Thursday, November 21, 2013

Re: Camping Shopping Freaks

Don’t ya just wish someone would accidentally drive over one of those assholes who’s so materialistic that they camp out at the stores for days waiting for the sale day?
What a horrible example to set for a kid, huh? That they’d do some shit like that but can’t be imposed upon to do a good goddamned thing for a helpless neglected or abused animal or homeless human.
Betcha’ can’t wait to see those inanimate object worshippers in the time loops of judgement as all of the entities they could’ve put some of that “grabby/gimme” effort into rescuing…Neither can we…
In the meantime, we can hope an old grandpa fucks-up and hits the gas instead of the brake and takes out a tent or two in front of the store (where it should be illegal to camp out due to insurance rate risks).
It’s not very good service to the customers, on any level, to allow that camping in front of stores shit, and it endangers the profit margin and the low price factors…If someone gets killed camping out in front of the store, then the lawsuits drive up insurance rates and then the stores pass that on to the level-headed customers who didn’t worship inanimate objects to the extreme degree as to insist on being the first human asshole to get one.
Talk about fucked-up freaks. We’d boycott any store that promotes that mob mentality bullshit in our nation…
ATTN: Stupid, temporal, materialistic, zombie-slave-clone Americans! STOP worshipping material inanimate objects and products that your mainstream media is programming you to prefer over the beautiful, living, breathing artwork that GOD/Allah/Jehovah created, you ridiculous, programmable retards! You’re so infantile and predictable, it’s hard to witness the dangling carrot syndrome play out on your masses any longer…When do you stop being stereotypical jokes? When do you grow the fuck up and set proper examples for your youth?
Has it occurred to any of you monsters to spend some of that time you waste on yourselves and your almighty products (praise be their name!) volunteering at a retirement home to visit your forgotten elderly or cleaning your grandmother’s gutters? Naw, ‘cuz you’re incredibly self-absorbed and stupid, just like your dope-man dick-chugging mamas and brutish molesting-ass daddies who never took any of you to an animal sanctuary or a fuckin’ museum but sure took you to enough bully conventions like sports events to teach you to fund the atrocities of the over-entitled neanderthals (so the art-rape of Detroit wouldn’t have an impact on your simple minds, but a closing football franchise would have you rallying in the streets).
All we hafta do to puke is think of the common American mentality…It’s like that for all advanced entities, too…Americans are downright sickening, always grabbing shit…even your (aHEM!) “president” (clown-shoes), who’s currently openly strong-arm robbing all hard-working taxpaying American citizens and infringing upon their rights to choose their own products for some eternally executed (and therefore non-existent even now) white devils who bought him and his wife like slaves and put their names on their Caucasianistic elaborate money scam/treasonous terrorist attack on America (Obama’s-inferior-mama-Care).
Many Americans are all but non-existent now…they’re responsible for so many billions of horrible time loops that must be erased via loopage and eternal executions of spirits. Then they have no sense of shame about their nastiness (“neither can they blush”) and do even more nasty shit like worship products so much that they camp-out in anticipation of buying them…fuckin’ retarded psychos. Wish we were there to take that shit they buy as soon as they come out of the store after waiting all that time for it (that’d serve ‘em right, and be justice deserved). We’d “Obama” them and take their shit they worked so hard for…We’d just take it, like a ghetto nigger, and not even bat an eye or show any shame for it, just like Obama…Man, it must be nice to have the bar dropped so incredibly low (looooooooowwwwwwww)…must be nigger-Heaven over there…
Yeah, torturing, raping and killing “crackers” ain’t enough no more…Obama’s still got your numbers beat with his mass extortion (Obama’s-inferior-mama-Care)…Looks like some niggers will hafta resort to bombs or something else major like that to outdo his niggerism this time, huh? He done raised the bar on the “cracker” attack, huh? Intelligent Blacks are hiding their faces over this shit and Obama still can’t even “see” it because he’s so incredibly retarded and ghetto (all he sees is his own angle and agenda and is too simple to wait and do shit properly without crossing lines that no “cracker” would dare publicly cross). Stereotypical gotta have it now ‘cuz his mama was an inferior ghetto coooze jungle bunny…
The KKK was so prophetic in predicting Obama’s every move (you’d swear that fuckin’ one’s daughter must make one psychic after that shit, for real)…He did not deviate from their prophecy in the slightest bit, almost as if he was afraid to defy them and their predictions.
No resistance from the “crackers” because they’ve been mesmerized and hypnotized with shiny objects they’ll camp-out in the cold to be the first to obtain…goddamned retardation on levels never before seen, from the top to the bottom and everything in between, in the American population…No wonder their intelligent people are going nuts and flipping out killing all the retards around them…it must be hard to exist around such infancy and rampant, accepted stupidity all the time.

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