Friday, June 6, 2014

Our Response To The Rudeness

You know how the retards who put graphics of ads over the shows we watch have no clue that they’re being rude (probably because their mamas were too busy choking down dope-man cock to instill any proper raising into ‘em)? Well our response to that rudeness (in addition to enacting compound/combination curses upon them and their collective bloodlines and economies) is to make a mental note to NOT watch whatever they so rudely interrupted our show to tell us about, even if we’d normally watch the show…It’s a boycott thing we do whenever they cross lines with us…Like, when they take over an internet site page with an ad that we must close, we boycott whatever product, service or show they were advertising in response to that rudeness…
Our dollars control the economy, and where our money goes has an impact on who survives in the business world. We’re showing them that we demand respect by putting them out of business for insulting our intelligence or for being rude to us when we try to enjoy a program. Same for bad ads that depict cruelty to animals, children or the elderly. Same for ads that glamorize gang-banging, like the ad that desecrates the Honey Nut Cheerios bunny - Nelly is the whack perpetrator we cannot wait to see never exist due to being time looped as all victims of his fans whom he influenced and then eternally executed because, now, the world HATES gangstas and gangsta rappers due to the demises of the good people tortured raped and murdered by their retarded “sleeper cell” fans (victims like Channon Christian, Hugh Newsom, Al Potter, Autumn Pasquale, Colleen Ritzer, and MILLIONS of white children sold to Black dope-men by their dope-fiend mothers who were then used as sex slaves for GANGS of fully grown adult males, yeah - act like that shit ain’t been happening every day in the U.S.A. for the last 30 years and get yourself time looped AS those children when you die, you nasty pedophile enablers).
We’ve determined that we’re all done with the rudeness…fuck them, fuck their shows, fuck their products, fuck their whack-assed retarded “role models” who’re NOT really role models because they cannot abide by morals clauses and who’re so retarded that they’re never held accountable for their atrocities against others while their whole system witch hunted an old dude over PRIVATE CONVERSATIONS that were NOT racist (you retarded fucking zombie-slave-clones who’re gonna be time looped as every victim of REAL racism for participating in that witch hunt, so get comfortable with the thought of being raped like Channon or Colleen or Autumn and get comfortable with the idea of being a VICK dog, you nasty fuckers!!).
If we were in your nasty nation, it’d be dangerous to have your mentality…We’d be there at those games, seeing to it that reverse discrimination is dealt with, severely and permanently (some things are worth going to prison or even dying over)…So Shaq’s whack ass woulda’ got knocked the fuck out for that Ming incident that he’s obviously too inferior-minded to be witch hunted or penalized over (someone oughtta’ just exterminate that fucker if he can’t be punished, just like OJ and R Kelly and Kobe and Vick deserve!! we would!). We for sure would’ve made Shaq go into hiding for his bashing of the handicapped (his nasty mama must be so proud, the ugly fuckin’ monster spawning bitch!). We cannot wait to rape Shaq’s and Magic’s mamas (when they die and are placed in Channon Christian’s body) as Lemaricus Davidson in the time loops of justice (we bought us some interactive loops). THEN the NBA will know what real racism is (when they’re all time looped as Channon and Colleen and all other racist rape victims)…Sounds harsh, but we cannot have people too stupid to know what racism is or where to draw the line over someone else’s private matters in Heaven or the New Earth (which is actually this Earth devoid of the contaminants who’ll never exist once they’re eternally executed due to the time-space continuum).
American mainstream media and sports is just whack, that’s all there is to it. Buncha’ shitworm spirit controlled zombie-slave-clones, the whole bunch of ‘em.

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