Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Shaq Is Whack! Shaq Is Whack!

Let’s get our torches and scurry to show the media and the witch hunters and the NBA how racist they are…’hear the crickets from the field of mainstream media (aHEM!) “journalists” now that the perpetrator is Black? Did you expect anything different from the dumbed-down and those who’re dumbing them down? C’MOOOOOOOON!
So, it’s just another time loop of justice Shaq and all who witch hunted Sterling and give this a pass will endure…Better tear him off good, Shaq, since you’ll be time looped AS him about a hundred thousand times for every second of comparable media byte missing. Meaning: if 2 words were said against Sterling’s PRIVATE remarks then 100 words better be said against this public display of inferiority, bigotry (Shaq hates the handicapped!) and bullying or forever be known as inferior, dumbed-down, racist, cursed, retarded and nonexistent because you were time looped and then eternally executed.
We’re waiting for some (ahem) “equality” over here…We know we’re not gonna see it. See how we were prophets all along? The Blacks do not “get it”, do they? We just made a racist remark just now to their retarded asses, didn’t we? See how dangerous they’ve become? They’re even influencing US! Time to FEMA camp ‘em before they do any more damage…If they’re still fans of the NBA and Shaq after this let that be a mark on their heads…or even a little red dot…we’d settle for that.
Read-on, because the “coddle my niggaz” American mainstream media won’t be smothering you with this one like they did something that did not even matter by comparison.
Now you see it…Time to take all sports figures’ wealth and status and give it to the educators…We’ll collect the back taxes those franchises owe your nation and build some spray-paint proof/thug proof schools where they’ll hafta LEARN (we said LEARN! Not play, not spray paint, not pimp hoes, not mug and bully white boys, not rape white girls, not deal dope, not gang bang, not play sports…LEARN! motherfuckers! so you can WORK when you get grown, BITCHes, make them white people carry you like they’z your MAN and shit and you’z all suckin’ their dicks! dayamn! grow some more respect for yourself than those simple simon, no IQ havin’ sports figures and rappers who can’t abide by morals clauses and therefore do NOT qualify as “role models” and your dope-man dick-chuggin’ mamas ought to have had the sense to TELL you that and not let you idolize them or even be exposed to them because, as you can see, they are toxic as fuck!).
Shaq is a bitch, plain and simple. If we were in America, we’d throw acid on that skank ho’s face and show him a thing or 2…What a nasty little punk bitch with too much body (big ol’ dumb gorilla, we just s’pose to ignore it becuz you’z just too got-damned simple to “get it”, right? PUNK!).
We see you got your race card out…crickets are chirping where there should be media parasites buzzing and running amok like they just did over a NON-story about a man’s private remarks…good to see how many wanna enter time loops instead of graduate the spirit scan…racism is becoming ETERNAL for these dumb-assed fools…she-eyit! That’s why we’d gank your media reporters everytime we saw them…for this shit right here…Something they never should’ve reported on was milked for fuckin’ DAYS (Sterling’s private statements) while something they should be pulling HELICOPTERS out for and chasing Shaq-is-whack everywhere he goes and they act like he didn’t do a goddamned thing! Yeah, those are some unsafe reporters now…If we ever see them on the street, we got us some cameras and vans and some pussy, too (even the male ones, we’ll do it for Channon Christian and Hugh Newsom!); FUCK them race-baiting bitches who made the world unsafe for God’s white end time Elect and His animals by making role models out of stone-cold retards like Whack-assed-Shaq and suckin’-dog’s-dicks-Vick and their peers…Motuphi’s gonna make Vick suck dog dicks in the time loops of justice, too (bought us a loop to watch it play out). It’s what Blacks secretly do to little 11 year old white girls in the ghettos in America (their media will never tell you THAT, neither, you’ll see: prophetic utterance…been going on ever since there was crack cocaine, too, how long ago was that? where’s the “journalists”? NOW they’re moving on from the white trash and the new slave of fashion is Asian girls (we mean GIRLS, too! children!!)…
and how many Black women know that their “men” are part of these “dungeon” clubs (or whatever they call ‘em now) and don’t care as long as their men ain’t pressin’ them for sex? How nasty is THAT? You cannot make us believe that the rest of the world can see this sex slave thing the Americans got goin’ now, stronger and more open and blatant than it ever was before, and that the Black women conveniently don’t know that their men are doing this shit…they know and are being held accountable, and the rich whites are the minority now, so it is NOT them! (we know why Rodman is friends with Kim Jong Un, who’s a notorious holocauster, raping and enslaving his people, he gets some oriental slave pussy while he’s there, or maybe is into watching Asian girls be tortured to death). Either way, “guilty by association”…Now you understand why Sterling wants to be careful who he hangs with and had to put his ugly as a wrecked truck, retarded-assed hood-rat in check for indiscriminate chicken-neckin’ in public (damn, Girl, get a fuckin’ room and don’t post selfies of you wit’ other men if you some old dude’s mistress at the time (just how dumb IS you, ho?).
But GOD will take care of ‘em before we ever make it to America to rescue the white people from this double standard with an equal double standard of our own in the opposite direction with cartoonish retaliatory lacks of remorse or senses of shame about our blood-thirstiness to comically reflect to them how they look to the rest of the world (WE wanna be the stupid as stones, bloody toothed raping and pillaging niggas now, gettin’ them race reparations for the whites negatively effected by the “dumb-down” started in the 1960s by the criminal element and bought uncle toms like X, King Jr and Parks (all “plants” by the white man to rally the welfare cases to riot and diminish the working Blacks in everyone’s eyes, which they did and more, like they killed the working Blacks and raped their daughters and pimped them out, oh yes they did, no white man ever did THAT to the Blacks).
We want America to be safe for white people again (by any means necessary) and this double standard is standing in the way, meaning that all who the double standard benefits must be exterminated to fix the broken America where they hunt white people for sport and call them “crackers” all the time while witch hunting white people over private statements shared by a fucked-up, race-baiting, retarded, ugly, smelly, cursed, nonexistent hood-rat.
Be careful what you say about the Sterling case because now it’s gonna be said about YOU by God, Lucifer and the angels:
"No matter what it costs, no matter what it takes: We gotta get them outta there" is the new sentiment against all who had a problem with the Sterling comments made in private and then turned around and gave Shaq a pass (showing their own racism and his own inferiority, like: "he’s too simple to "get it" so let’s forgive him").
Blacks wonder why they cannot be considered “equal” and this shit is like some crazy kid with his finger in a light socket wondering why he’s getting electrocuted. We’re watching how many Blacks really ARE inferior to all whites…the number is how ever many had a problem with Sterling’s PRIVATE statements yet didn’t have a problem with Shaq’s PUBLIC belittling and cyber bullying of a handicapped person…Shaq was probably molested is why he’s a bully and can’t see anything wrong with his behavior. We understand that all who have a problem with Sterling’s comments have had their minds molested by the American mainstream media, video games, iPhones, and the weapons’ grade frequencies they’re tweaking their weak minds with, and we still see it as no excuse for de-evolving to this level, where they’ll publicly make themselves lesser in all beholding eyes than the bigot they burn at the stake…We feel sorry for Sterling and the white people in America…This is like airing your dirty laundry, America, that you hunt and kill “crackers” and that’s okay by all of you while a few private comments from an old bigot got you all taking turns on that worn-out soapbox of “oh dear lord it’s RAYcism! Oh lord oh lord oh lord noooooo!”
You’re all so predictable, like monkeys in a cage…
The white man says “Be racist to a default”
and ya’ll all jump up and say “Yes, sir! massa! how high?! can we gang-rape some young white girls and make kiddie porn from it and get away with it, like R Kelly? Or kill some crackers and walk, like OJ? Can we torture some animals and rape some little kids and call all white people ‘crackers’? If so, then we all INNNNNN!”
How many MILLIONS of people can “see” this and Oprah’s cursed, nonexistent, race-baiting, porch monkey ass can’t? What a fucked up bitch, huh? No voice of reason from the dunce cap wearing “cracker”-spewers…ev-ver. Just more lesserism, ghetto-fabulousness, dumbed-down-edness, retardation, and true racism on levels few have dared aspire to before the 1960s, where it all began (with the BLACK man, who rioted and burned down his own ‘hood and then raped his working neighbors’s daughters and wives after pillaging and murdering them)…We still remember what REALLY happened during the (aHEM!) “Civil Rights Movement” and so do the spirits of those massacred working class Blacks the Tookies took from God on HIS “turf” who’re liberated by Motuphi and called here now to haunt the race-baiters and fuck with their lives until they abolish the double standard and start BEing “equal”…as in BE equal to the white man, for a change…Just TRY it, see if ya’ can actually DO it…Maybe you can’t, and maybe (just maybe) you’ve been deluding yourself, all along (wouldn’t you like to find-out?)…
This shit is not being “equal” to the white man: all turning your heads to ignore the racial violence committed by YOU against whites while crying racism over some old perve’s private conversations that were manipulated by the media to instigate a response from you that you so easily and too readily gave to them…
Now they know what to do to push your buttons, if you’re Black, to make you cross lines that’ll enable them to enact Martial Law on you and FEMA-camp your ass (or shoot you dead in the street, like you deserve if you’re a race-baiting witch hunter who has no respect for the suffering of the victims of REAL racism like Channon Christian, Hugh Newsom, Al Potter, Colleen Ritzer, Autumn Pasquale, and the MILLIONS of white children sold by their dope-ho mamas to dope-dealing Black thugs as sex slaves, who usually end-up dead by torture and rolled-up in carpets or burned in pits or thrown in dumpsters while Americans are acting like it’s not happening even though they know it is).

Warning! This story is gonna make you sick! Just like we were sickened by the witch hunting of Sterling, which violated his rights to freedom of speech and expectancy of privacy during a private conversation…What? Blacks are only American when it’s convenient? Is that what having a mass mugging terrorist for a “leader” is teaching you? Ahhhh, pathetic little subhumans cannot relate to losing their jobs and independence because they pimp, deal dope, steal, gang-bang, torture animals and make them fight to their deaths, put on “torture and rape the cracker shows”, and drain the welfare tit of the government of every bit of resources it had to offer instead…How WOULD they know what it’s like? Obama’s never worked a job or had to survive, so he’s surely not gonna “get it”…
What a clueless bunch! It’s making us laugh so hard our fuckin’ ribs are hurting! Every time we see the race-baiting media bitches “reporting” on Sterling instead of Shaq, we bust out laughing! Your media is so laughable! They’re trying to start a race war using sports as the conductor! Ha-Ha! Too fuckin’ obvious…And the irresponsibility of it, after seeing that they were weak-minded enough to riot over a crackhead (Rodney King) that endangered their own kids and didn’t want OJ or R Kelly punished because the victims were white and then ran amok raping women and children after Katrina hit instead of protecting them, like the white MEN were doing for the women that THEY encountered on the same streets…
How stereotypical, huh? Yet, no red-facedness; just more dumbed-down-edness…”and neither can they blush” (like they cannot properly process the shit and form the proper responses to what they should be ashamed about because they’re just THAT fuckin’ retarded)…Yes, these freaks DO exist (for the moment)! They are NOT “fictional” characters! They are on TV and, for real, are openly associating themselves to this witch hunt of this old fool with straight and somber faces while ignoring REAL racism that’s causing REAL victimizations with every passing second in America! It’s like someone is “controlling” them to make them embarrass themselves this way without allowing them to realize that they should be embarrassed for what they’re doing! They even marionetted Oprah for this shit, to prove that they can control ANY and ALL Blacks with false flag racism and make them simultaneously wipe baby-shit on their faces with their refusal to address the REAL racism being constantly perpetuated by their own race!
Never saw anything like this, ever, huh?
Here’s the link to the fucked-up shit:

Former NBA player Shaquille O’Neal is facing sharp criticism from fans after posting a photo to his Instagram account making fun of Michigan-nati…
Preview by Yahoo

Shaq IS fuckin’ whack, yo…he should go the fuck away now and never darken our eyesight again…he’s a soulless-zombie-slave-clone, doing what he’s told (by the voices of the shitworm spirits he hears in his head), that much is quite clear…

NBA Boycott Over Owner's Rights Violations & Dumb Down Effects

Looks like there are a growing number of INTELLIGENT white people who’re responding in kind to the constitutional rights infractions committed by the dumbed-down racists in the NBA and the race-baiting bitch media. White people in America are starting to wake-up under the “spirit of exposure and knowledge” Motuphi loosed upon all Earthlings to defeat the dumb-down perpetuated by the American mainstream media and its rogue defacto government. The whites are starting to take offense at the double standard Blacks have been operating under since the 1960s that has them being inferior to working whites (in every way imaginable) while still insisting on being referred to as their “equals”. It’s no longer gonna fly (saith the LORD). The dumbed-down who refuse to repent of their retardation and get educated will be laid in the ground according to the prophecy that addresses them. They will NOT be allowed to interfere with Lucifer’s arrival or His reign as Christ with their subhumanism (God won’t risk it).
We’re seeing more and more comments online about boycotting the NBA and sports, in general, now that it’s become evident that sports is being used as a tool for racial baiting and the dumbing-down of sports fans. Understand that the Clippers owner did NOTHING wrong. He has just as much right to want his own kind around him as any racist little subhuman Black has, and any racist little subhuman who cannot understand that is already too dumbed-down to redeem or graduate from this spirit scan (be thou cursed, time looped, and eternally executed then). The guilty party is the hood-rat and the thugs she was so weakly attracted to (being dumbed down into believing that they’re something special, making her unable to appreciate and reciprocate the affections of the Clippers owner because she’s just a hood-rat) and all who participated in calling a man’s preference of who he hangs out with at the games as “racist”. Now, all racist Blacks will have their lives and economies attacked, fined and penalized in retaliation from GOD!
Whites (well, the intelligent ones who can’t stand sports or rap) are trying to intervene against the asteroids attraction curses enacted upon all racist Blacks and whites who coddle their weak-mindedness by promising never to watch sports again if Motuphi will just revoke the asteroids portion of the curses before whole cities can crumble…They know that it’s time for God to avenge the white victims (and HIS animals that they victimize) of the dumbed-down Blacks who ran amok for 50 years terrorizing all that was decent and upstanding on GOD’s planet (where no non-working thug has any “turf”, retards).
Motuphi knows that he’ll soon be able to show all who participated in the witch hunt against the Clippers owner what REAL racism is once the world is destroyed and he takes their spirits and places them in the time loops as victims of REAL racism. For example, Magic Johnson and his dumbed-down witch hunters (and their contaminated bloodlines) will be time looped as REAL victims of REAL racism like Channon Christian, Hugh Newsom, Al Potter, Colleen Ritzer, Autumn Pasquale and the MILLIONS of little white children sold by their dope-ho mamas to Black dope-men as sex slaves since the 1960s when the Caucasianists recruited the likes of Tookie, Malcom X, and Martin Luther King Jr to commit genocide by proxy upon all of the working, taxpaying Blacks who were already equal to their working white peers.
Plus, they all get to be time looped as Michael Vick’s dogs and all other dogs forced to fight to their deaths or were tortured or neglected by the subhumans who can commit violence against whites and not have a problem with it while witch hunting someone white over mere WORDS and then be STUPID enough to regard those mere words as racism worthy of a witch hunt (how whack and retarded it THAT? But they’re too retarded to SEE it!).
It’s as it was prophesied: the shitworms control the weak-minded and Motuphi destroys them with their own negative energy, karma, and evil seeds they sowed to prepare the way for Lucifer to arrive on the planet to pretend to be Jesus Christ/Joshua, the Son of the living God/Allah/Jehovah.
How things will probably play out is: the dumbed down who’re refusing to get educations and jobs in the projects and ghettos will either be executed for being drains on society (spawning ghetto monsters at 13 years old for welfare checks, which crippled America) or they’ll be placed in FEMA camps to work off some of their debts to society (they owe TRILLIONS in welfare grants and damages to schools and property with vandalism, not to mention the war on drugs they refuse to stop dealing). Those who have a problem with this collection of the debt of the dumbed-down will be lumped in with them, just as they’re being lumped in with them in the time loops (like the whites who participated in this witch hunt that got sports boycotted by all who do matter, making those who attend games from now on an expendable population no one will care about if they were to all die at the stadium one day).
The Clippers owner was shown no mercy by the racist dumbed-down race-baiting bitch ass witch hunters, so we hope that God, Christ, Lucifer and Motuphi never show any of them any mercy: We’re all hoping for seeing their cities burn by fire from the sky now as a sign and a wonder that God cannot stand their retardation that endangers the end time Elect and His animals any longer. All hood-rats who stir up racism over WORDS to distract from the real racism that has the dumbed-down victimizing those they could never rise-up to be “equal” to are marked for time loopage and then eternal execution to be made (via the time-space continuum) as if they never existed at all to perpetuate their madness on GOD’s and Lucifer’s shared turf. No human has any “turf” on Earth because it was ALL given to Motuphi to rule and clean-up (which the curses are effectively doing, as the news reflects). It’s no accident that Motuphi came back to Earth in 1964, when the dumb-down that destroyed America began. He had to endure suffering at the hands of the dumbed-down to acquire the authority over them to curse them into nonexistence (“he who would be great among you must FIRST be SERVANT to ALL” would probably apply here)…
Motuphi has suffered insurmountable damages at the hands of the subhumans: They elevated Eminem’s untalented ass as a Detroit rep and there wasn’t one Detroiter in music who’d defy it because they’re all such pathetic posers compared to Motuphi that they don’t want to be shadowed by him..So everyone in music, from Jack White to Ted Nugent, is just a jealous little poser who’d rather Eminem rep Detroit and endanger more of the population with his whack influence (that transforms white boys into useless, pathetic white devils) than to defy that dumb-down with empowering REAL talent from Detroit..
We get it: If we were completely untalented compared to Motuphi, like Eminem, White and Nugent, we’d pretend we don’t know about Motuphi, too, and hope like hell he never gets empowered to tell the world how we were too afraid of him to instigate intervention against the dumb-down. Motuphi will get revenge upon them, their fans and their collective bloodlines when he gets them in the time loops of judgement and makes them suffer as every entity he was unable to rescue due to their retardation that had them passively participating in the dumb-down. Picture all Detroiters in the music industry, like Eminem, Nugent and White for example, as animals being euthanized and homeless people starving and you understand where they’re headed when they die.
The Whites were just socially challenged spotlight hogs who never responded to Motuphi’s response to their ad when they were seeking “candy stripers” to join their band (I remember Motuphi writing about it in an old journal). So they were just retards is why they were a 2-piece band…White has yet to do a song we can stand to listen to while we have Motuphi’s mp3s in our players in heavy rotation, which is evidence of the conspiracy perpetuated by the music industry in America to keep all real talent out and unable to compete…Asteroids on the coasts and where ever else there are record labels in America should cure THAT problem, so why would Motuphi stop the asteroids that’d eventually deliver the dumbed-down and their victims from their mainstream empowered “sleeper cell” creating zombie-slave-clones? Wouldn’t that be counterproductive?
A boycott is a good first step. But we still await the days when Lucifer and Motuphi are ruling the planet and they take all ill-gotten gain from those dumbed-down rappers and sports figures and redistributes it all to those it was meant for, like the educators now tormented by the unteachable ghetto-monsters who were only spawned to pad a welfare check and it shows in their lack of good upbringing. No Black brought up on welfare supported by working whites who then hates those whites will be allowed to exist beyond this spirit scan…God does not tolerate biting the hand that feeds you (Fools!). They’ve accrued a debt that they’re insisting on paying with time loops of judgement and eternal execution.
Let’s see how those witch hunters fare in the time loops as real victims of real racism and then as the slaves…They’re gonna work, either here or beyond…No human gets out of the work requirement enacted by GOD for ALL humans, no matter who they think they are or what they think they’re entitled to. The Blacks who refuse to work have committed themselves to time loops as the Blacks slaves of America. The whites who built empires on the backs of slaves (like the tech and fashion giants) will be time looped as their slaves in whatever nation they were enslaved in (this is the only true reality you should be concerned with).
It’d still be nice to see a news story of all who attended a sports event just being killed on the spot…Those dumbed-down monsters are becoming too dangerous to allow to live on this spirit scan any longer…They refuse to defy the mainstream and sports (aHEM!) “role models” who betrayed them with infusing misinformation into their minds to poison them and transform them into unproductive, non-contributing little descendants of head-hunters.
Imagine Magic’s johnson getting cut-off when he’s placed in Hugh Newsom to suffer REAL racism…Unless Magic repents of his evil influence and back-pedals everything he said that violated the rights of the Clippers owner, that’s where he’s going (FACT not fiction). Plus, we’ll place them all in Kobe’s rape victims a few hundred thousand times each, to sweeten the deal for the end time Elect who were endangered by the sub-species they got dumbed-down to.
Revenge is coming against the racist head-hunters, in this realm, and beyond. That’s something their little race cards cannot buy them out of…Only becoming a true equal to those they became inferior to when they witch hunted them over mere words will redeem them…something that’s impossible to accomplish for a dangerously dumbed-down little racist race-baiting bitch like Magic (cut-off his) Johnson (in the time loops of justice as Hugh Newsom, who was a victim of REAL racism).
When you’re too stupid to know what real racism is but you have influence to spread that retardation, you’re dangerous to yourself and your entire bloodline and all in your race who respond to your influence and their bloodlines…If it weren’t for the non-racist supreme Blacks who work with their own 2 hands and contribute to society, you wouldn’t find ANY American Blacks beyond this Earth Age (which has been in spirit scan mode since Lucifer was incarcerated 2,000 years ago, so he cannot be given credit for “influencing” the evils of the infected spirits being scanned out because he’s unable to externally influence anyone until he returns pretending to be Christ).
No one intelligent has watched sports since OJ committed his hate crime against whites over the same shit that the Clippers owner’s hood-rat mistress has been doing. So, the guy should’ve just knifed the hood-rat is the message the race-baiting bitches are sending…Good to know: If we ever have a hood-rat for a girl and she disses us like that, just do it like OJ: commit a hate crime, and you won’t be regarded as “racist” by the dumbed-down retards who never should’ve been given any power of influence. Imagine the race-baiting bitches as Nicole Brown Simpson, too…They get time looped as ALL victims of REAL racism, including her when she gets knifed for doing even less than the Clippers owner’s hood-rat did to him…
It’s a dangerous time to be dumbed-down with influence…You have mere minutes left on the spirit scan and you still won’t repent of your subhumanism?
Good riddance…The only thing “magic” about you was your ability to be so stupid and still be alive for so long…Let’s all buy Magic Johnson time loops of judgement as Hugh Newsom and send the message he’s just too simple to receive. Maybe put his mama in Channon Christian and him in Lemaricus (cursed-assed) Davidson a few hundred thousand times. That oughtta do it…THEN he’ll understand true racism…

When the NBA apologizes to the world for making us witness a witch hunt over mere words, then we may consider going to a game again…but we doubt it…The dumbed-down might witch hunt us or attack us for being a certain color and then call US “racist” if we dare call them what they’re acting like. You know that nobody will ever give that hood-rat the time of day again now that she showed the world that she’ll cut down any man she’s with the minute she doesn’t get her way…Her life is over now…Let any man who dares look at her twice now be so cursed that he becomes as desolate as the nasty hood-rat made the Clippers owner’s reputation.
Oh, and the NAACP and all who’re affiliated with it are now cursed and due for time loopage as real victims of real racism, too…Then, eternal executions, all around, to protect the integrity of Heaven and the New World from them. Now, an award from the NAACP is valueless, worth absolutely NOTHING…They’re just rights violators along with the NBA and media perpetrators. An award from them would mean something evil now, so they robbed themselves when they joined the witch hunt.
Plus, let every penny made by an NBA player have compound/combination curses attached to them on cartoonish levels, making their families fall victims to violence and pestilence and desolation. They had no right to that ill-gotten gain, in the first place…Ungrateful bastards.
FUCK basketball, and the white devil cock it rode in on! No REAL Black man needs that lame shit designed to keep the weak-minded under control, anyway.

Monday, April 28, 2014

Clippers Owner's Hood-Rat Girlfriend Exposes Racism & Racial Inferiority in BLACKS

Yep. Just LOOK at the racial inferiority of all of those torch carrying racist freaks witch hunting that Clippers owner for having a hood-rat skank for a girlfriend. Can’t wait to see that nasty, ugly bitch in the time loops of judgement AS victims like Channon Christian, Hugh Newsom, Al Potter, Steve Utash, Autumn Pasquale (gang-raped to death by niggers), Colleen Ritzer (1 nigger raped & killed her) and the MILLIONS of 9-13 year old white girls sold to nigger dope-men by dope-ho mamas since the 1960s to be sex slaves…Yep, that’s where everyone Black who has a problem with that PRIVATE conversation (that would’ve remained private if the bitch wasn’t a nasty hood-rat) will be heading when they die here…They must be taught the devastating effects of TRUE RACISM and what they influence to happen when they witch hunt a white dude for mere WORDS while they ignore the violence being committed upon whites by their own color…
Cannot wait to see the light show from the asteroids those nasty racist niggers now have attracted to them for daring to speak-out on this issue while remaining silent about the REAL racism committed against the aforementioned victims (who’re more important to God than all racist niggers crying “racism” right now, combined).
We’re gonna buy some time loops of justice with that hood-rat being Channon Christian. is where to go to buy some loops. Best $666 you’ll ever spend…It purchases service beyond this Earth Age (spirit scan era), which no other entity on Earth can truthfully offer you (yes, the site is Motuphi’s and the avenging angels on Earth now who’re working with him to prepare the way for Lucifer to arrive pretending to be Jesus Christ/Joshua, the Son of God/Allah/Jehovah, for a growing season to be known as the “Tribulation”).
We hope the Clippers are so cursed for their participation in this racist witch hunt that it becomes unsafe for their fans to congregate to see them play…Now’s the time to close down ALL arenas where those RETARDS (sports figures) play…It’s obviously softening their weak-minds to an irredeemable degree (just LOOOOK!! can’t turn on the TV without smelling the hood-rat shit!)…To call that dude racist over that PRIVATE conversation shows their lack of education and their own racial inferiority and racism that they, themselves, harbor (this story exposes who’s REALLY racist and it’s NOT the man being accused of it or he would’ve gotten a WHITE girlfriend instead of an ugly-as-a-wrecked-truck nigger-dick-chugging hood-rat who’s living proof that you can’t mix the races or you spawn a nasty, fucked-up RETARD who should be stomped to death and not allowed to utilize the resources on this spirit scan now that she’s identified herself as “infected” and due to be nonexistent).
It’s kinda the dude’s own fault though. Everyone knows that a ghetto-fabulous hood-rat is gonna diminish any man dumb enough to give them the time of day because bitches like that have no dignity. Bitches like that have no business on the arm of a great man. To put a bitch like that on the arm of a great man will diminish his greatness in the public eye, EVERY TIME.
The guy could’ve (instead) spent far less money and helped Motuphi get his sexual reassignment surgery and transformation procedures and then had a real girlfriend with dignity who wouldn’t publicly embarrass him. Someone who probably never would’ve wanted to be seen with him in public and never would’ve diminished him and set him up for an ambush with her own hood-rattiness…
That bitch is out of touch with reality…She just does not “get it”, like those engaged in this witch hunt…If only it’d be fatal to attend sports events then this shit would never be an issue…
If Clippers owner dude is racist, then all who witch hunt him now are SUPER racist and will fuck your fully developed 13-year old white daughter and not even see anything wrong with it…
Naw…OJ, racist, as are his fans and supporters. R Kelly is racist, committing hate crimes against children that all Blacks who don’t have a problem with it will be time looped as (slurping that R Kelly cock for allowing him to be a hate crime committing against white girls PEDOPHILE). THAT’s fuckin’ RACISM, Fools; as is an entire race allowing them to go unpunished for their hate crimes against whites…
That Clippers owner should bring back morals clauses in sports figure contracts and get rid of the riff-raff, since he’s so “racist” (according to the REAL racist race-baiting bitches). Imagine it. Then it’d be time for all who called him “racist” to hafta go. For example: We wanna see Magic Johnson and every other racist nigger in sports who allowed this false flag event to expose their OWN racism against whites to STEP DOWN and leave sports, or be thou cursed and all that you love, too…Take those racist curses home to your loved ones now, retarded subhumans. Then, you and your families can just step the fuck up off of this planet, a spirit scan that exposed you as infected contaminants who’ll be time looped and executed to squash your inferiority.
Now, whenever a nigger says something racist in private, it’s gonna come out  and be publicized and any nigger that refuses to publicly witch hunt them for being racist in equal effort to what they expended on the Clippers owner witch hunt will be regarded as “racist” and a midnite club will be hunting them down…If the midnite club fails to deliver their grossly infected heads on pikes, then the curses will attach to them and all with their pigmentation who didn’t witch hunt them and the planet will become dangerous for them (factual prediction in the works already from Heaven). Watch for the asteroids those racist niggers are attracting to themselves, their families and the cities they inhabit (God is PISSED at this shit because Utash is still recovering from REAL racism that’s not being addresses by the inferior subhuman niggers who instigated this witch hunt).
Plus, it’s only fair for the Americans to know: NOW, due to this nasty hood-rat’s bullllshit: The sports franchises will be compound/combo cursed at cartoonish “per” rates upon the pennies not paid in taxes to the government on their ill-gotten gain, retro-paid backwards in time for every penny they failed to pay in taxes…”Render unto Caesar”. God never said that something like sports should be tax exempt…Now, those sports franchises must repay every penny they failed to pay in taxes at compound interest rates of 28% dating all the way back to when sports franchises first became tax exempt (where’s a bomb toting terrorist when you need one because that tax shit should’ve been VIOLENTLY protested and all games should’ve been attacked until they were required to pay taxes…maybe it’ll finally start happening now, we can hope, because we HATE those fuckin’ weak-minded, inherently racist, “cracker”-spewing, “nigga”-spewing bullies).
So, until the back taxes are paid to the Americans, look for violence, desolation, pestilence, health problems and economic woes to find their way into the core of the perpetrators’ lives and empires…These curses will take down those sports franchises if they fail to repay the taxes they never paid and we’ll finally be avenged of every indecent media byte we were ever exposed to by that bunch of retarded, cursed, nonexistent neanderthals. Then, America can focus its attention on educating their racist sports loving dregs instead of entertaining them to keep them as stupid as stones.
All due to a witch hunt started by a hood-rat with no dignity who must now be time looped as all victims of real racism and then eternally executed to make her as if she never existed to start this witch hunt…what’s also in store for the other participants…If this is done over someone we don’t care for, imagine the God-smacks in store for all who don’t address racism that caused the victimization of someone we DO care about. This retribution batch of curses was totally unnecessary, just like the witch hunt was unnecessary and uncalled for.
Now, they’ll also be time looped as the victims of the North Korean Holocaust that this witch hunt distracts from (it’s a dangerous time to be a racist race-baiting nigger, in case they can’t see it). Yeah, sports distracts from what’s important which is just one of many reasons why it’s not allowed in Heaven or the New Earth (but the sports figures aren’t there to distract us with their lame bullshit, anyway, so who’d play the dumb shit no intelligent being can stand to watch?).
Any sports franchise owners who want immunity from these curses may want to take tribute to Motuphi now…The level of tribute given will be the level of immunity they receive. If they sow sparingly, then they’ll get minimal intervention. If they’re generous, then they may get complete immunity…Motuphi is the only entity on Earth who can grant diplomatic immunity, which is why he’s in authority to punish all who’ve granted diplomatic immunity to humans who’ve committed atrocities against others under that immunity (they’ll be time looped as those victims along with those they thought they could grant immunity to…they WILL be punished, don’t worry). You can find site donation buttons to Motuphi’s ELMC company on various websites and blogs across the web. If they can’t find his sites, someone pasted the donate button on and he has a mailing address of POB 105 Grayling, MI 49738 where he reputedly gets his mail every week. Motuphi may refuse to receive the tribute due to the tax fraud debt owed by the franchise, so it’s not a guaranteed method. But it’d be worth a try rather than continue to stay on the compound/combo curses and “eternal execution” lists. It’d at least place it in their spirit memories that they developed a conscience once they were informed that they’re on a spirit scan and that they tried to repent and offer tribute to those taking over the world soon, which can help their redemption argument (as opposed to doing nothing).
For anyone doubting the reality of the potential for these curses to get dangerous, understand that Motuphi is a better rapper than all rappers in the game (ever) and yet he refuses to be referred to as a “rapper” or become famous as one because, if he never becomes famous as a rapper then rap can become nonexistent as the rappers are all time looped as victims of their “influence” and then eternally executed to be made as if they never existed at all to perpetuate that negative influence. Motuphi is not selfish or mentally weak enough to want to risk sabotaging that great work of God (deleting all rap) by becoming a famous rapper (then it’d hafta stay in history beyond this spirit scan because he succumbed to temporal weakness). If the ambassador of God’s, Christ’s and Lucifer’s conjoined end time agendas to Earth has too much respect for their power to interfere with the results of the spirit scan by acquiring fame he’s more entitled to than any rapper who was ever born then it’s an example we’d all best heed. Even though, had Motuphi just gotten famous before the gangsta rappers, then the world might not be such a wreck right now where a witch hunt can be instigated over WORDS while ignoring REAL racism committed with violence and be accepted as the “norm”…
"Yes, Dear. More inferior subhumans crying ‘racism’ over something that’s not racist, trying to deflect from their own inherent racism and weak-mindedness that has them hunting, torturing, raping, pillaging, and murdering ‘crackers’ for ‘sport’".
NOW you “see” the curses upon all sports fans is real: You can clearly SEE it. Their diminished capacity is undeniable in this instance. Time to cull the herd of all sports figures and fans before they can distract from OUR plights at the hands of their racist “sleeper cell” fans. That’s what the curses are designed to do…rid the world and the cosmos of their gross infections that has them witch hunting over mere WORDS while ignoring the atrocities their race is committing against GOD’s animals and white people they call “crackers”…
Time to put hidden microphones in Magic Johnson’s and all other racist subhuman sports figures’ locker rooms and in their bathrooms and homes (we can do this, don’t forget to include the media who capitalized on it)…Time to start recording their private conversations with OnStar and broadcasting them, too. A spirit of exposure upon ALL who participated in this witch hunt has been assigned to them now…We’ll soon see news stories about their OWN racism and we can grab torches to chase THEM out of sports and the race-baiting BITCH media (now cursed beyond comprehension, watch for asteroids, for real).
If only sports never existed…Oh, yeah: It doesn’t, thanks to their eternal executions and the time-space continuum making them be as if they never existed to be racist little self-entitled subhumans after they’re time looped and drained of spiritual life.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Obama Nails It About Himself & All Who Cried "Racism"

Get ready to laugh. A quote from a story online from the chief liar on this spirit scan nailed it about all of the shit the niggers in America and the mainstream media in America have been up to for DECADES:
Here’s what the lying fool said:
'When ignorant folks want to advertise their ignorance, you don't really have to do anything, you just let them talk.'
ditto, Obama, to YOU (you should know better, being half white) and all of the curse-attached-to fools who dare to describe that shit as “racism”.
The guy has a BI-RACIAL girlfriend (fuckin’ RETARDS). What man wants his girl running around with a bunch of niggers? Not even niggers want that shit.
Now, exposure is coming: You’ll see how many MILLIONS of niggers refer to whites as “cracker” on the regular and you BETTER cry racism every time any of those “racist”-crying subhuman niggers fails to invite white boys to THEIR functions and games…Or be inferior to the white man, yet AGAIN, like all who’re crying “racism” now.
We know that niggers regularly tell their girls not to be seen hangin’ with no “crackers” and they’d get beat down by their niggers if they dared bring a white boy around without their consent…but that’s not racism? OH, yeah, it’s not racism if it’s done by a NIGGER: We forgot about their retarded, whack double standard that has them locked into perpetual inferiority to the white man since the 1960s.
This is actually what those who’re crying “racism” over those stupid racial preferences of that Clippers owner are doing:
'When ignorant folks want to advertise their ignorance, you don't really have to do anything, you just let them talk.'
ditto…you said it all, Obama…about yourself and everyone who participated in this witch hunt against someone they transformed into their overlord in our eyes (and probably in God’s eyes, too). The old fucker has a bi-racial girlfriend. He’s old and doesn’t want his skank ho girlfriend to make him look impotent to the whole world, publicly…
We heard the audio where he told her, flat-out, that she can fuck them all she wants, privately, and no racist white man grants permission to his woman to fuck niggers if he’s racist against them (FACT)…But the subhuman, weak-minded retards are so fuckin’ racist that they took that response to her hood-rattiness that ANY man would have and transformed it into “racism”…Dude should become racist and fire all of his Black players in response to this witch hunt, which he has every right to do (they don’t think of that, though).
That’s okay. Notice from Heaven is this in response to Obama’s and the rest of their subhumanism and racism: “Since we had to witness this affront, we’re escalating the “per” rates on all sports and sports figures now…AND their fans…and the media.”
When this man’s statements are “racist” but niggers hunting “crackers” for “sport” and cock-blocking “crackers” from record deals is not racist, that’s when all law on Earth has become null and void and new law will be instated from GOD and Lucifer.
See what happens when you allow a mass mugging subhuman nigger into power? All niggers under him run amok with his level of madness and worse…Then GOD must get involved and start striking the projects with curses and the White House with curses and DC with curses and LA with curses and NY with curses and Atlanta with curses and Miami with curses and Hawaii with curses and sports with curses and interracial sex with curses and all who “influence” them to this level of retardation with curses and everything else that such subhuman niggers and Obama loves with curses, like their families and their bloodlines and their health and economy and their safety and their SPIRITS (to keep the riff-raff out of Heaven and the New World, where no racist niggers or white devils are allowed to go).
What a bunch of locusts that GOD must exterminate (by any means necessary).
Obama never gets heard anymore…Whenever that stereotypical lying retard speaks, all we hear is
"If you like your insurance, you can KEEP your insurance."
And, until that becomes truth, we’ll disregard everything else his ugly little racist mouth says as LIES…
If truth were vomit, Obama would swallow it before he’d allow it to leave his mouth…Never forget that fact.
So, if Obama said this white devil is racist, then the white devil is NOT racist because all that Obama says is the OPPOSITE of the truth…Undeniable, irrevocable FACT!
Obama’s becoming quite the race-baiting little nigger, isn’t he? Notice that he joins the ranks of Sharpton and Jackson by spouting off about those WORDS from the mouth of a white, but the VIOLENCE committed against a white overlord by NIGGERS in Detroit never motivated a response from those racist LITTLE subhuman race-baiting NIGGERS.
We’ll see how they feel after about 500-quadrillion MILLENIA of being time looped as victims of Black on white crime and violence like Channon Christian, Hugh Newsom, Al Potter, Colleen Ritzer, Autumn Pasquale (who was gang-raped by a nigger neighborhood), and MILLIONS of white children sold as sex slaves to nigger dope-men…See if they still think to associate non-racism to true racism after THAT…Of course, THEN it won’t matter because they’re already on the spirit snack assembly line, being purified of their gross infections they exhibited while on Earth during the spirit scan.
Plus, if they failed to earn their money with their own 2 hands (as commanded by GOD), then they’ll be time looped as every slave that picked cotton until they’re purified of that lack of good work ethic and have worked an appropriate amount of labor to account for whatever they had here on the spirit scan without working. God’s gonna get the WORK out of them, no matter what, by any means necessary…they WILL rise up and become equal in those time loops of judgement before they’re eternally executed and placed in Motuphi’s and the other avenging angels’ fridges as “spirit snacks”.
In the future, I’m at a table with a bunch of other spirit scan graduates and the table is headed by God, Christ, Lucifer and Motuphi. I’m handed a piece of Obama spirit snack by Motuphi and hear him tell us as I take my portion and pass it down:
"This spirit snack was a horrendous deranged tyrannical dictator who participated in making the world unsafe for God’s white end time Elect…notice how he has a ‘tart’ taste that came from being a race-baiting little bitch…There used to be Black people before they made God uncreate all Black flesh out of fear of it being flawed. "Black" lost its option as a color for people after God saw the inferiority of a whole nation of them during the final years of the spirit scan…They cried racism over mere words while they violently raped, tortured, pillaged and murdered God’s white creations and they tortured, neglected and abused His dogs and cats they were too inferior to be trusted to care for, too…So they even had to be time looped as those animals before they were pure enough for us to drain spiritual life from and make these tasty snacks from…it’s all they proved to be valuable for…ingredients for spirit snacks….Now try this Hillary Clinton and George Bush with a side of Mohammad the false prophet and a few of his minions…tasty, right? I was on Earth for the better part of 2 hours collecting these spirits to make these snacks…It was a hard day, watching them think they were getting away with being what they were, torturing, raping, pillaging, mugging, murdering, and crying ‘racism’ if someone didn’t want them around after having no conscience about that extreme level of subhumanism…They were vile…Had they not been purified with the time loops of justice, they’d bee too poisonous to eat…So eat up! I even ran them through the slave time loops to make sure they were good and pure of contamination…Even the Obama perpetrator finally worked with his hands as he was commanded to do, that’s evident in the taste, isn’t it? Took looping him as every slave 500 trillion times over to get rid of that stench of laziness he accumulated during the scan. Yeah, he was surprised to hafta be Kunta Kinte after having to endure all of those Black on white violence time loops and the Black on animal violence time loops…They had no clue what true reality was…Not even making fun of them from the future had any effect on them…Not even while we were making fun of them for giving us their wealth they laid in escrow when they became humans…Nothing could awaken them and make them BE equals to those they were inferior to yet claimed equality to…Ya’ll can feed your dogs and cats some of this, too…it’s safe for them to eat now…Let’s share the bounty, which is like dancing on their nonexistent graves because they were a stingy little selfish bunch of butt pirates during the final years of that spirit scan…they coveted and ate everything they could take from others and it gave me full authority to lay claim to every single molecule in the cosmos, even the molecules in their own bodies…that’s how I finally got ‘em…giving them the ‘rope’ to hang their own selves with and lettin’ ‘em think they was gettin’ away with their atrocities while they accumulated the non-tamperable, non-erase-able, non-delete-able spirit memories in all of those spirits, including their own, as evidence against them…"
The future looks mighty bright without race-baiting little racist bitches in the picture, doesn’t it? It’s as it SHOULD be: They SHOULD be food for the graduates, since they were good for nothing else GOOD during this spirit scan.

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