Sunday, June 8, 2014

Feeble-Minded Infidels Attack The Intelligent AGAIN

Feeble-minded Islamic infidels (an infidel is someone who denies that Jesus Christ is the Son of Allah) went on the attack against those who’re obeying the commandments of Allah by getting educations so they can be beneficial members of society and prosper.
Allah said: “Be wise as serpents and as harmless as doves”
But the Muslim/Islamic infidels do the opposite of what Allah commands.
They constantly spit upon Allah and call Him a liar with their denial of Jesus Christ as the Key of David required to gain entry into Heaven and the New World beyond (Paradise). That’ll change when Satan returns to Earth pretending to be Jesus Christ, the Son of Allah; at which time they’ll bow before him and accept him as Lord.
Notice how Muslims/Islamics are more evil than Satan and all devils?
Remember the scripture from the REAL Bible which states: “So you believe that Jesus is the Son of God/Allah, and good do you by doing so. But you must do MORE than just believe, because even the DEVILS believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and they tremble with the knowledge of it.” Defy THAT with any fake shit from some fake pedophile infidel religion book.
The Muslim/Islamic infidels are more evil than even the devils who accept the truth about Christ being God’s Son. They’re more evil than Satan, who’ll be impersonating Jesus because He is the Son of God/Allah. Notice that Satan will not be returning as Muhammad…He’ll be returning as a REAL deity…All Mohammad was was a lying man who loved to fuck little kids and kill his neighbor’s wife after raping her and accusing her of adultery. He was a bloodthirsty lascivious pervert who caused much death for which he will pay in the time loops of judgement AS those victims during their victimizations. Where ever those infidels go, violence follows. They are cursed and hated by God/Allah, just as Muhammad is. They defy His scriptures and His commands to obey a false prophet.
That’s why they’re so feeble-minded that they create more time loops for themselves and for Mohammad to serve in with every day that passes…Their leader was the most feeble-minded of all. They’re all given over to reprobate minds, proof that God/Allah has given up on them.
They and Mohammad will serve time AS those creations of God/Allah that they victimize and then they will be eternally executed to be made as if they never existed to afflict God’s creations that were superior to them.
The best thing a Muslim/Islamic infidel can do for God/Allah is to quietly and privately kill itself if it refuses to accept the truth from Allah about Jesus being His Son…facts…irrefutable facts.

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