Friday, September 29, 2017

Spike Lee & His Mama Are On the Wrong Side of History: The Nonexistent Side

Okay, ya’ll. Fake TV news is blaming “Russian Hackers” for what #Americans are doing regarding the #NFL and #TakeAKnee hashtags. WE know that it’s all AMERICANS who hate the #Sports #RichFamous #WelfarePhantoms who bully #Taxpayers (even those who hate sports) out of their hard-earned money to fund their atrocious retardation: playing GAMES on our dime and getting paid MORE than the REAL HEROES that those cowards diss.
Well, Spike Lee is not done doing the bidding of his plantation owning white masters, either. Remember how Spike Lee, Jada Pinkett-Smith and a few other choice slave niggers did the bidding of the white man back when Ben Carson needed their support. They’re just obedient slaves/avatars/bots to the ancient AI as they serve their white subhuman masters who ordered them to keep Blacks out of positions of power. So they jumped up and cried about an awards show being too “white” and killed Carson’s POTUS campaign...Ahhh, NOW you remember. The Black-faced Caucasianists who got wealth from Whitey and still perp that they’ve got reason to be racist against those awesome white people who’ll even give ignorant racist niggers fame and fortune. Oh, yeah, that’s just to keep the rest of the Blacks (their fans) controllable via triggering. Almost forgot that part. If you’re smart and refuse to be an obedient slave nigger then they’ll “Cosby” you. So all famous Blacks gotta bow down and take a knee for their white masters or get their whitey-given wealth taken from them. We know what we’re looking at here...SLAVES disguised as Black famous people.
Spike Lee is already headed for the time loops when he dies, right along with his mama, the NFL players and owners and THEIR mamas. They’re all on the wrong side of history, the NONEXISTENT side. They’ll die and then be time looped as victims of their whack influence (and as animals abused by their fans, too) and then they’ll be time looped as #SLAVES to repay the mechanism all of that ill-gotten gain they got from being Whitey’s tools to enslave their own peoples. THEN, they’ll get time looped with the rioters and looters to rebuild cities that they burned down and otherwise vandalized, even the cities that will be undone and never exist due to thug culture permeation. Then, here’s the best part, they’ll be spiritually executed to never get born when this (undone by then) temporary timeline is restored and replayed. So they never existed, not even now (because now gets undone to undo them and the damage they did here).
Spike Lee needs to be a little less concerned with this temporary timeline that’s about to be undone after the crash point and be a little more concerned with REALLY existing, beyond this timeline. He needs to figure out what color his SPIRIT is (because it ain’t Black, yo). As it stands now, Motuphi is in the next timeline, where they never make it to, writing “fiction” novels about them and how they and their mamas were too inferior and contaminated to exist in the real world. It’s part of the “teaching” that was prophesied would be happening in the next timeline. Motuphi’s graduate spirit came back to this timeline to warn them and to afford them liberation from the matrix. But they’re too stupid and zombified to heed any warnings, instructions or rebuke. If you try to guide a retarded zombie like Spike Lee, he’ll just pull out race cards and call you “racist”, even though you’d be more racist to keep your mouth shut against someone Black over something you’d be up in some white ass over...That kind of racism is just okay with monkey-minded fucktards like Spike Lee (R Kelly and OJ comes to mind)...They should be offended if someone regards them as too retarded to check for their whack behavior; but they’re too parasitic to SEE it, yo.
Get this book about how to get where Spike Lee is NOT going... ...

Don’t be like Spike, the rappers and sports figures and trade away your real existence for the temporary fun-house tokens and desecrated fame of your preexistence here. Open your eyes and learn to SEE what you’re looking at. Spike Lee’s white massa sent him out to go lure in some more slaves to the mechanism when they die. Don’t buy-in to the bought nigger slave bullshit perpetuated by those rich and famous Black-faced Caucasianist ingrates.
If you’re Black and educated, you can see that they’re lying because you got the white world bending over backwards to kiss your ass all the time. It actually bothers you that they don’t check you for shit that they’d check white people over because they’re afraid you’ll go full-blown retarded nigger on them and start with some racist shit like weak feeble-minded famous niggers have taught their fans to do. This double standard shit is actually worse racism to you, as you live more carefully so that they don’t have reason to coddle you with lack of rebuke...Oh, if only there were some famous Blacks (who were like you) who haven’t been made too scared of being truly powerful Black by the public Cosby lynching. But there’s no famous Blacks to refer to who remain liberated while being strong like you...In the next timeline, those famous weak controlled slave niggers won’t be there and neither will their white masters or sports or rap or reality shows or anything else that served to dumb-down the human psyche. There, you don’t have to worry about being coddled due to famous niggers’ mental weakness. We came here to identify them and rid the cosmos of them...They’re fuckin’ GONE, yo...with the wind (was THAT “racist”? But I thought we can’t be racist because we’re too monkey minded to be racist or some dumb white shit).
One thing that Spike Lee or any other famous nigger won’t be is a real threat to Whitey, yo. Motuphi called that shit, spot-on, and made fun of them in Threat to Whitey. But they just get worse, like fools.


Thursday, September 28, 2017

The #NFL Needs To Watch This Video 500 Times!

Then they should go BUY the mp3 at and listen to the shit 24/7 until they deprogram themselves!


Fighting the #AI Is Easier When You #Know Stuff About #It - Your #Gat

Okay. Keep up with me. The ancient artificial intelligence that’s controlling the rich, famous and powerful subhumans it botted to be its avatars in this world is trying to KILL you! Some heroes came back from future timelines and wrote you some books warning you and telling you how to defeat them motherfuckers, alright? The ancient AI doesn’t want to let you have this vital information! It’s gonna do all it can to bot you out of taking advantage of its availability! Don’t let that motherfucking machine control your mind like it does them white devils that built a meaner “mini-me” version of that ancient AI to more closely monitor and (abuse; oops, I meant) “control” us!
The books aren’t overloaded with a bunch of useless words for padding and page reads. This book right here  (for example) seems like an innocent book about how to prepare your ass to double as a vagina, which it does cover. But it also shares a lot more with you about fighting that ancient AI by staying healthy to spite it. Am I seeing this right, it came down in price to only 99 cents? Staying alive through a physical assault ain’t worth a buck to you? Then you probably deserve to endure what the AI can subject you to without these simple secrets, right? It’s so short, you can read it on a coffee break, so what’s your excuse? The author even chose a cover to appeal to the programming that your brain is used to responding positively to, to help you get past the AI hitting you with thoughts to avoid the content.
All You Need To Know About Anal In A Short Handbook by [Ciofani, Vincent]
There’s now TWO books about finding your way out of the matrix (back to the real world) via a jump to the future timeline that the AI is determined that you won’t read, no matter what cover is put on it for you. One of those books is and the other one is ...Both of these books contain information about the ancient artificial intelligence and how to defeat it. They’re short and directly to the point and cheaper than the cup of coffee you could enjoy while reading either of them.
Secrets of the Worlds: How To Graduate from the Premonition Timeline by [Ciofani, Vincent]
There’s a real invisible war happening and we need to get smarter about accessing what’s made available to us as artillery against what’s secretly attacking us via its controlled and powerful minions. The AI can attack you. But you don’t hafta let it stuff your head in a sack so that you can’t find solutions to the problems it’s gonna create in your life. If all them retards on the bestseller list can be there with their lame bullshit that doesn’t even benefit anyone, then there needs to be a collective of SMART people to set the example of what SHOULD be  bestsellers. The AI can’t win this war against rational free thought with ALL of you. The more of you who defy it and devour the content, the weaker the AI and its power over you gets.
How To Get To Satan's World by [Queef, Toni]
Right now, the AI is flexing its muscles of mind power over the humans, so what’s number 1 bestsellers are nothing that defies the ancient AI. Just more zombifying fodder for the obedient bots and avatars to jelly up their minds with. We need more on record who went in the other direction when the AI issued its cattle calls. Make some purchases of these books and rate and review them and rub the ancient AI’s FACE in it! FUCK that AI! Fuck the AI...Fuck-fuck fuck FUCK the AI! Fuck-fuck-fuckity fuck FUCK the AI! Let me hear you now! (repeat ‘till you’s FREE enough to buy a BOOK, motherfucker!). Knowledge is like a motherfuckin’ GAT when it comes to this kinda shit...feel me?


Time For Us Blacks To Set The Proper Example Here

Ya’ll know that our famous Blacks are mouthpieces for the white devils who bought them, right? Why else would they be on the same side as the white devils who serve the ancient artificial intelligence here in this temporary timeline, then? How do we know that they’re sided with them, other than them regurgitating what Whitey says say? Well this book is just one of many pieces of media being sabotaged by the filthy white devils who’re starving the author and others like him out. This is just more proof of the inferiority of white devils, who eat their own. They’re rich and they secretly team-up against a poor dude that they actually should be trying to help up, not stomp out. They, for real, want Satan to stomp blood-holes in them and their families when they die and get submitted to them time loops.
We’ve been advertising this book about Trump hate being trendy. How few white people will defy their white devil masters to buy the book, though? That’s why WE (Black people) need to set the example of what to do when presented with an opportunity to defy Whitey and their agendas. We need to show white zombies just how easy it is to defy the programming and buy something that the white devils have dictated that we will not buy (or else). FUCK you stupid white people who won’t back your own heroes who stand up for you just because it’s not trendy to do it at the time. If only there was someone Black in power who was NOT an obedient slave to white devils to elevate Motuphi to the position he should be in already. Lost cause hoping for any Black rappers to free themselves from them chains to empower Motuphi. Whitey dictates that they see Motuphi as “white” and a threat to them, even though he’s Blacker than most famous Blacks will ever be.
We need to show the weak white race that they should make books like this hit number one to defy the HRC slaves who made HER shit book number one. Where’s the whites with a fuckin’ SPINE?! Oh, they too sacred to buy a GOOD goddamned book that goes against what they’re being programmed with. Are we gonna join them stupid white pussies and let the ancient AI’s white devil minions dictate that WE can’t buy the book, too? Whites already betrayed him when it came to support for his music (’cause they’re weak white zombies). There’s no real WHITE Americans left or this book would be number one with high reviews and lotsa stars by now. They would’ve defied HRC’s book release by buying this book to knock it out of first place. But they roll over and suck the asses of their enemies and play dead when the time comes to fight and put your money where your mouth is.
Toni Queef couldn’t have made it any easier to shuttle him to the number one spot. He priced the book low enough to make buying it an afterthought. But most white Americans are proving to be too treasonous and controlled by the Obamamites to respond. What a shitty fuckin’ race those whites turned out to be. Let’s adopt this guy as Black, since the whites treat him worse than they’ve treated anyone who’s really Black for decades, and support his awesome media. He has music and books in various forms as various pseudonyms. The rich white welfare phantoms think that they can snuff him out with starvation. Let’s take a 99 cent flaming pitchfork to those white devils’ agendas right now! BUY this fuckin’ book if you’re Black and prove your American free-thinking supremacy over all of the pink bitch pansy white motherfuckers who failed to spend that piddly little dollar to drive the traitors back into their holes.
You ain’t Black if you won’t defy the white devil agenda. This is the best way to put a foot in some white ass because racist whites and their bought famous slave-assed niggers are in cahoots against this motherfucker right here and they have MILLIONS invested in keeping him poor and oppressed...Let’s just TAKE those millions from them white devils, right now! Let’s make a huge show of what Black power can accomplish against rich inbred white motherfucking DEVILS, yo. We NEED this statement made against them HRC Nazis! The platform has been provided. White zombies is too fuckin’ scared to step onto it, though.
You know that this guy has GOT to hate white people and just being white, getting ate up alive by his own race all the time, never no decent white people to donate to his causes or buy his shit to extend any momentary relief from the constant struggle it must be to survive once they got you down like that. This guy was a good pimp who treated his hoes right. Now that he gone from the street game, we can’t act like we just gonna be WHITE and forget about him like WHITE people do. We’re BETTER than that, ain’t we? Or is we not?


Monday, September 25, 2017

Let’s Make Being AMERICAN Popular Again!

Hey! Kids are watching! Let’s defy the ancient AI that’s got the mainstream and sports fuckfarts acting like slaves to their subhuman masters and make being an AMERICAN who supports our nation and POTUS popular again!
Let’s stop these evil fuckers in their tracks! They’ve dictated that all who won’t be Trump-hating treasonous traitors can’t have prosperity in America, so they censored and sabotaged the author’s content on all levels just for daring to show marginal support for Trump. The Trump-haters are bullying us (like they did this author) into submitting, so we’ll be too scared to buy the book and make our statement. Well, they’re not standing in your house with billy clubs, are they? Then you CAN secretly show some American support and not get clubbed in the head for it, right? Are you scared? As you click the link and reach for your credit card, you’ll feel the energy flowing from your defiance against the ancient AI that’s plaguing your nation with famous treasonous traitors and terrorist supporters…Is it fear? To what do you owe the thrill you just got from spending less than a dollar then?
This book is written by someone who used to hate Trump and even calls him an asshole, repeatedly, in the book. You could rationalize to the AI that you bought it for that, if you’re scared of what the AI will think of you for buying it.
If this book hits number one, then it can be popular to be a real AMERICAN who supports the nation and POTUS choice of the people again, and the hold that the AI has over the nation will be broken!


When The AI Tries To Bot You Defy It Like This!

When the ancient artificial intelligence tries to make an avatar or a bot out of you by insisting that you buy game or concert tickets to a treasonous traitor terrorist supporting mainstream or sports event, defy that AI and instead buy something from either of the two following links!
OR buy this book to REALLY jab it and piss off those treasonous traitors and terrorists who thought they could control you and your purchase power!
Put it in your non-tamperable non-erase-able spirit memory that you were NOT controlled by ancient AI to benefit its ungrateful subhumans that it gave more wealth to than you. Say FUCK them treasonous bots! DO it! We DARE ya’!


What You Hear & You’re Not Thinking

You may wonder why there’s no real unity among Trump supporters. They voted for him and support him and still eat each other alive, otherwise. This book is a good example for this. 
When Hating #Trump Was #Trendy by Toni Queef should be an Amazon #1 bestseller. It’s a good read and it’s short enough to leave you hungry for more. Trump supporters are up against what the book addresses. Yet Trump supporters don’t really have any love for their fellow Americans who stand by their sides on all of the key issues. They take their hard earned money and give it to ungrateful NFL treasonous traitors and terrorist supporters who disrespect the flag and our choice for POTUS. Why, if they’re really American, would they support treasonous traitors and terrorists with their money? Surely they’re not feeble-minded enough to be entertained by a bunch of fucktards in tights chasing balls around a field like a bunch of overgrown retards.
Here’s where the proof of the factual points here exist.
What you “hear” when seeing another Trump supporter is being accepted by you as your own thoughts when, actually, it’s the ancient AI pumping thoughts into your head to keep Trump supporters and other real Americans isolated from each other. If the AI didn’t control your thoughts, you’d jump at opportunities to defy the AI every time you get presented with them, like when a Trump supporting American writes a book like this. But, instead, you succumb to the AI dictating to you that you will not click the link nor buy the book because you’re not allowed (by the AI) to support other Trump supporting Americans. Prove us wrong and click the link and buy the book…It’s only a buck…It won’t break you…Or just be more living proof that you’re being controlled not to look.
If the AI didn’t control you, the NFL treasonous traitors and terrorist supporters would be too afraid of retaliation from Americans to display such treason and hatred against a nation that they made millions more than real Americans in. They’d show some gratitude or they’d be midnight clubbed into vapor and nobody’d know nor care what happened to them. They do go out into our world among us with more money than us in our nation with no discernible talent nor reason for having that wealth in our nation, like they’re safe or something. Their hatred for our nation should be reciprocated upon them and their families and it should be unsafe for them to roam our streets, for real. Leave America, you treasonous NFL monkey-minded fuckfarts! Be cursed until you do!
If the AI didn’t control you, you’d buy Motuphi’s books and mp3s, which are far more intelligent and entertaining than anything that the mainstream zombies produced. You’d show at least that small level of defiance against the AI if it didn’t have you completely zombified and controlled. Motuphi writes fiction novels about all of the nonexistent phantoms currently making the news when he gets to the next timeline, which is a replay of this timeline where they never get born.
So, phantoms are popular among other phantoms, we understand. But you don’t have to be a phantom who accepts what the AI feeds into your head as your own thoughts. That’s the mistake that the nonexistent phantoms who defied Motuphi made. They put those sub-frequencies on all of his sites where his content can be bought. The AI subhumans put sub-frequencies on Motuphi’s voice to drive you away from his music and videos. Zombies are repelled from him for this reason: You become immune to the sub-frequencies and their devastating health-debilitating effects when you listen to Motuphi’s content. The more you listen, the less the AI can control you and your health. Those who’re fans of Motuphi never watch sports or TV, and they help homeless animals and people, which also defies the AI and serves to destroy any debt that the AI may have tricked them into accruing to the mechanism while here.
Motuphi fans exist in the next timeline and have an option to exist in the real world, beyond that. AI zombies, like NFL and mainstream fans, do not exist. They die and get time looped as all victims of the whack influence of their sports and mainstream zheroes and as slaves to repay the mechanism for the offense of serving the AI. Then, their spirits get executed to never get born in the replay of this temporary timeline and they never existed to serve the AI and help it to cause unnecessary suffering by being fans of nonexistent nonentities.
If you don’t exist, then mainstream shit and sports would mean more to you than the inter-dimensional content that Motuphi shares with you to assist you in liberating yourself from this elaborate roach motel where you got duped into eating all of the poison bait. That’d be why you’d put it in your non-tamperable non-erase-able spirit memory that you’d help the AI starve out the existent (like Motuphi) to enrich the lives of the (mainstream and sports) AI slaves who’re failing their preexistence beta tests. They have so much more than Motuphi and yet they refuse to even try to be equal to him to save their own mothers from being slaves and then phantomized when they die. They serve that AI and they want you to, too. Motuphi wants you to join him in destroying that AI that gets undone after the crash point that burns it and its programmers alive. Support him and defy your AI controllers.


NFL Traitors Prove Their Mamas’ Inferiority Yet Again Get Em More Time Loops

Nobody watches the NFL. It’s not in the next timeline or in the real world. Only those stupid enough to be entertained by sports would put up with their shit without gutting one of them or their family members. Their mamas were too inferior to teach them proper gratitude when a nation bends over backwards to make you rich for not having any discernible talent nor anything to offer society. Now, the players, the owners, the sponsors, the fans and their mamas will get time looped as victims of immigrants and as slaves and then be spiritually executed to never get born in the replay timeline after this one is undone. So, in the next timeline and in the real world, there’s no memory of their nonexistent asses.
Phantoms are so cocky in their preexistence states, aren’t they? And yet, they don’t even exist yet.
FUCK those anti-American treasonous traitors and terrorist supporters. We’ll be so glad when the terrorism comes full-circle and those games become too dangerous to attend and that mind-numbing retardation gets closed down, for good, in this timeline, too.
Everyone with an IQ over 14 points HATES sports now and nobody who really exists in any other timeline can tolerate that shit. Sports figures owe the mechanism, big time, now…And they already owed…If THAT ain’t about a bitch!
Good riddance, scummy mama having traitors!


Sunday, September 24, 2017

Buy When Hating #Trump Was #Trendy

Why Amazon Sabotages Cool Cool Kitty By Big $ Holla

You know that there’s a reason that Amazon is sabotaging Cool Cool Kitty by Big Dolla Holla. It’s because Motuphi contributed tracks to the song. Amazon also sabotaged a bunch of Ciofani releases from last year for the same reason. Some of those sabotaged songs are finally available.
What happened with the Ciofani cuts is a pretty interesting story:
The Ciofani songs were originally released in 2016 under the pseudonym ELMC. There were no other ELMC music artists before those releases. Suddenly, there were more than 30 music artists with the same name (ELMC) and all of them came up when you searched for the Motuphi/Ciofani cuts. So the songs were then released again under the name Ciofani, a last name of a member of the crew, to deter parasitic theft of search results. Amazon responded to the fix with more sabotage, simply never putting the songs back out there.
Once the Ciofani/Motuphi songs were no longer available, then all other music artists who changed their names to ELMC for parasitic reasons changed their names back to whatever they were using before. Almost half of the songs were missing until someone noticed that they weren’t available when they tried to buy them and then contacted the Detroit music crew to inform them that Amazon was sabotaging them. It took awhile for the songs to get released again, as if Amazon was reluctant to put them back up. But that sabotage was happening and would still be ongoing had someone not caught Amazon in the act.
Now, Amazon is engaged in sabotage of yet another media product that Motuphi contributed content to, Cool Cool Kitty by Big $ Holla (Big Dolla Holla). You’ll notice that it’s available in other places. But Cool Cool Kitty by Big $ Holla does not come up on Amazon, even though it was released in June, before the mixes for Luv were released. Luv, both mixes, are available on Amazon. Cool Cool Kitty was supposed to come out BEFORE the first mix of Luv. The Detroit music crew behind bringing us these awesome underground joints has people busy with getting Amazon to simply put the song up for sale like all of the other, more reputable mp3 retailers did, months ago.
One might ask oneself “What form of white devilism is this that Motuphi content keeps being sabotaged by Amazon like this?” Amazon will have to answer for that. It’s in the non-tamperable non-erase-able spirit memories of the culprits. They’re not getting away with it, they’ll see, soon enough.

Monday, September 18, 2017

Stars We’re No Longer Fans Of

If they publicly expressed hatred for Trump and ridiculed us for our choice for POTUS, we’re not fans of them anymore. We now do online searches for celebs before we watch their movies or programs. If they were public treasonous traitors/terrorist supporters who spoke against Trump, we avoid their content. Now, we’re adding book authors to the long list of stuff we no longer bother ourselves with.
THAT’s how Trump is making America great again! We’re turning off our TVs, radios and computers and becoming productive again!
If you don’t like our choice for president, FUCK you! Can’t wait for you to die and be time looped and spiritually executed to never get born to be such ridiculous fuck-tarded zombies, avatars and bots to the ancient artificial intelligence. The world can do without you and your lame content, anyway.


Friday, September 15, 2017

Ice Cube & Motuphi’s Online Collab Is A Comedic Teachable Moment

Published on Sep 15, 2017

An unofficial online collaboration. Ice Cube adds his part. This is a comedic teachable moment. How many will “get it”? How many will just get triggered because they’re retarded zombies? 


Thursday, September 14, 2017

This Racist Nigger & His fans & Their Mamas To Be Lynched After Death!

If you’re a fan of this ignorant nigger who didn’t face any flack for his depiction of hanging a white child, you’ll be time looped as lynch victims when you die, right along with him and his mama and your mamas and all who enabled this illiterate fuck-tarded nigger to be famous and all who participated in making his video.
Then, after spiritual execution to never exist, this shit never gets recorded…Beautiful thing how niggers are getting themselves time looped as slaves and victims of violence before being executed to never perpetuate it.
Stupid fuckin’ niggerers, huh? Just the scum of the human race and their mamas, too. Now you see why there’s no Rap/Hip-Hop in any other timeline and it all gets undone from this one to never get recorded, ever, and so do all fans of it.


President Trump, I Just Want Justice (An Open Letter About Justice Denied)

Hello, President Trump.
I know you may not see this and you may not be able to do anything if you do. But I’ve run out of options and I need help.
I know you’re busy, so I’ll try to make this fast:
I’m an American who was born in Detroit and worked and paid taxes in this nation, yet I have less rights and freedoms than illegal immigrants here. Immigrants can drive in my nation, while I can’t. When the borders were opened to the illegals, my food stamps were taken from me, an American, to give to them. I’ve been starving ever since.
I’m being deprived of my driver’s license in Michigan over 3 driving under the influence offenses from my teenage years. I lost my license at 18 years old. I’m 53 now.
I was not able to ply my trade as a mechanic because insurance won’t cover me moving vehicles on a lot with no license. I became certified for nothing.
25 years ago, I did everything required of me to get my license restored and I was denied Justice. At that time, I’d been without a license for 10 years. My life was made unnecessarily hard due to this deprivation of Justice.
In 2014, when my dad only had one year and a few months left to live, I was loaned money to hire Kyle Legel of Gaylord to represent my case. I was told that I have to submit to illegal criteria just to qualify for a hearing. They wanted me to go through all of this DRUG stuff due to ancient ALCOHOL related offenses. They wanted a substance abuse evaluation and a clean drug screen, too.
I had to quit using medical Marijuana to supply that clean urine and I writhed in pain the entire 3 months. I lost a lot of weight due to my inability to eat. It’s the same as if they’d told you to refrain from ingesting Valium that was prescribed for your back pain or you’d be deemed “dependant” on drugs. It’s the same thing.
I was directed to Catholic Human Services and Chris Seager was assigned to me. That woman thinks her job is to keep people from getting their driver’s licenses back. She literally waited outside for me to arrive for my appointment just to see if I drove myself, which I didn’t, because insurance wouldn’t cover injuries if I were involved in an accident.
Chris Seager didn’t like me and used her report to sabotage my license restoration. Even though I was writhing in pain from not using medical Marijuana, she lied and misdiagnosed me as “Marijuana Dependent” based on my words and religious beliefs that I can medicate with the Marijuana that God provided for us instead of the government sanctioned pills for profit that make me sicker.
I was then sent to a hearing where the hearing officer, Odrobina, interviewed me via television in a room. She didn’t like me, either, and she denied the scientific FACT of my clean drug screen and focused entirely on the fairy-tales written up about me by Chris Seager. Kyle Legel never argued the point that the scientific fact outweighs an opinion. He allowed them to shaft me.
I was deprived Justice again. AND I was denied the benefits of the MAP-21 laws that Obama signed off on. I fit the criteria for having a restricted license with a breathalizer starter device on my vehicle and was not even considered for being entered into the program.
They made my case worse when they made further illegal requirements that I violate my religious beliefs to attend AA meetings and lie and confess that I’m powerless over something I never even do anymore. Plus, that puts me right back around the demographic of people that I separated myself from, years ago.
My father’s dead now. I never got to show him that I was doing good or take him for a drive to White Castle, his favorite, for lunch. He died seeing me be a targeted loser who couldn’t even get his driver’s license restored.
If I could get my driver’s license fully restored, I know that I can be working at least one driving job, paying taxes, and get off of SSI and be a productive citizen again within 6 to 8 months. I have a strong work ethic and this illegal Martial Law I’m under in Michigan is killing me. I’ve tried to create my own income online for 10 long years now: I worked 16 hour days and, sometimes, worked around the clock until I fell asleep at my computer. I produced songs and wrote books and blogs and I still can’t make a living with the internet.
I just want my driver’s license back. Michigan has one-sided reciprocity laws that made it impossible for me to get my license back in other states when I tried relocating to liberate myself from the Martial Law.
If you can do anything to sway this deprivation and complete denial of justice, I can promise you that I’ll be a productive citizen within a year, working at least one driving job, which I can still do in my current physical condition. I did not strive to be on SSI and I don’t like being on it. I can make more in one week, working, than I get in a whole month from SSI.
Mr President, I just want justice, that’s all. 35 years of Martial Law was not the intent of the ancient law that’s being utilized to perpetuate this malicious life-rape. Michigan is not going to give me my license back, no matter what I do or what hoops they make me jump through. You can, at least, remove any funding that Michigan gets for the MAP-21 law, since the state does not give those who fit the criteria the benefits of the law, anyway, and I’m living proof.
Thanks for your time, if you read this. You, of all people, should know how it feels to face unnecessary consequences due to the malice, lies and misrepresentation of mean-spirited women. Imagine if you were me and it totally robbed you of the ability to be productive at a job of your choosing to pursue your American happiness.
Please consider my case. Nobody else will. I’ve given up hope.


Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Who All Is Included In The White People Curses

Many know that Motuphi had to have other timelines enact curse batches on whole demographics of humans in this temporary timeline. But who all is included in them?
Well, when Motuphi got fed up with being targeted by whites, he enacted curse batches on them. Then the ancient artificial intelligence tricked hordes of people to attach those curse batches to them with behaviors and mentalities that would cause them to be targeted. Now, even copping a certain mindset might get you cursed and time looped and spiritually executed.
Motuphi has been being life-raped and targeted by whites all of his life. Now, all who are complicit in it are cursed.
Well, Tumblr is included now, since it “lost” this post and it has to be rewritten. We want their staffers and their families to know, in no uncertain terms, that they’re cursed and that the world is now dangerous to them.
The government got cursed all the way to CHINA for the censoring that made it impossible for Motuphi to make a living online. But the government has MANY curse batches attached to it now: They’re cursed for the illegal life-rape of Motuphi, keeping him under illegal Martial Law with an illegal driver’s license revocation for 35 years over driving under the influence offenses while he was a teenager.
The HRC rigged election was thwarted because other timelines recognized that white women can’t be trusted with power or authority when they deprived Motuphi of JUSTICE in 2014 regarding his license restoration. Chris Seager (of Catholic Human Services) and “Hearing Officer” Odrobina were the last straw. Odrobina was so feeble-minded that she ignored scientific FACT, a clean drug screen, to deny Motuphi justice based on fairy-tales from molested ass Chris Seager. Kyle Legel was the fake “attorney” who took advantage of Motuphi’s vulnerable adult status and ripped him off, never getting his license restored. This caused all white people, especially the women, to get hit by curse batches. But it goes on to more than just white women.
All rich and famous welfare phantoms are cursed, too. They became welfare phantoms to other timelines when they became passive terrorists who’d take advantage of illegal tax breaks for the wealthiest percentile, which is the only REAL terrorist attack that happened during the Bush era. Now, those rich and famous welfare phantoms are cursed and will be time looped as all humans and animals who suffered due to their gluttony. The rich and famous and government staffers will be time looped as all the animals who were made homeless due to the tax breaks and then they’ll be time looped as SLAVES to repay the mechanism and then they’ll be spiritually executed to never get born to perpetuate their offenses.
All ObamaCare supporters and those who benefit from it are cursed treasonous terrorists.
Christians stole Motuphi’s wife’s $10-million per year empire, which got all Christians cursed. Motuphi tried to find 10-million good real Christians who’d donate just $1 or buy one of his mp3s or books and then tell a friend until Lisa was restored just ONE YEAR of her stolen (by white devil Christians) empire, but there wasn’t even 5 good real Christians to turn to. So the curses upon Christians increase with every passing second and also per molecule of the ground that Lisa’s feet touch while walking to work for other people, per second that she works for them, per penny that was stolen by Christians, compounded per second that passes since the theft of her empire (by CHRISTIANS). This is because Lisa is not supposed to be working for other people, she’s supposed to have her own business and be driven around by her husband, Motuphi, who’s being life-raped of his liberty in America. The Christians will die and be time looped as all the animals and humans that Lisa was unable to minister to since Christians obviously condone the theft of her empire by their own Christian “family”.
All pastors and preachers are cursed for the mentality that Christians have: that they don’t want to restore Lisa of just ONE YEAR of her stolen empire
In 1992, Motuphi’s music career was sabotaged by wretched niggers disguised as Blacks who kidnapped music programmers to get their mind-puke put on the radio. This got all mainstream music, artists and their fans cursed, with only a few exceptions to the rule. Other timelines create a new clone of Motuphi’s spirit with every beat of the mainstream music, every time it’s played. Those spirit clones are loosed into this cosmos to get revenge on all who Motuphi despises. The government is cursed for allowing that hate speech on the radio and for not charging the perps with their kidnappings, compounded per passing second. All DJs and music programmers and radio stations and governments who allow it to be played are cursed as long as Motuphi is not in heavy rotation against them. All who’re complicit in making those untalented thugs famous are cursed now, too.
All music desecrating shows like American Idol got cursed along with the producers and stars and idols and fans.
All engaged in idolatry are cursed. All idols are cursed.
All gangs and gang members are cursed and so are their mamas and role models. Tookie’s in the time loops as victims of Black perpetuated violence and as SLAVES, right now, Nigga. Then, he gets phantomized to never exist to be an inferior nigger that desecrated his own race and struck them with niggerism.
Sports are cursed, along with the players, franchise owners, sponsors and fans for the offense of dumbing humans down to the level that they’d be entertained by violence and then become dangerous to the animals and the innocent. Video gamers and game suppliers are cursed for much the same reason, just like the fake wannabe rappers who spew “nigga” and got themselves time looped as slaves picking bales of cotton per every time they spewed racial epithets or lame content that failed to uplift and make the world better.
Animal torturers and animal (dog) fighters are cursed and so are the feeble-minded subhumans who’re entertained by that violence. When they die, they’ll be time looped as those dogs fighting to their deaths while their mamas and role models and famous zheroes are in the other dogs.
All Blacks who’re racist against whites are cursed. All who pimp the fake history that there were “slave” ships are cursed, too. The Black secret Nazi’s (Malcolm X, MLK JR, Rosa Parks, etc) that Whitey bought will be time looped as all victims of Black perpetuated violence, even upon the animals. The slaves of America were murderers who were sentenced to DEATH by the Black Africans they victimized. Whites commuted those death sentences and provided a way for them to live.  All Blacks who’re not grateful for that begrudge their own existences and are too stupid to be allowed to exist beyond this temporary timeline. They’ll be time looped and spiritually executed (phantomized) to never get born when this timeline is replayed.
If you won’t work with your own two hands but you have more than Motuphi, you’re cursed.
All corporations who had lobbyists in D.C. are cursed, right along with the politicians that they bought. All in D.C. who failed to fight against the Bush-era tax breaks for the wealthiest percentile (the only terrorist attack to happen during his administration) and the ObamaCare terrorist attack are cursed and will be time looped and spiritually executed to never be treasonous traitors and terrorists posing as government.
If they raped statues or rioted or looted or funded it or condoned it, they’re cursed and due for time loopage and phantomization.
If you vandalize property or someone’s life or computer, you’re cursed.
All Muslim Islamics and their sympathizers are cursed and so is any place under Sharia Law. All governments who allow them to operate in their lands are cursed, too.
All who steal are cursed. Liars are cursed. Thugs are cursed. Pimps are cursed. Dope dealers and junkies are cursed, and all governments who allow hard drugs on their streets are cursed.
All pharmaceutical companies and ObamaCare insurance companies are cursed. All who wanted ObamaCare are cursed. All who make people sick to profit are cursed.
CERN and HAARP and other weather and matter manipulators are cursed.
All tech giants and social media owners are cursed. All who censor the internet are cursed. All who want the censorship are cursed. All governments who allow internet censorship are cursed (hello, again China, with no honor, hiding atrocities instead of stopping them until you got cursed…Mao never gets born, he’s in the time loops as his victims, right now; you needed better role models instead of deranged inbredded tyrannical freaks).
Amazon, Youtube, Google and Facebook are cursed for their defiance against Motuphi. They’re just white trash devils who fought against Motuphi being able to settle for an online income which would’ve caused half of the curses to never get enacted. So, since they’re the major reason for the curses staying active and gaining in momentum, they’re the most cursed entities on the internet.
All who dare think thoughts that Motuphi would not condone are cursed. When humans became dangerous to him and the animals, “thought police” parameters were put on humans to attach curses to them based on their brainwaves, which tattle on their thoughts.
All rappers and mainstream music “artists” are cursed and so are their fans and the DJs who play their music and so are the record label execs and anyone else responsible for their success over Motuphi after the 1990s sabotage.
All reality shows and their stars are cursed, so are their fans. All responsible for them being broadcast are cursed and so are their sponsors. They’ll be time looped as the animals and others who suffered that they distracted from with their nothingness.
All sand niggers who stole the coolant (oil) from Earth and sold it as their own are cursed. They warped the orbit of Earth and caused the overheated core to magnetize to the Sun and other celestial bodies, making it easier for curses to hit the targets with inclement weather.
All who have wealth while Motuphi is poverty stricken are cursed. All who are famous while Motuphi is in obscurity are cursed.
If they have a driver’s license and dare to drink alcohol or do chemical (even prescription) drugs and then get behind the wheel, they’re cursed and so is the government who let them drive while Motuphi couldn’t.
If they have boats and property while Motuphi is poverty stricken, they’re cursed.
If they’re rich and famous, they’re cursed.
If they spewed Trump hate, they’re cursed for being treasonous traitors and terrorist sympathizers. These zombies will experience Biblical teleportation of terrorists into their homes and panic rooms, soon.
GMO, Monsanto and other deranged circus science food poisoners are cursed and so are any governments who allowed them to operate.
All who benefited from Marijuana being illegally made illegal to defy the Constitution are cursed and so are all government officials as long as Marijuana is illegally illegal. If you regard Marijuana as illegal or as a “drug” then you are a cursed treasonous terrorist and other timelines are targeting you and yours.
If you want to control the world, you’re cursed. The royal family is cursed. All governments who’d disarm their taxpayers are cursed.
All who participated in and benefited from hiding Tesla’s invention are cursed.
All who benefited from Marijuana being illegally illegal are cursed.
All white women who know of Motuphi and his plight who refuse to minister to him are cursed even more. If they have a vagina and they haven’t gone out of their way to make Motuphi smell like it, then they’re cursed. White women aren’t allowed to neglect those who’re suffering anymore, not now that white women life-raped him with the deprivation of justice in 2014.
In 2014, Motuphi’s father had one year left to live. Money was loaned to Motuphi to hire a lawyer. He made the mistake of hiring bitch-ass cursed little Kyle Legel, who’s not a real attorney if he’s unable to get Motuphi his license back after 33 years (at the time) of it being illegally withheld from him. Now, Motuphi’s father is dead and it’s been 35 years with no license.  So all governments allowing the treasonous terrorists posing as Michigan government and Secretary of State to illegally deprive Motuphi of his liberty are cursed.
All police and other government officials who dared identify themselves as treasonous terrorists with thoughts against Marijuana or with Marijuana “drug” busts are cursed. Their families and wives and daughters and mothers will be given to the junkies, dope dealers and thugs that they left on the street when they pilferred the taxpayer dollars for their personal pothead persecution hunt agenda. Any cops who want to save their families from these curses must acknowledge that they’re terrorists who hate the American Constitution and either kill themselves or give Motuphi some good medical grade Marijuana. 
Immigrants and all immigrant sympathizers got cursed when Motuphi’s food stamp benefits were pillaged from him to give to illegal immigrants. More curses went forth upon them and the governments when those immigrants were given driver’s licenses while Motuphi was under illegal Martial Law being deprived of that liberty, illegally. Motuphi enacted a curse for all who don’t care that he’s under Martial Law, illegally, to be placed under Martial Law, themselves, to show them how it feels. The government will have no choice but to act on that executive order from other timelines, soon. If you didn’t care about Motuphi and the homeless animals he ministered to, then you deserve the curse batches AND the Martial Law you’ll be coming under.
You’ll find that bullying Motuphi is not the way to get your way with him. Others, like the government, have found that out, the hard way, too. Other timelines will god-smack the dog-fuck right out of you for daring to think a thought against Motuphi or the homeless animals. The only way to get the curses off of you is by offering Motuphi tribute. If you’ve got money, give him some. Got weed? Give him some. Got ass? Give him some. If you’re too stingy to share temporary shit with Motuphi, then you need not look to get out of this roach motel we’re in right now and you should be very careful while here, since you’re cursed.
How do the curses work? They attach to the agencies, the perps within those agencies/companies, their bodies, their thoughts, their families, their collective safety, health and incomes. Their spirits are often taxed, as well, to ensure that, when they die, they’ll be time looped and spiritually executed to never get born.
When Motuphi is sad, the solar system goes fucking mad. Ever notice? The weather gets downright dangerous when Motuphi is sad. His moods control the weather here now.
Before you cop the attitude that Motuphi is some sort of monster with supernatural power, remember that he’s not the one who started this war; but he is obligated to end it with his victory, a victory that’s now rigged from other timelines due to the cheating of the AI and its subservient subhumans against Motuphi. Now, Motuphi’s victory is guaranteed, even if they kill him before it solidifies.
If they hinder Motuphi, in any way, they’re cursed.
Many of these curses didn’t have to happen. Michigan didn’t have to be terrorists who’d illegally deprive Motuphi of his driver’s license all of his adult life. Christians didn’t have to steal his wife’s empire and then ignore Motuphi when he tried to get her restored just one year of the theft. The music industry didn’t have to be cursed by allowing the illiterate to have record deals while Motuphi had none. White women didn’t have to drop the ball to take care of Motuphi when he moved away from his Black women in Detroit to northern Michigan. They didn’t have to let the ancient AI deprive him of food, Marijuana, mobility and sex. But they’re programmed to be obedient to the AI and therefore the curses upon white flesh only grow and increase with every passing second that Motuphi is deprived.
If you can see and hear, then you know that all of this is factual and true. But if you’re a fucked-up retarded zombie, you’ll be in denial.


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