Tuesday, November 26, 2013

A Cruel Hoax

the following was copied and pasted from a really cool website (it’s a description from one of the videos that won’t embed) :
Just for kicks, we went around with a camera and mic and asked people how they felt about Obama’s untimely death and it was always so hard to hold back the laughter and hold a straight face as, time after time, it was as if we’d told them they’d just won the lottery: Their faces would light up with giant grins and all of them asked pretty much the same question, albeit in various forms, with childish anticipation:
"Whoo-hooo! Does this mean I don’t hafta worry about ObamaCare no more?"
A few people started crying…for joy…They were crying for JOY. Hugging us, patting our backs, rocking us back and forth and sobbing openly. These people were so grateful for the news.
On at least 2 separate occasions, upon hearing the question, people broke into song and started dancing.
It was really fun and funny. We started to feel like Santa Clause or something because, for a few moments during each encounter, we were giving the people a special gift they wanted more than anything else on Earth: we were temporarily giving them back their American dignity and liberty that’d been stolen by a Black nation-rapist who’s too subhuman to understand what he’s done with what’s nothing more than another money scam to him and his insurance company cronies and fellow hoodlums.
In each instance, we were temporarily the most powerful entities on Earth to the “Obama-ed”, shell-shocked, traumatized and impoverished Americans we brought such tidings of great joy to. In each instance, we danced, cried, and celebrated right along with them and sometimes even celebrated the great power of “Almighty God” to “rescue” them from the “wannabe Hitler” with them.
We never saw anything like it: Some were so relieved to hear that Obama was dead that it was scary having to tell them the truth and that they were being punk’d and they’d still have to worry about ObamaCare…unless, of course, God or Lucifer or a falling asteroid will rescue them, since there’s no American heroes left to stand him down now that Boehner cowered, bailed, dropped down before Obama and slobbed all on his knob like a little crack-ho bitch and signed-up…
We stopped when that lady had to go to the hospital for chest pains after we told her that Obama was actually still alive and that she still had to worry about how she was gonna’ buy insurance she can’t afford to avoid being “criminalized” or having her credit rating destroyed, or both.
But you can plainly see from the videos that everyone who matters, meaning the average working, taxpaying American patriot, would be overjoyed at the news of the death of the “dictator” who “terrorizes” and “robs” and “rapes” the United States of America.
The nation-raping mongrels, like Nixon, Obama, Clinton, Bush and Bush, some of whom got elected for president via “questionable” means (to put it politely), are not cut from the same cloth as real presidents who represented the best interests of the nation and the people, like Kennedy and Lincoln; so the tears were from completely different emotions. To find someone who’d cry sad tears for Obama, you’d probably have to refer to the violent, mindless, soulless, uneducated (“gangsta” and welfare recipient) demographic that doesn’t have jobs or pays no taxes and who’s kids probably play the “knock-out” game with a “gang” and commits horrendous crimes like the atrocities committed against productive society members like Channon Christian, Hugh Newsom, Al Potter, Colleen Ritzer, or Autumn Pasquale, who were more valuable to us than their entire race and their “civil rights leaders”, combined.
This was an interesting study in how the intelligent, working taxpayers of all races who fund America would react to having the yoke of a dictator removed from their backs…This demographic represents his rape victims, because that’s what ObamaCare is, plain and simple: nothing short of brutal, mindless, senseless, bloody, smelly, tortuous rape…of a nation…and all tax bases…and, eventually, all economies ripple-effected all over the world.
cool, huh? so was the vid, check it out

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