Saturday, November 30, 2013

What Happened With Zimmerman Is Simple

What happened with Zimmerman is quite simple to explain and any therapist or psychologist worth their weight in spit can attest to the validity of this phenomenon:
Zimmerman was publicly emasculated by a little thug child beating his screaming ass into the pavement in front of witnesses and the only way he could save himself (from becoming a victim of a “sport” Black-on-white hate crime like Channon Christian, Hugh Newsom, Al Potter, or Autumn Pasquale) was to take the coward’s way out and resort to deadly force (because he realized at that time that the thug kid could very well kill him with his bare hands).
Ergo: Zimmerman survived the ordeal suffering from a complicated combination of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and what all males experience, emotionally, when their manhood has been challenged by a challenger they feel like they should’ve dominated.
Ever since then, Zimmerman has been on a mad crusade to prove his masculinity to himself and to the world and this explains his stereotypical and all too easy to explain behavior.
Much like a man who’s been raped will reassert masculinity via extreme measures, so goes Zimmerman after surviving a violent assault on what he receives as an attack on his very manhood. In Zimmerman’s case, he had to kill a child, a “son” of Obama…Add to that what probably would’ve been easier to accept had the Martin kid been bigger and a more worthy physical adversary one would perceive as being more capable of being dangerous to one’s mortality and you can understand that Zimmerman now suffers from an emotional mental condition (like a rape victim).
He should receive counseling, not jail time. Especially considering that jail is a death sentence, in his case. Everyone knows that, because there’s at least a thousand retarded niggers who just don’t “get it” who’ll wanna kill Zimmerman if they can get to him in there.
Zimmerman is just another victim of Black on white gang violence…It’s just unfortunate he wasn’t smart enough to leave the little gang-banger to the police to handle (or NOT handle, as the case must be in that area to require armed neighborhood watchers). Because retarded subhuman, sub-species zombie-slave-clones are angry at how Zimmerman had to survive the assault. They’d rather the kid got to accomplish his own batch of Black on white “sport” kills before he was taken down (it’s the new “Black” thing, their collective inferior, double-standard, whack mentality that makes it okay by them to spew “cracker” from their ugly, snarly, racist lips while expecting others not to respond to their own racism with racism).
If they say “cracker” to describe white people, then they’re just niggers that should be exterminated before they can kill a white, taxpaying overlord (who became superior to them the minute the word “cracker” was spewed), and there’s no disputing that undeniable fact.

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