Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Perp Race Tells Of Propaganda TV News

In some rural areas, like northern Michigan for example, the TV news can now be deciphered pretty easily. If a perpetrator of a violent crime was white, the perp’s description and/or photo will be broadcast on the air. If the perp was Black or some other non-white, then the propaganda disguised as “news” will avoid the details of race and won’t show a photo.
Now you get what’s happening? The China-level propaganda coming from the TV “news” is inexcusable. When they die, they’ll be time looped as the victims of the non-whites that they coddled and protected. Then, they’ll be spiritually executed to never side with those who ordered them to be propagandists who refuse to report the real news on certain demographics and the crimes that they perpetuate.


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