Thursday, January 26, 2017

We’d Trample 40 Trump-hating Terrorist-Supporting Mainstream Artists To Hear This Guy’s Music

As the current stars continue to fall from the sky by exposing themselves as lovers of our suffering, the spirits of the animals and people victimized by the influence of the current mainstream have been loosed to get revenge upon all of them for their influence, everyone in entertainment who enabled them with record deals, and all of their fans. If they’re retarded enough to be fans of the the Trump-hating terrorist-supporting feeble-minded mainstream and not be bigger fans of this guy, then they are simply too fucking stupid to be allowed to exist, it’s just that simple.
Here’s music we’ll be enjoying in the replay timeline of this one, after the current squatters in the mainstream have been undone, along with their mind-puke disguised as “music” that endangered all of the lives that DO matter in this timeline (not even property is safe from ‘em, just peep the news).

Now you’ll notice that his view counts keep getting stolen by Google and youtube and that view counts of zombifying mainstream mind-puke have high view counts to lure the impressionable to those videos. So we enacted an executive order from the future timeline that they will now reap their harvests of violence for that mind manipulation. See the inclement weather and God’s and Lucifer’s world retaliate against all who are too stupid to get into real music like this guy’s while allowing the mainstream to influence them to be mindless valueless fucktards that we must arm ourselves against just to survive in America with lesser shit that does not even qualify as music.
The spirits of the animals and victimized people are here, avenging this guy of every second of his obscurity while human-shaped shit is famous in his place. Undoing is happening all around us. If nobody from the mainstream in this timeline stands with this guy, then he’ll be standing ALONE, soon, and they’ll just be gone, never got born, never recorded a note, never had any influence to defy this guy’s GOD-like influence.
Culling…It’s happening…Beautiful…dead celebs are the only good celebs, except for a few exceptions who’re still not big enough to get this guy signed to a record deal and all rappers either charged for their hate speech or secretly killed off (we need good government like that, to KILL those celebs who make people too stupid to appreciate a victory against enslavement). The curses and the spirits of the victims will do what our governments failed to do: They will wipe from the face of the cosmos in every timeline all who are famous now who are not publicly on this guy’s side…Mass celebrity die-off in full effect…They ain’t even safe in their own homes, neither are their fans nor their mamas…
There’s consequences for pretending to be talented enough to be famous while people more talented than you (like this guy) are being cock-blocked by you…Now, you get to NOT ever exist to be such pathetic little parasites who’d think you could get away with desecrating a skilled craft with your lesserism.
The devils are here to consume the mainstream…until someone wisens up and we hear THIS guy on the radio instead of rap…Let tornadoes wipe away cities where their radios play rap and Beyonce and don’t play this guy’s songs. Let any home that listens to the mainstream instead of this guy be cursed into complete oblivion and let the rappers and their enablers in the record industry be a prime example of what God smacks look like. The next kid who I hafta protect myself from is gonna get his rap hero who influenced him to be a thug KILLED and that rapper’s whole goddamned FAMILY! It’s called reciprocity…Learn about it…Your thugs and rappers didn’t know about it, or they would be engineers and career people who WORK instead of thugs and rappers and mindless sports figures who think they’re getting away with accruing that debt to this mechanism for not working while being rich and famous. They picks cotton before they get phantomized, too…They must like the idea of doing it, otherwise this guy would be more famous than all of them, combined.
Picture the world with no Madonna, Beyonce and rap in it because it’s a reality that’s coming, soon. This guy’s rap was better and this timeline rejected it because your record industry here only has clown-shoes for music acts who can’t compete with the real shit…That’s why your cowardly mainstream “artists” don’t do the real artist thing and extend a hand to this guy, they know that they are inferior to him and that they’d hafta work harder to maintain their cushy lifestyles.
If Trump supporters aren’t being controlled by the mainstream zombifiers, we should be seeing a demand for this guy’s music, soon. Otherwise, we know that those who support Trump are also controlled and therefore it’s all an act and Trump is, indeed, just another fancy puppet.
We’ll have to see what those who support Trump do regarding this guy, because we know that the zombified Obamamites who support Hillary and terrorism and Obama’s inferior mama Care do about him: They ignore him and troll him and bully him every chance they get. The internet wizards hide his content and sales links. Then, the sites conveniently can’t process your purchase when you try to buy this guy’s music or books…They are, for real, starving this guy out in this timeline, causing a rift of retaliation from other timelines where they don’t like what we’re doing here. They know that they’re doing it, too. This guy’s rap was better, his music was better, his songs were better, his influence was better. But, in this timeline, the feeble-minded with lesser talent have record deals…The whole world is getting God-smacked for that retarded shit now…
We keep the God-smacks away by listening to this REAL motherfucker every motherfucking day. All who listen to less make great news stories of death…Good riddance. At least we didn’t hafta kill ya’, in person…which is a refreshing change. Don’t you get tired of having to gun down fans of rap and sports and the mainstream influence all the time? We do. We need better mainstream influence. Make this guy oversee-er of all mainstream and he’ll clean house, chase Beyonce and the rappers into hidey holes where they belong and bring back INTELLIGENT music that does not sexualize children and poison the minds of the audience with selfism and materialism.
We HATE all things mainstream now. This guy not being famous exposes their inferiority to him. We all see their cowardice, scared of one little time traveling alien white boy…They just ain’t that “raw” after all.

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