Saturday, November 23, 2013

More Cursed "Obama Sons" & Their Eternally Executed Bloodlines

Can you believe the American porch monkey nigger who dared speak-out against a nigger relative being shot while committing an armed robbery? Now you KNOW that that nigger is cursed and that that whole bloodline is cursed and will be time looped as every victim of Black on white (and Gang related) violence at a rate of (at least) 100,000 time loops per victim per offense, EACH, before their spirits are eternally executed to rid the cosmos of their nasty, vile “infections”…To not get an education and a job and then commit crimes is a dead give-away that they’re “infected”. To then protest about that sub-species nigger being shot for wielding a deadly weapon is more evidence of “infection”….Just more of that Tookie, Obama, Jay-Z, Li’l Wayne, 50 cent, Dre, Snoop, Ghostface Killa, Diddy, Kanye West, subhuman, self-entitled, self-absorbed, greedy American nigger sub-species-ism influence at work…
Had Americans did the right thing, way back in the 1960’s, and shot DEAD all of the subhuman niggers who engaged in gang behavior and rioting way back THEN, then they wouldn’t have multiplied and violently (and illegally) infiltrated media empires they had no business in that caused this huge mess of human wreckage they wanna call Black “people” in America. Understand this, America: Those niggers are NOT “people”. They’re something LESS than people. They refuse to get educations and jobs and be productive members of a society that was so much better off before they were born of their inferior, subhuman, dope-man dick-chugging, ghetto-fabulous, no education havin’ ,racist, bigoted, “cracker” spewin’, ugly assed, “bitch” “ho”, porch monkey mamas. 
American niggers are so incredibly subhuman that putting suits on them just makes them worse: Top examples would hafta be Jackson and Sharpton, who never showed up at a Black on white crime scene (like that of Channon Christian, Hugh Newsom, Al Potter, or Autumn Pasquale) to speak out against the atrocities of the horrible racism of American niggers; but they could cause the rioting after police gave a nigger crackhead a well-deserved beat-down for endangering HUNDREDS of innocent nigger kids in their own neighborhoods when he went on a drunken, crack-induced police chase…which was blatant racist inferiority on all of their parts: because, had Rodney King’s inferior subhuman nigger ass been white, niggers would’ve HELPED the police beat his ass for endangering their kids by speeding thru’ the ‘hood, and niggers are just too goddamned inferior to SEE that racism and own it and repent of it and refrain from it to deter their whole race from being cursed, which it now is: making it illegal, by GOD’s law, for any American Black to even THINK negatively against a white person unprovoked, nor are American niggers allowed to say “cracker”, “nigga”, or “Oh, No he/she DIDn’t!” anymore…They’d better grow up, quick, and learn how to “BE” equal instead of crying “racism” when they’re expected to live-up to the responsibilities of equality all the time.
Wanting to be like Obama is no longer gonna cut it. So what, that nigger had to go and drop down and show the inferiority of Black presidents by mugging the taxpaying American “crackers” with Obama’s-inferior-mama-Care. That doesn’t mean that it’s open season on “crackers”, just because one nigger in temporary (temporal, on a spirit scan disguised as a fun-house ride) pseudo “power” can temporarily, publicly and openly strong-arm extort all of the “crackers” who’re superior to all niggers including him because they’ll work with their own hands and earn their OWN money and not try to steal someone else’s just because they could do it and get away with it (temporarily, but not ultimately).
Just because Obama’s a fuckin’ small-minded, greedy little stereotypical ghetto-fabulous, inferior-mama-havin’ nigger in the (now “Gangsta”) “Black” House who couldn’t resist the temptation to abuse his position of power with an extortion scam he even put his own name on doesn’t mean that ALL American Blacks should regress back to his “headhunter” mentality and try to out-“nigger” him (damn!). They should actually be ashamed for their race because of Obama’s weakness and try to act better, collectively, to defy what his existence says about their race, that statement being: “Look: the fuckin’ KKK was right all along: American niggers really ARE subhuman spawn of headhunters; a stereotypical, uneducate-able sub-species (retarded and dangerous on cartoonish levels) that you must keep in chains for them to be productive members of society who aren’t running amok desecrating, robbing, torturing, raping, and murdering everything they see”…
It must be hard for the 2 or 3 decent, hardworking Black PEOPLE left in America for all of the rest of the Blacks to be inferior subhumans that can’t live-up to REAL “equality” and get educations and jobs and be productive, taxpaying members of society like those superior, supreme, advanced mentality “crackers” who’re like GODS compared to them because they did what was proper and right and looked-out for themselves by getting educations and jobs and doing what niggers are too inferior and downright LAZY to do.
When a nigger says “cracker”, immediately all whites are elevated to the level of being their overlords, and their racism that made it okay/acceptable for them to be racist and yet refer to a race that provided for their uneducated, non-working, unproductive race as “cracker” while expecting them not to say “nigger” when referring to them, is all the evidence you, God, Christ, Lucifer, Motuphi and the avenging angels who’ll time loop and eternally execute them will ever need.
Obama needs to set the proper example, now more than ever (actually the world and all American Blacks need it to free them of the curses attached to their brutish mentality), since thug niggers are his “sons” and relate to him as their “daddy” who can do no wrong, and abolish his nigger money scam/treasonous traitor terrorist act upon the “crackers” known as “Obama’s-inferior-mama-Care” and get himself an education and a fuckin’ JOB and work with his own 2 hands for his own money (like the supreme white overlords who pay his salary that he wants to extort so badly with Obama’s-inferior-mama-Care). He already committed himself and his entire bloodline (as far back as is necessary to ensure that his inferior mama never exists to spawn his nigger-dictator ass) to time loops of judgment AS all victims of Black on white violence and gang-related crime and violence (for the Jay-Z cock-chugging and white house invite, snubbing the few decent Blacks he could’ve invited instead), plus time loops of judgement as all of the slaves so they can pick all of the cotton that was hand-harvested in America to teach the whole Obama bloodline the proper work ethic that they didn’t possess that made it okay in Obama’s retarded mind to extort others of their hard-earned pay….this is all at a standard minimum rate of 100,000 time loops per victim per offense, EACH…THEN they’re finally eternally executed and the memory of them ever existing at all is completely wiped away, along with all of their evil deeds, negative impacts on the lives and existences of other creations of God, and the ripple effects of allowing them to exist among superior, supreme entities they disenfranchised…
Just because Obama is a nation-rapist, ramming his nigger cock into the anuses of all of the taxpaying “crackers” in America with Obama’s-inferior-mama-Care, does NOT mean that it’s okay/acceptable for the rest of American niggers to follow his example and start raping “crackers”, too. Obama is American and Black, a spawn of headhunters, so he can’t resist the urge to rape whitey. He got himself some power over a nation, so now he’s gonna rape it. It’s just stereotypical American niggerism, exactly what we’d expect under the prophetical guidance of the supreme, superior overlords those KKK fucks turned out to be (the American niggers ARE everything the KKK warned the world they’d become and even worse, by far). Obama’s just a subhuman, LESS than all of those he rapes with Obama’s-inferior-mama-Care. To follow his example is to lower oneself to his level and then be committed to his eternal/non-eternal/non-existent fate…
Is it worth it to get on a fun-house ride and trade your entire existence away with the behavior you resorted to while you were on it? We can’t ask anyone that question, after the fact, you see, because it becomes as though they never existed, at all, and so: they are not and never were (as it happens, how glorious!)…Once they’re eternally executed (if they’re time looped enough times as their victims to properly punish them) it’s as if they were never born in Earth AND before their spirits came to Earth as humans and, therefore they never existed, at all…Didn’t humans have a genius who almost began to describe it with something the Earth species refers to as the “time-space continuum”? Yeah…He’d be murdered for whatever change he has in his pockets if he were alive and wandered into the wrong neighborhood in America (on GOD’s “turf”) today, because now there’s a monstrous, subhuman, lazy, uneducated, sub-species spawn of headhunters running loose everywhere who’d only see that genius as just another “cracker” for them to victimize…Now you see the dilemma that niggers created for God on HIS “turf” (not theirs’) in that HE WILL (oh yes He WILL) stop those nasty niggers from desecrating HIS human artwork on HIS “turf”.
So, it’s a “waiting” game now…Just waiting for Obama and his “sons” to never exist, at all, to never commit their atrocities on the beings that were superior to them and never should’ve been subjected to them and their simple-minded brutality.
They’ve actually gotten THIS bad: You won’t believe this shit, that this nigger whore actually had a problem with intervention that saved her nigger ass and her entire bloodline from a murder time loop 100,000 times over, dumb nigger cunt. Read the story for yourselves. You’ll wanna kill the nigger bitch, too, because she passed that mentality on to another simple-minded jigaboo with her inferior subhuman DNA who took a weapon (under that inherited “Tookie” influence) and tried to “Obama” somebody of their hard-earned money…American niggers are so fuckin’ nasty…too nasty…why can’t they “see” it?
The Good Samaritan who shot that nasty nigger to save that hard-working, taxpaying overlord from being murdered will probably be rewarded in the New Earth with a portion of that thieving nigger’s entire bloodlines’ forfeited eternal level wealth (none of those niggers are gonna be there to spend it).

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