried to recall Snyder because he’s just a self-serving terrorist (like Obama), but the treasonous government of Michigan protected his dope-fiend  ass. Now, it’s become dangerous to be that high up in government. But they’ll be stupid enough to not be expecting retaliation and reciprocity…Something phantoms have in common.
Welp. Can’t say that Snyder was not warned. His secret INTENT will be publicly rewarded, soon. You gotta feel sorry for his family, who are all in the line of fire now, even in their own home…Attack for attack, Snyder…Expect God to bitch smack that terrorist law right out of your office…Mass death is loosed upon all government officials until Snyder’s illegal invasive law is repealed…Watch this government DIE now…It’s what we wanted: Authority over them based on nefarious intent…We know why he made this law…He just doesn’t know it yet…They better kiss their wives and mothers and children…While they still can…It’s gonna get cartoonish now…They house invaded us with illegal laws and God will now use that violation to wipe them out and place them in the time loops, where they belong.
This is what Snyder would do if allowed to exist in a real world scenario: He’d steal money and be a treasonous terrorist against people in their own homes…Nasty phantom is so nonexistent that you could rape him right in front of God and still not be committing a sin, because he simply does not exist…Like Obama, his master.


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