Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Facts About the '63 March & The "Civil Rights" Movement

The real facts about the march on Washington in 1963 and the “Civil Rights” movement are as follows:
Those who participated in the march and civil rights movement protests and riots were, for the most part, non-working, lazy self-entitled scrubs who refused to get educations and jobs because they felt the world owed them a living, the very same headhunter spawn demographic that formed gangs and killed-off all of the decent, hardworking, taxpaying Blacks (and whites) who were stuck in the ghettos with them. Well, the fact is that they weren’t ghettos back then. There was no graffiti and no gangs, just decent Black folks, some of whom were poorer than others; none of whom were dangerous, thieving, or opportunistic. None of the decent, productive Black PEOPLE participated in any of that shit because they couldn’t get the time off of work…Bills didn’t stop coming in just because some lazy, loud-mouthed, over-opinionated while under-educated for it (by scale), white woman molesting, self-entitled nigger had a “dream” (that Blacks should be able to be lesser than whites while still being regarded as “equal” to them, from the looks of it).
Both of those movements that were started back then, the Civil Rights and the Women’s Lib movements, were both started with seeds of dissension planted in the hearts of self-absorbed, greedy, weak-minded individuals by rich un-American white devils (Caucasianists controlled by “shitworm” spirits lesser than devils) to create social unrest and discontentment with the American Dream, which was simpler and less excessive back then (and easier to attain). They made the weaker minded Blacks who refused to work feel like they should be entitled to more even though they couldn’t be imposed upon to get educations and jobs like the rest of the decent, productive Black people.
Back then, before these “movements” were started, Blacks were superior beings that sought out their own empowerment via getting educations and working 2 jobs if necessary while attending college (just like the white dudes did). They didn’t have time for scribbling nigger shit on walls and trying to get ghetto pussy from some underachieving ghetto bitch who’s too stupid to refrain from sex until after she liberates herself from the ghetto. Malcolm X and Martin Luther King Jr. were Black-faced Caucasianistic “plants” by the gluttonous white devils to stir up shit and cause societal chaos for their amusement and entertainment.
They used Black faces to pit Black against Black (and white) for ill-gotten gain. Gone were the supreme ideals to get educations and jobs and pay taxes and support families and churches and give back to the communities. Suddenly Blacks were being transformed into subhuman, sub-species, materialistic, greedy, self-serving, violent niggers at alarming rates and the Black neighborhoods turned into blighted ghettos where nasty little niggers spray painted scribbling all over everything and ran amok raping, pillaging and murdering everything that moved for survival and “sport”. They regressed back to headhunters, just like the freed slaves that were liberated back to Africa, who then regressed back to headhunter niggerism and enslaved the natives in Liberia (where they were shipped to) and abused them and raped them and took their shit and murdered any that they couldn’t sell (as the slave trade was dying out everyplace else and they became valueless to the headhunters for anything else).
The “movements” that’re so glamorized now as having done so much to liberate Black people actually only served to liberate and empower all the wrong demographic, namely the lazy, self-entitled no education or job gettin’ Black monsters controlled by white desires like raping, pillaging, murdering marionettes and puppets…or robots or zombies. That wrong demographic multiplied while killing off the good Black PEOPLE who’d get educations and work with their hands…
These are the facts about the “Civil Rights” Movement. If only the white devils would’ve killed X and King before they could’ve did so much damage to the already weak psyche of lazy Blacks, then perhaps a few more good Black people would’ve survived and Blacks wouldn’t be the collective drain on society that they’ve become while being totally unable to “see” it or feel any shame about it. Now, X and King get to endure time loops of judgement as all victims of gang violence and crime and Black on white violence (100,000 times per victim per offense, EACH) for sowing those evil seeds that led so many Blacks astray and costed them their eternal spirits. At least Heaven and the New Earth is safe from their “infections” now and they won’t be pulling any shit like that again.
Nobody with an ounce of intelligence takes X or King for anything other than opportunistic, race-baiting niggers who made careers out of racial hatred because they were too goddamned lazy to work with their own hands. You know them by their “fruit”: Everyone influenced by their legacies is lazy and has an undeserved sense of entitlement just for being born Black, which is weak-mindedness and retardation. The Blacks are NOT empowered by the teachings of the race-baiting civil rights “leaders” who caused this chaos of mass human wreckage. To bail on oneself and fail to get an education and a good job is not being empowered, it’s being tricked out of what was rightfully theirs’ to attain and yet they can’t see it.
With every weak-minded nigger that the American mainstream niggers program to bail on education, the white devils cash in on their social education grants that they won’t be taking advantage of because they won’t be attending college because they’ll never graduate High school because they’ve been brainwashed into not even going to school…That’s why the “man” allows subhuman, sub-species thug niggers to violate FCC laws and violations with gangsta rap that programs kids to drop out of school and go die on the streets for ill-gotten gain. Their mainstream Black-faced, self-entitled, subhuman, sub-species, “sleeper cell” creating nigger (rap) heroes are doing the work of the white devils so that the white devils can have their education grant money…But if they’re Black and American, they’ll probably keep right on letting those mainstream niggers and non-existent race-traitor niggers like Sharpton and Jackson keep right on controlling their minds because that’s the easy thing to do and this lesser generation of subhuman niggers (who’re less than Black by the standard of those they killed off years ago) are all about taking the easy way out and getting out of doing anything productive, like working (their inferior, dope-man dick-chugging mamas had no work ethic to pass on or instill into them).
No one worth anything would participate in such a horrendous “movement” that empowered all the wrong demographics…Only niggers did that shit…The Black PEOPLE were at work, making a living like the white folks were doing. The lazy niggers who didn’t wanna work demanded “equality” while refusing to BE equal to whitey and get them some educations and jobs…No march or protest or riot makes a nigger equal to anything or anyone other than another lazy, self-entitled, unproductive (as in good for nothing) nigger. “Equality” is achieved via ACTIONS: like doing equal shit, like getting an education so you can get a job and carry your own weight (like whitey does)…THAT’s equality and we always HAD it…We were MORE liberated before the race-baiters made our homes dangerous with their lazy, self-entitled welfare nigger followers. If Sharpton and Jackson are really God’s people then God is cursed and should hafta endure all the violence He allowed those niggers to inflict.

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