Thursday, November 21, 2013

Ugly Bully Bitches Charges Dropped, Curses Increased

Yeah, the charges got dropped against those ugly, nasty, molested freaks who bullied beautiful Rebecca Sedwick off of the planet with their rampant ugliness (“I was molested so you should drink bleach and die because I’m just an ugly, cursed, nasty bitch who has a cell phone because Daddy’s afraid I’ll tell”)…Now, let’s watch the curses flow even harder upon Florida (shit, the place is already falling beneath sea level, one sinkhole at a time, over the curses it already brought down on itself with this bullying and those mean old white devils bullying Motuphi years ago). Let’s watch the molested bully bitches’ parents and lawyers and their families and economies become consumed with the curses their own negative energy generated. If we were in America, we’d burn down those ugly bully bitches’ houses with them and their molesting parents asleep inside and then we’d publicly stomp their lawyers to death for defending their murderous atrocities.
They’ll all get to be inside Rebecca’s body as she jumps to her death, 100,000 times over, EACH…Then, they’ll be taken to other standard violence loops of Motuphi’s discretion, which may even include being Channon Christian, Hugh Newsom and Matthew Shepard during their violent bullying.
Maybe God will do Earth a favor and cause all of Florida to be swallowed up by the sea to rid the world of those ugly bullying bitches, their molesting parents, the molested freaks who didn’t intervene against the bullying, and the nasty little opportunistic bugs disguised as attorneys who defended the molested ugly bullies who drove a soul from the planet who was far more valuable and beautiful than all of them and their families, combined (ugly freaks should do Florida and the world a favor and DIE already!).
We know to go to Florida if we ever wanna rape an ugly white devil bitch who had a molester daddy who gave her a phone at too young of an age for her molested little fucked-out mind to be able to handle responsibly simply to keep her quiet about their little secrets (if it weren’t true, those ugly bitches would’ve been getting disciplined instead of ignored and given phones they were too retarded to use properly).
America is sowing the seeds that’re only attracting all the wrong demographics to their nation now…like rapists, terrorists, muggers, gangstas, murderers, the lazy, layabouts, the greedy, the gluttonous, the dangerous, the unproductive, the undesirable…Anything else is smart enough to avoid that blood-soaked butt-rape land of molested bullies and freaks.

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