Friday, June 13, 2014

Praise From A Glutton Is Worthless

Praise from a glutton like Buffet, who surpassed the line that separates the successful from the greedy gluttons ($420-million) years ago, is worthless; especially considering that Buffet is nonexistent due to the fact that he and his bloodline will be time looped as every entity (animal and human) ever negatively effected by his gluttony/money hoarding or power and then eternally executed so that he will not exist, even now, to negatively effect the world with his greed and self-absorption…..Like, he gets to be time looped as tens of thousands of suicide victims who died when the economy crashed due to treasonous traitors (the wealthy one-percenters) being granted illegal tax breaks that transferred the burden of their ill-gotten hoarded wealth to the poor working class people the traitors in D.C. helped them steal it from.
If you’ve earned praise from a  nonexistent retarded fool like Buffet, you’re doing something wrong…
Buffet doesn’t realize that he’s on a list that you should NOT want to be on…Wonder if he’ll wake-up to it when his spirit is time looped and placed in the bodies of slaves to learn a proper work ethic, a work ethic that would’ve stopped him from being a glutton who negatively effected the world with his gluttony and weakness. That’s something we’ll have to wait for Motuphi to be finished with the punishment phase to let us in on (to find out: did any of the nonexistent gluttons on the Forbes Fortune 500/Passive Terrorist List ever awaken during their punishment, or did they die as zombified as they were on Earth during the spirit scan?).
Buffet’s so weak that he needs to negatively effect YOU and all around you to hoard ill-gotten gain…just like the rest of the one-percenters who stole the American working class population’s money with those illegal tax breaks for years…
Buffet is so weak-minded that he cannot even blush about participating in that treasonous traitorous terrorist attack on the American economy and world economy…
"and neither can they blush"

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