Sunday, November 10, 2013

They'd NEVER Protest For Something REAL

These fools would NEVER Protest For Something REAL, like stopping pedophilia, famine, rape, or animal cruelty and neglect. So let all the fools who wanna engage in “fake” protests be fuckin’ cursed along their “infected” (good for nothing) bloodlines, too. Then let them be cast into the time loops AS all of the victims of the REAL atrocities they failed to speak-out against or protest over. Fuckin’ retarded fruits…And this comes from someone who doesn’t even watch American TV, nor Kimmel, and couldn’t care less about him, his show, or his network. To whatever degree or level it was “wrong” for him to show that innocent child segment on the air to those freaks who protested it, it’s 10 times as wrong (to intelligent lifeforms beyond zombieland-USA) to be complacent and ommissive about real unnecessary suffering and atrocities one should be addressing and protesting while showing one’s ass and ignorance to protest some stupid kid’s statement being shown on the air. The protest of the protesters is more atrocious than what they’re protesting, in this instance…Just more stereotypical, useless American monsters with their useless-for-anything-good, cursed social media networks and sites that they use for distracting themselves from the stench of their own uselessness…Unless someone needs a negative comment made, or something protested that’s not even an issue; THEN, suddenly, they have purposes and voices…(monsters enabling monsters all around them, sucking the asses and dicks of non-existent, time looped and eternally executed gangstas who never “got it” and never made it back home from this spirit scan disguised as a fun-house ride).
Read the story below of how

Cursed, time looped and eternally executed fake protesters ignore unnecessary suffering in America to protest non-issues like the Jimmy Kimmel show airing an innocent kid's dumb comment about China.

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