Monday, September 11, 2017

Did Motuphi Really Douse The Sun?

It’s looking like the war between the rich and famous welfare phantoms and Motuphi’s inter-dimensional warrior spirit clones really did result in a dousing of the Sun. Motuphi made the statement that he no longer wants to share his Sun or his planet with rich and famous welfare phantoms and their zombified fans who cause so much hurt and turmoil on the Earth for all things that DO matter, like taxpayers, children and, most especially, the ANIMALS. This kicked in when Motuphi was life-raped that final time by the Michigan Secretary of State, Chris Seager, “Hearing Officer” Odrobina and Kyle Legel (the fake attorney who scammed Motuphi). The injustice caused a real ripple in the fabric of space and time and Motuphi implemented it for HIS will, the destruction of all who dare think like he doesn’t want them to in HIS motherfuckin’ WORLD!
“The mainstream gets closed down, or the Sun goes away.” Motuphi don’t play, yo. How long can humans prop up the cost of maintaining and operating a fake Sun? Didn’t they rub your noses in it with a fake eclipse using the fake Sun as the “moon” to eclipse it? They also had you tearing down statues (like desperate statue rapists) of people who fought against slavery, calling them “racist”, to poke fun at your stupidity and utterly complete zombification. Motuphi fought against you being so stupid and used-up by the rich and famous welfare phantoms.
Looks like some humans better buy Motuphi’s music and books and make some donations to HIS causes for a change. Otherwise, we’ll find-out just how long a pseudo Sun can be propped up before the planet starts losing degrees. Any real scientist knows that global warming is not a threat, but global cooling can be devastating. Motuphi was always 10 steps ahead of them and hit the Sun, long ago, for what the mainstream and sports did to the minds of the masses.
“If me and the animals can’t have a good life on Earth, then NObody will have a life on Earth. Let the Sun reflect my truth and power over all who refuse to be my equal, which is the entire human population, at this moment!” Yeah. It’s not a bright idea to piss Motuphi off when he hasn’t had meds or food because it makes him more supernaturally powerful over all things in this simulation mechanism. See how they keep working against themselves? They could’ve had Motuphi distracted from this supernatural war with the trappings of the success they stole from him in the early 1990s when they kidnapped music programmers to put hate speech from mind-pukists (gangsta rappers) on the radio to cock-block Motuphi’s rise. Now, they gotsta pay, per molecule of every dumbed down human and every animal they neglect or abuse, compounded per second passed since those kidnappers were not punished. That’s a whole lotta POWER, there, boy. Way more than the Sun can generate.
Then, Motuphi put it all on autopilot, just in case some zombie gets stupid and kills him, to make it all keep going even stronger. It has the appendage on it that calls for early ELE arrivals if he suffers due to the rich famous welfare phantoms or their influence. So, your sports and mainstream zheroes obey the ancient AI and bring about planetary suicide.
It’s getting colder…Anyone wanna meet Motuphi’s demands before the winter hits?


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