Saturday, June 21, 2014

Most Pedophiles Hate Pot

Ever notice how most pedophiles hate the marijuana God/Allah sanctioned for us? Another case in point, the Pope went on record speaking against God’s healing herb. This, after he meets with Obama, makes some kind of horrendous arrangement that betrays God, Christ and Lucifer and their conjoined end time agendas to such extremes that he even has to confess, himself, the next day before he can take the confessions of others.
It’s obvious that Pope Francis has become a minion of the shitworm (spirit) controlled Muslim/Islamic terrorist, Obama, being as he had infidels (Muslims/Islamics) who deny that Jesus Christ/Joshua is the Son of God/Allah/Jehovah attend a shared prayer.
Imagine if Pope Francis actually knew anything about God/Allah or the spirit scan he’s on, or that spirit memory is non-tamperable, non-erase-able and non-delete-able, or that he’s on a premonition of existence and that he will not be allowed to exist beyond this spirit scan if he joins those infidels in their time loops of judgement with his behavior during the spirit scan…He never would’ve went on record as defying God/Allah/Jehovah, himself.
Now we see why the hidden prophecy of Daniel was entrusted to the only real prophet sent by God/Allah since the murder of John the Baptist, a real prophet that many know as “Motuphi”. Popes cannot be trusted, just like the infidels who deny that Jesus Christ/Joshua is the Son of God/Allah/Jehovah (they call God/Allah a “liar” and spit upon Him with their false doctrine), and just like the fake ministers who’re teaching their flocks a rapture delusion that has them worshipping Satan, who’s currently incarcerated in God’s realm and will return to Earth soon to imitate Jesus Christ (the Messiah and Son of God) for a growing season before the real Christ returns to battle him for the bride of Christ.
Pope Francis was not on the inside loop with God/Allah, or he would’ve known about the hidden prophecy of Daniel, he would’ve known that we’re on a spirit scan that’s also a mere premonition of our existences (to see if we’d negatively effect the end time Elect or the meek or the animals), he would’ve known that Obama is an infidel (as all Muslims/Islamics are), and he would’ve known to refuse any deals or arrangements offered by infidels who reject the deity of Christ and to keep them off of God’s property.
Pope Francis, much like all pedophiles and infidels who deny the deity of Christ, is just another nonexistent monster premonition. He does not exist. When he dies, he’ll be time looped with Obama and the rest of the Christ rejecting infidels as all victims of the Muslims/Islamics and their beliefs that defy God/Allah, and then he’ll be eternally executed to be as if he never existed, at all. Then he’ll be a spirit snack in the fridge of one of God’s REAL chosen people (who actually graduated from this spirit scan) that comes with the legend of how he was a phantom who was not allowed to exist due to his temporal agendas that were counterproductive to God’s, Christ’s, and Lucifer’s conjoined end time agendas.
You know what’s worse than pot? Pedophiles and Christ rejecting infidels…And pompous popes who never existed due to the time-space continuum.
fuck Francis…Let that nonexistent, terrorist loving monster premonition be cursed and all of the ground that he invited the Muslim/Islamic infidels to walk upon, as a sign and a wonder to the rest of the world…That nasty bitch!
You knew the fool was gonna show his true colors eventually…

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