Thursday, September 28, 2017

Time For Us Blacks To Set The Proper Example Here

Ya’ll know that our famous Blacks are mouthpieces for the white devils who bought them, right? Why else would they be on the same side as the white devils who serve the ancient artificial intelligence here in this temporary timeline, then? How do we know that they’re sided with them, other than them regurgitating what Whitey says say? Well this book is just one of many pieces of media being sabotaged by the filthy white devils who’re starving the author and others like him out. This is just more proof of the inferiority of white devils, who eat their own. They’re rich and they secretly team-up against a poor dude that they actually should be trying to help up, not stomp out. They, for real, want Satan to stomp blood-holes in them and their families when they die and get submitted to them time loops.
We’ve been advertising this book about Trump hate being trendy. How few white people will defy their white devil masters to buy the book, though? That’s why WE (Black people) need to set the example of what to do when presented with an opportunity to defy Whitey and their agendas. We need to show white zombies just how easy it is to defy the programming and buy something that the white devils have dictated that we will not buy (or else). FUCK you stupid white people who won’t back your own heroes who stand up for you just because it’s not trendy to do it at the time. If only there was someone Black in power who was NOT an obedient slave to white devils to elevate Motuphi to the position he should be in already. Lost cause hoping for any Black rappers to free themselves from them chains to empower Motuphi. Whitey dictates that they see Motuphi as “white” and a threat to them, even though he’s Blacker than most famous Blacks will ever be.
We need to show the weak white race that they should make books like this hit number one to defy the HRC slaves who made HER shit book number one. Where’s the whites with a fuckin’ SPINE?! Oh, they too sacred to buy a GOOD goddamned book that goes against what they’re being programmed with. Are we gonna join them stupid white pussies and let the ancient AI’s white devil minions dictate that WE can’t buy the book, too? Whites already betrayed him when it came to support for his music (’cause they’re weak white zombies). There’s no real WHITE Americans left or this book would be number one with high reviews and lotsa stars by now. They would’ve defied HRC’s book release by buying this book to knock it out of first place. But they roll over and suck the asses of their enemies and play dead when the time comes to fight and put your money where your mouth is.
Toni Queef couldn’t have made it any easier to shuttle him to the number one spot. He priced the book low enough to make buying it an afterthought. But most white Americans are proving to be too treasonous and controlled by the Obamamites to respond. What a shitty fuckin’ race those whites turned out to be. Let’s adopt this guy as Black, since the whites treat him worse than they’ve treated anyone who’s really Black for decades, and support his awesome media. He has music and books in various forms as various pseudonyms. The rich white welfare phantoms think that they can snuff him out with starvation. Let’s take a 99 cent flaming pitchfork to those white devils’ agendas right now! BUY this fuckin’ book if you’re Black and prove your American free-thinking supremacy over all of the pink bitch pansy white motherfuckers who failed to spend that piddly little dollar to drive the traitors back into their holes.
You ain’t Black if you won’t defy the white devil agenda. This is the best way to put a foot in some white ass because racist whites and their bought famous slave-assed niggers are in cahoots against this motherfucker right here and they have MILLIONS invested in keeping him poor and oppressed...Let’s just TAKE those millions from them white devils, right now! Let’s make a huge show of what Black power can accomplish against rich inbred white motherfucking DEVILS, yo. We NEED this statement made against them HRC Nazis! The platform has been provided. White zombies is too fuckin’ scared to step onto it, though.
You know that this guy has GOT to hate white people and just being white, getting ate up alive by his own race all the time, never no decent white people to donate to his causes or buy his shit to extend any momentary relief from the constant struggle it must be to survive once they got you down like that. This guy was a good pimp who treated his hoes right. Now that he gone from the street game, we can’t act like we just gonna be WHITE and forget about him like WHITE people do. We’re BETTER than that, ain’t we? Or is we not?


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