Sunday, June 22, 2014

Fulfillment of "Abomination Prayer" Prophecy Has Occurred!

For those who do not realize what they were witnessing when the pedophile playground monitor (Pope Francis) shared prayer with the pedophilic Muslim/Islamic infidels (who deny the deity of God’s Son, Jesus Christ/Joshua) in Italy recently, it was a fulfillment of a negative prophecy of the “prayer of abomination” that’d be carried out not too long before Lucifer and his fallen angels take over and rule the world for a growing season as (impersonating) Jesus Christ and His angels.
This could be why Francis felt so dirty after meeting the Muslim terrorist president (Obama) that he needed to confess before he could take confession.
Francis is given over to a reprobate mind for that offense and it marked the moment when he became excommunicated from God.
So it’s ironic that he’d say something about others being excommunicated from a church that he excommunicated from God with his own abomination. What’s more is, the fact that Francis was speaking against drug dealers over something they did to one of their own kind means that the “victims” family is included in his excommunication. But they’re excommunicated (just like Francis the abominable), long before his involvement or statements, due to their own refusal to obey God and work with their own two hands for their money.
The Catholic church lost its authority and credibility when the pedophilic infidels known as Muslims/Islamics were invited in to share prayer. If Francis had a clue what the Bible said, he’d know this and be ashamed of himself for inviting even more pedophiles into the church instead of rebuking them for their behavior. But Francis is just another premonition of a nonexistent monster who will not be found beyond this spirit scan. He’ll be serving in the time loops AS the victims of the Muslim/Islamic pedophilic infidels who hated God/Allah so much that they call Him a “liar” and trample the blood of the sacrifice of His own Son with their false pedophile-enabling doctrine.
Furthermore, whatever the Catholic church sought to do to the nuns will be done to them in the time loops and they’ll endure curses while on this spirit scan, in the meantime.
Now, the nuns have more authority than any man in the catholic church, and so it will remain. The men are pedophile-enablers and are a stench in the nose of God/Allah, just like the Muslim/Islamic infidels who attract curses to the very land their feet stand upon (as a sign and a wonder from God/Allah).
Now, it’d be wise to distance oneself from the Catholic/Muslim/Islamic pedophilic infidel church…It does not exist! They’re gonna be time looped and eternally executed to be made as if they never existed to commit their atrocities against God’s animals, children, women, Christians (who’re in the right), and the rest of the world who had to witness it and be negatively effected by it.
Time loops will be available for sale with Francis serving time as the raped child brides and the stoned wives of Muslims/Islamics (the infidels) at for those who wish to join Motuphi in his fight to prepare the world for the arrival of Lucifer to impersonate Jesus Christ/Joshua (the Son of God/Allah). Francis can also be time looped as any victim of terrorism that anyone wants to purchase.
Francis forgot the golden rule (regarding all peoples who believe differently) that the infidels refuse to abide by:
"Do NOT go among them. Do NOT invite them in among you. And do NOT even wish them ‘good luck’ or ‘God speed’ if you speak to them."
If the Muslim/Islamic infidels would just obey God/Allah and keep to themselves and keep their infidel/pedophile beliefs to themselves and stop be terrorists and raping babies and stoning women, then they wouldn’t be lined-up for time loops of judgement as their victims and then eternal execution to protect the sanctity and integrity of the New World (which is this world, taken backwards in time to before the infected spirits came to Earth and contaminated it with the blood of the innocents who’ll be allowed to live without torment now that the perpetrators will not be allowed to exist).
Francis was godly in title only, like Muslims/Islamics, and the presidency of Obama, or the equality of any Black American who refuses to work with their hands like the whiteboys who’ll flip burgers for a living (making them superior to all rappers and all sports figures who never had to work for a living).
If Pope Francis really knew God, he’d be more concerned about being popular with GOD and not with nonexistent monster premonitions who do not even exist. The man is retarded, stereotypical of what gets chosen to be pope (and president of the USA). But Francis would rather trade away his eternity for a little temporal popularity among the nonexistent today.
Anyone wanna buy a loop of Francis as a victim of the Catholic church? He’s gotta serve as those kids, too.
Francis should keep his mouth shut, unless he’s opening it to suck the cock of Motuphi (the first and only prophet sent to earth since the murder of John the Baptist); which is the only way he can get the curses (that’re on him and the Catholic church now) neutralized and his spirit redeemed from the time loops of judgement once he trampled the blood of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ/Joshua (Son of God/Allah) with the Muslim/Islamic infidels who never make it back to God’s realm.
Their wealth (of the wicked) at was laid-up in escrow when they came to Earth to pretend to be humans will now be distributed to the their victims in the new World.
Via the time-space continuum, all of this has already played-out, and this report is coming to you from beyond the end of the world (as everyone now knows it). Something no pedophile who’s a stench in God’s nose was ever made privy to, just as the secret (hidden) prophecy of Daniel was kept hidden from them until they identified themselves as nonexistent contaminants.
If Francis or his new Muslim/Islamic pedophile buddies knew that they were on a premonition of existence that’s a spirit scan and that spirit memory records all actions, thoughts, omissions and deeds and that spirit memory is also non-tamperable, non-erase-able/non-delete-able, then they probably never would’ve gotten caught or identified as contaminants that cannot be allowed to exist beyond this Earth Age.

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