Monday, September 25, 2017

NFL Traitors Prove Their Mamas’ Inferiority Yet Again Get Em More Time Loops

Nobody watches the NFL. It’s not in the next timeline or in the real world. Only those stupid enough to be entertained by sports would put up with their shit without gutting one of them or their family members. Their mamas were too inferior to teach them proper gratitude when a nation bends over backwards to make you rich for not having any discernible talent nor anything to offer society. Now, the players, the owners, the sponsors, the fans and their mamas will get time looped as victims of immigrants and as slaves and then be spiritually executed to never get born in the replay timeline after this one is undone. So, in the next timeline and in the real world, there’s no memory of their nonexistent asses.
Phantoms are so cocky in their preexistence states, aren’t they? And yet, they don’t even exist yet.
FUCK those anti-American treasonous traitors and terrorist supporters. We’ll be so glad when the terrorism comes full-circle and those games become too dangerous to attend and that mind-numbing retardation gets closed down, for good, in this timeline, too.
Everyone with an IQ over 14 points HATES sports now and nobody who really exists in any other timeline can tolerate that shit. Sports figures owe the mechanism, big time, now…And they already owed…If THAT ain’t about a bitch!
Good riddance, scummy mama having traitors!


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