Monday, September 11, 2017

War Against #RichFamous #WelfarePhantoms

The more they deprive Motuphi in this temporary timeline that’s overdue to be undone, the more the rich and famous welfare phantoms will suffer and be time looped before they’re spiritually executed to never exist.
Motuphi may have to do without food and medication, but then that looses curses on other peoples’ food and all medications (including alcohol) OTHER than Marijuana. Motuphi may do without a driver’s license today due to the illegal license revocation imposed for 35 YEARS now by the treasonous terrorist thugs posing as Michigan government and Secretary of State, but then everyone who’s got a license who shouldn’t have one while Motuphi is deprived of one (like immigrants) has to suffer and the government, too, all the way to CHINA has to suffer.
China should make it an act of WAR on behalf of the USA that Motuphi is being given power and authority over even THEIR government due to the illegal Martial Law and life-rape perpetuated on Motuphi. Because China got put on the chopping block right along with the USA when Motuphi’s online attempts to provide for himself and homeless animals were thwarted due to the censoring and targeting that the USA white devil welfare phantoms engaged in with their newfound knowledge. Not a real patriot in America to deflect it with intervention against the life-rape they perpetuate on Motuphi, his wife and 70 MILLION homeless animals. Nobody really cared about America or Motuphi would’ve been empowered and the crumbling of America would’ve been reversed.
We did everything we could to thwart the curse batches going forth upon the masses for being programmed to reject Motuphi’s content: We posted blog posts with links to Motuphi’s music and books. We posted links to his wife’s ministry to homeless animals. We warned of every parameter that could make people victims and, yet, they still blindly plunder into nonexistence like zombies with no freewill.
We warned how the war against the rich and famous welfare phantoms is being fought by other timelines on behalf of Motuphi, Christ, Lucifer and the homeless animals that they want rescued and cared for by the new zombie population that replaced the humans and gave-up their freewill to ancient artificial intelligence that even made sand niggers out of the rich who’d rather steal the coolant (oil) and destroy the host (Earth) than to accept the gift of Lucifer’s invention to utilize the free energy in the ionosphere. They can’t get rich off of free energy, so the welfare phantoms steal Motuphi’s oil and sell it as their own. Motuphi is representative of God, Christ AND Lucifer, whose planet this is. The oil belongs to Motuphi if it belongs to ANY human entity here.
The ancient AI sent their rich and famous welfare phantoms after Motuphi and they accrued a debt to Motuphi, Lucifer and their simulation mechanism. They ridiculed Motuphi’s music and then littered the mainstream with lesser talent and mind-puke (Rap/Hip-Hop #Rap #Hip-Hop) and anti-music (sampler sound effects and fake digital “beats” that are NOT beats, at all, since no drummer played them and recorded the analog notes with microphones). The 3rd grade level lyrics of the retarded illiterate thugs they gave Motuphi’s record deals to made it easy for the white devil welfare phantoms to control the dumbed down masses, which also accrued a debt to Motuphi.
Motuphi warned what was happening, in case there were any humans who wanted to avoid the curse batches and save themselves and their families. But there were no good humans left on the planet to intervene on his behalf and he was green-lighted to Crash Point the temporary timeline and end the unnecessary suffering. So, the coming double sickles may mercy kill millions of suffering animals and (hopefully) BILLIONS of “humans” turned zombie who turned a blind eye to the suffering of the animals that they’re RESPONSIBLE to.
Motuphi hit those who program their fans to want power over nature instead of living up to their responsibility to nature with cartoonish curse batches and parameters and taxed their spirits to keep Christ’s blood from redeeming them before they get time looped as those animals that suffered, 500 quadrillion millennia per molecule of the animals’ bodies plus per molecule of the zombies’ bodies compounded per second that passed since each instance of suffering was caused or ignored. The demographic who’re so feeble-minded that they’d watch animals fight to their deaths got themselves and their mamas and their famous “role models” and zheroes cursed and time looped as those animals and then as SLAVES (to repay the mechanism) and then spiritually executed (phantomized) to never exist to hurt an animal. So your rich and famous rap and sports zheroes don’t even exist, not even now; because the replay of this moment does not include them nor their skank assed mamas. Anything an animal endures at the hands of their fans, the rich and famous will endure and so will all government staffers for allowing the media to be used to dumb people down, which kept Motuphi’s music (and influence) out of play.
Sports made people too stupid to be trusted with animals, women and children and so those sports fans and zheroes and franchise owners had lotsa time loops to endure when they died before being phantomized to never exist to be so goddamned STUPID. Same for #Rap #Hip-Hop and #RealityShows and their weak-minded good for nothing (good) #RealityStars – If you’re a fan of sports or rap or reality shows, you’re too stupid and zombified to understand that you have a responsibility to nature and to the world, itself, to try to make it a BETTER place, not worse, like you’re doing. Reality show stars are slaves to Motuphi and Lucifer and the fallen angels in the time loops when they die, for quadrillions of millennia, before they’re spiritually executed to never get born to be famous human-shaped devil feces.
They ignored the warnings that Motuphi’s spirit would be cloned with every beat of played mainstream music so long as Motuphi’s music is not in equal rotation on the airwaves. Now, Motuphi’s spirit clones outnumber the population of the planet by about a million to one, and the number is constantly growing because this means every BEAT, EVERY beat of the lesser music that never should’ve been put on the radio in the first place. So, all those people listening to the radio and iPhones and iPads and mp3 players of mainstream music are spreading the curses and causing more and more clones of Motuphi’s spirit to be created and loosed upon the world with cosmos altering POWER that Motuphi, himself, does not possess. That’s why they could kill Motuphi and still not stop what he’s doing. They’d just make it worse for themselves when they put Motuphi on the other side where he also has the same level of power to smite them and snatch-up their ugly deformed spirits to punish and execute.
Motuphi already has the rich and famous welfare phantoms in a loop and they’re oblivious to it: They’ll die and be time looped as their victims and as slaves to repay the mechanism. Then, they’ll be spiritually executed (phantomized) to never get born to perpetuate what required them to be punished and spiritually executed. They get deprived of ever coming here to perpetuate their lesserism to Motuphi, but still get punished and executed for it. They never get to commit the offenses that they committed here during the temporary timeline run.
We can see the fame dome crumbling, right along with the Federal Reserve and all banks and insurance companies and pharmaceutical companies and all other major corporations (like tech giants) guilty of this sabotage against Lucifer that had them keeping Motuphi down and in obscurity all of this time. They’ve got no place to hide. Them being opportunistic sand niggers got the walls of their Deep Underground Military Bases cracked with Fracking and ready to cook their rich asses up like the lobsters they boiled to death. There’s no place for them to go now, except to Motuphi with tribute and apologies and ass and good things they deprived him of. Better start with the driver’s license that Michigan Secretary of State illegally took from him and deprived him of all of his adult life over TEENage driving under the influence offenses. Next would be a female government official to be the first to ever do her job since JFK got shot-down trying to do his. Her job will be to keep Motuphi’s dick wet all of her waking hours as tribute for all of the treasonous traitors and terrorists in Washington D.C. who fall asleep when they’re supposed to be working and don’t vote down terrorist attacks like the tax breaks for the wealthiest percentile and ObamaCare (they refuse to do their JOBS).
The war gets won by Motuphi. The ancient AI and all of its subhuman avatars, bots and zombies get undone with the restoration of the timeline replay and so does everything they ever did. Motuphi writes cruel “fiction” novels in the next timeline about the rich and famous welfare phantoms he had to punish and undo. He writes how their mamas and papas were too inferior to be allowed to exist. He writes how they permanently sold themselves for temporary tokens in a temporary timeline. He writes of their inferiority to all who graduated to the next timeline. He writes of how mentally ill and retarded they were, how they sucked dog’s dicks while fucking themselves in the ass with giant cucumbers just like their mamas taught them to do by example. Motuphi gave the subjects of his novels a chance to buy the novels back, so they’d never get wrote. But they have no sense of shame, so they don’t care what you say about them once they don’t exist. They’re in denial of REALITY.
It looks as though the ancient AI not only stole their sense of shame, but it also stole their sense of self-preservation. They didn’t want to exist. So Motuphi accommodated that, to protect the next timeline, the replay of this timeline, and the real world from them.
The war was won against the rich and famous welfare phantoms. A visit to the next timeline will tell you as much. Those who’re rich and famous, right now, don’t even exist; they’re just in preexistence to be fiction novel subjects, at this point.


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