Thursday, November 21, 2013

They Approach Women! Crime Alert!!

In America, lazy ghetto spawn of dope-man dick-chugging welfare recipients is victimizing women in parking lots by approaching them to ask them questions and then knocking them unconscious and stealing their wallets. The latest trend has been to inquire about the perfume the women use and then to spray their scent which renders the victims unconscious and leaves them vulnerable to theft and assault.
The crimes are happening all over America! Even in rural areas! Motuphi’s wife was approached in the parking lot of Family Video in Grayling in November of 2012. The mugger asked her about her perfume preference and she knew to get back in her vehicle and leave (she’s survived homelessness on the streets of Detroit so she must have a good sense of self-preservation). This attempt motivated curses to go forth upon any who refuse to get educations and jobs in America and then feel entitled to victimize other (hardworking) people for what they earned. Now, they’re cursed, their nasty ghetto-fabulous dope-man dick-chugging mamas are cursed, and the rest of their bloodlines are cursed, and everyone who likes them or leagues with them is cursed, as well. Plus they’ll endure the time loops of judgement as slaves and pick all of the cotton that was ever picked by slaves to teach them a proper work ethic before they’re eternally executed to rid the cosmos of their “infection” (this’d be in addition to all of the time loops they’ll endure as their own victims, at a rate of 100,000 times per victim per offense, and the ripple effects loops from what their crimes caused).
So, beware of anyone trying to approach you in a parking lot to “ask you a few questions” in America! They don’t like to work in that nation, so they victimize those who do and their stereotypical nigger president adds insult and injury with his example of his strong-arm extortion of all of the decent hardworking people (with Obama’s-inferior-mama-Care), which has single-handedly driven Black on White crime and violence up by over 300% (“if the president can rob them “crackers” then so can we” is what the mindset must be over there in nigger-Heaven now, obviously).
They’re gonna work…They’ll do more work trying to get out of it if they refuse to get educations and jobs and carry their own weight…The time loops of the slavery are there just waiting for anyone who prospered without working…They’ve been warned.
Warn your neighbors about the self-entitled American niggers with their knock-out spray so they can live to work another day to pay Obama’s and his “sons’” way (until they’re time looped to be the slaves, their own debts to finally pay before the evil memories of them are washed away).

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