Friday, January 27, 2017

Hiding Motuphi Made Shia Look Like An Artist, Huh?

Yeah. That divisive bullshit Shia Labeouf had going on was “ART”? That’s what can happen when you pass rap and anti-music off as “music” and “art” while hiding the REAL music and art: You lose touch with reality and don’t know what art really is.
Peep the video below. THAT is art. Accomplished instrumentation, writing and vocalization that cannot be easily duplicated by other REAL musicians and surely will never be duplicated by ANYone in the current mainstream music industry comprised of untalented squatters and music desecrators.

Too bad that all in Hollywood would rather be nonexistent after this timeline than to simply give this guy his long overdue props and record, movie and book deals. Other timelines are collecting from all of us for that shit, too. They’ve seen what’s coming in response to it from the Antarctica observatory. Here comes mass death, all due to all of the wrong people having power, wealth and influence here for too long. God and Lucifer got tired of watching it play out. They’re determined to kill off the mainstream for this shit and to make them pay in the time loops before they never get born to perpetuate this shit.
There is NO art in Hollywood nor NY. That’s why they fear the comparison of REAL art to their fake shit. FACTS you cannot deny so long as we can’t tune our radio dials to this man’s superior (to all things mainstream) music.

And in case you think that’s all the guy does. Peep THIS video:

 There’s not a rapper nor musician anywhere on this planet nor in this timeline who can touch this motherfucker, right here.
Peep these videos and you see WHY all of the other rappers and mainstream “music” (ahem) “artists” are too scared of him to roll with him and pull him up. For that, those other rappers now gotsta be phantomized to never exist to be cowardly little untalented cock-blockers of the REAL shit.
The real world is so great without Hollywood and NY and gangs and rap…This guy got ‘em ALL wiped the fuck OUT for this debt they owe him and God and Lucifer….and the world, who suffered under the influence of the inferior subhuman shit that they made famous instead of this guy.

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